Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

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Good Morning BHC :ciao:

13* and no wind:woohoo:
Good morning All,

29 and foggy. Happy Superbowl.

Is it too early to BIU? I think not. Join me please.
Im in Rosie and Duck,BIU :cool: glad Howie is fine,how is the fireplace coming,work work work.....go Ravens:cool:
:ciao: Good Morning BHC,
3* and very sunny.
I'll have a taste of that Rose :vap-Bong_smoker: mmmm jawanna'
60 and sunny here right now, expected to be around 70 this afternoon. :D Y'all should come visit. Maybe there's room in Rosie's fancy motor home...

I should get outta bed and start my day.

Speaking of days, I hope Kaepernick has a good one. :D
Hello Bonger buddies

going to Rays for the Game...Im also making another Ice Bong..ill throw a How I did up after...heres Kandi gonna paint her tail yellow:giggle:...ill take pics at Rays .Looks like the cheesel is ready your selfs

Go AFC...



Good Morning BHC :ciao:

BIU :bong:
Good morning peeps! Good morning Duck

That is the cutest ref ever 4U!! That Kandy is a doll baby. I love her. Oh yeah the cheese is nice too.

The fireplace is painted. The newly stained mantle goes up this morning. I will take a picture for you guys. Mr rb likes it. I think he is surprised that he does but he does. His TV den was the cutest room in the house, now I have a cute room too. And that BHC, may be the secret to a long marriage.

My big (older) sister is coming today from the hospital to recover here for a few days. She had surgery. We get along very well so I am glad she can come here. She is an hour away, I will go pick her up this morning.

Sorry if I talked too much, tmt, BIU!:vap-Bong_smoker: :vap-Bong_smoker: :vap-Bong_smoker:
Have a good time with your sis Rose

And tell her next time she does not need to go have surgery to come visit ya:laugh:

Have a safe trip

BIU :bong:
Hey all

Rose, I always wished I had a sister. Gonna give her a lil bell to ring when she needs something? Ha ha.

very good tv last night, esp the 2nd half. Funny watching during the black out.

Last week I chipped a tooth just barely.. I knew I was overdue for a cleaning anyways so I called to make an appointment. They said my last cleaning was April of 2009, lmfao. So here I sit, in the parking lot with an hr to kill before I go in. Maybe I'll go to the McDs next door for some healthy fried breakfast...Ick .

Ducky, how r u?

Hi 4u, os, fist, YYZ, and anyone else I may be forgetting..
I am doing good SmokinMom:) thanks for asking.

:eek: waiting and dentist, 2 of my least favorite words.

Hook them up with some onion and garlic:laugh:

BIU :bong:
Time flies when your having fun right SM? That is a long time no dentist. Sorry you have to wait. I have two sisters. I took care of this one when she had chemo so this recovery should be lots easier then that.

Duck, I am glad your over the bug.
:ciao: BHC

Coffee and :bong: this morning. Its cold! Indoor weather today.
Thanks Rose, I feel fantastic :)

I hope you don't get it.

How is Howard and your sis getting along?
:ciao: Good Morning BHC,
4* and sunny, got a couple inches of snow overnight, looks nice.
Rose, it's nice of you to look after your sister. I hope she recovers quickly. I'm sure Howie will help you.
:bong: :bong: :bong:
Hi guys,

Here is a picture of the fireplace. Seems like it took a long time.


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