Best Nutes (in your opinion)

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Draston said:
Biobizz grow is (8-2-6)
Biobizz bloom is (2-6-3.5)

seems like their grow is just a tad stronger than FF but their bloom is weaker than FF.

I use Top Max for flowering too
I think the .01-.3-.7 BB has other stuff in it. It says it is liquid plant food.
I think the real problem is that there is no standard for nute companies to follow when reporting contents... They kinda just do it however they want... thats why some use .7 others use 7... they dont always represent the same thing.. you have to read what chemicals the numbers are representing... it would be a lot better if everything was labelled the same...
theres lotsa different things you can use each with different levels of success :D ive switched it up this year with good results.. i started with this fert. called "chick-a-poo" .. pretty good ****! literally.. once a month for two months.. a couple weeks ago i transplanted to 5-gallon buckets, gave them all another small handful of the chicken poo, and then watered it in with a light dose of a liquid food i have called DynaGro.. its like 3-12-6, where as the poo is 4-1-1 .. the plants are growing at a pretty fast rate, when i put em in the 5 gallons, they were 16-18 inches tall, now theyre up to my waist, and thats with lots of topping too, they have 8-16 heads on em :D i think its the combo of the two fertz, the poo is high in nitrogen, making for the nice deep green healthy foliage, and the liquid is rich in phosphate, which greatly helps the roots.. its only been two weeks, and theres already roots poking out of all holes in all buckets.. but i think you want a more nitrogen and potash rich diet when flowering is induced :D
The chicken poo stuff is a weaker form of fish emulsion which is 5-1-1... I got some from wally world for like 6 bucks.

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