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Beast Mode Autos..... ask about our flavors..
Bud of the Month Winner
Jul 22, 2020
Reaction score
Private Island
Hey everyone.... I felt I needed to start a thread away from the Autos so I can cover a few other fun things a going on.
known my neighbor across the street since I moved in here, cool dude, smoked a few times...
He turns me onto a half oz and could tell by the looks of it it was homegrown, so I asked him the next day... bro, how long
did you run this.. hahahaha.... within 5min we were inside his place and looking at his garden... 3yrs he's been doing this.
but he's blown up an entire room... so, now some plants will be sent to him.. who we'll call Caveman .... Hey, the brother is
68yrs old and has long hair, lol. cool to have someone close by to share with....

I'd sent to plants over to him... an auto by Repins seeds.. Wang Dang Psidium Pu Tang...

Remember the Pinkj Mango x Granddaddy Purple I was running along with these other autos and because she failed to show sex after 6wks
while the other plants are showing sex she did but never went into full flower.... she's a beautiful plant and will be veg'd into a
freaken monster.. check her out now.

and his 2 ladeis.... told him he needs to go ahead and flip his lights to 12/12 as one is well into preflower and can see the deficiencies she is going thru.
see the stress she's experiencing ... big girls to.
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My Black Oger Story....
Gifted Ghost Oger seeds from Barefrog up in Canada I of course shared half to friends leaving me 5.
I grew them out and some how never found a male to keep her around in seed form so I made cuttings and sent them out hoping they'd keep her active.. Hawaii venture is gone, think their region was affected by the Volcanic action.. but at least they are safe.
Meanwhile the cutting I kept and vegged, flipped to flower was brushed up against a Vietnamese Black F3 that was hit by a VB F3 male to make more of those, the Ghost Oger brushed up against the VB and produced 11 seeds... and again I shared a few out leaving me 5. that I sat on for years. Draig came along, reconnecting after 15yrs or so.... He grew the 5 seeds out, one died or just never showed up leaving 4...
Can you believe 4 ladies and not one male.... so Draig made a great decision and hit all 4 with the Celtic Stone F4 donkey dik pheno pollen... omg. this just may be the greatest cross...

Black Oger of Blarney Stone -
Ghost OG or Oger, x Vietnamese Black F3 mom
Celtic Stone F4 (Donkey Dik pheno)

PM if your interested in the Black Oger of Blarney Stone. aka... BOB. ha
Oh, I guess I could show you a few shots of the nugs I received huh? Draig was kind enough to chop the heads off of these plants and send them to me so I can both pluck seeds myself and test each pheno too...
so far Ladybug and I both are leaning towards #4 and #1.

BOB sounds Fantastic Carty!
How high was I the other night huh? hahaha.. I just wasn't sure the name should be left as Black Oger after hitting it with Celtic Stone F4 pollen.. what you guys say...

Also... in attempt to follow rules, not my strong suit.... I have requested to become a site sponsor... so hopefully with Angies' blessing and a bit of luck.. things will really take off for old Carty right here at his favorite site....
How high was I the other night huh? hahaha.. I just wasn't sure the name should be left as Black Oger after hitting it with Celtic Stone F4 pollen.. what you guys say...

Also... in attempt to follow rules, not my strong suit.... I have requested to become a site sponsor... so hopefully with Angies' blessing and a bit of luck.. things will really take off for old Carty right here at his favorite site....
That's great news Carty. Yehaaaaaaaaaa 🤠
That's great news Carty. Yehaaaaaaaaaa 🤠
Too costly for the little bit I sell... guess I'll go back to gifting stuff away to all my peeps and if once in a while they want to donate to me shipping costs so be it.. had one member send me a book of stamps for both US and abroad... how cool is that. not always about making a bunch of cash, I"m happy with paying a power bill once in a while.... or paying for my dang MMJ card the insurance just made go get $280 later.... ouch. but hey, I can smoke this stuff now called Marijuana.... hahaha
Never ever pass out around the Weedhopper..... hahaha.. Yup, I gotsta stay small and lowkey for now...

So, the other day I was able to do the coolest thing... I walked into a store, went up to the counter and showed them my new card and they said... and what is your preference today...what kind of high you looking for... here is our menu on a 10" tablet.... picked me out a nice 1/8th and paid their over pricing of $20 on sale.... lol. Not to impressed, but I do have to show some purchases on my card monthly.... felt cool driving home hoping to get pulled over for a change.... yes, that pot's mine.... has my name on it to... doh.

Man how times have changed, never ever thought this would happen in my lifetime....
Art Work.........

Some of you already know I've been trying my hand with painting lately.... Acrylics for now to learn my way
a bit before venturing out into oils... my favorite thing to do is watch YouTube videos and then attempt to recreate it..... done a few like that and had fun....

Decided recently to try something very different... #1 it's my first full size canvas... 18 x 24.

The Volcano

I have one more layer of red to apply and I think I'll be happy with it... my first attempt using a hot glue gun and I really loved using a foreign substance on it.... thinking of trying some bondo next.
Wang dang psidium pu tang auto over at my bro's

Pink Mango x GDP now over at his place.. listed as an auto but was not.. man she's big.
he's been pushing all her branches outward using old electric wiring he strips... hey, whatever works and he's an electrician so...
Pink Mango x GDP fem.... omg

Growing GDP Autos, I see it big time in this mix... her head buds are going to be epic and I predict she'll pull in a half pound by the time she is done. what a beauty.

.Dudes mystery plant.... he also makes his own lures seen in background right.

Another Mystery strain he's grown a few years now cloning her.. get to test her in June hopefully
Time for a weekly update... gonna have to walk all the way across the street tomorrow to visit and get some new shots... I hope you people appreciate the hardships I go thru to get you these photos... it's gotta be 50yards at least.. but, I leave with my trail dog, my trusty map and camping supplies as you can never be more prepared... crap, I forgot my pants.

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