first grow.. all assistance is much welcome :)

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Feb 27, 2010
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Hello everyone, this is my first grow and i would appreciate any tips or knowledge u all can share with me.

i'm using a 400 watt convertable ballast. currently i'm vegging in MH 18/6. the space is roughy 3' by 5 '. i have a fan blowing most of the day. i used MG, the kind that feeds plants for three months. they seem to be doing very well..

so far. i have no insect problems yet and i have not purchased a carbon filter and fan system. i know the filter is going to be a must, because the whole dang house smells lovely.

i haven't seen any signs of sex yet, as i check daily with a magnifying glass. for the most part i started some of the larger plants the first week in january. those were from bag seeds and they seem to be a skunk variety. i purchased some white widow seed and got them started around the second week in january and u can tell the difference in the size in the pics attached.

i would like to let the WW's grow to about a foot and a half, before i start to bloom.. how much growth will a plant in general grow , once u turn the light back to 12/12.. i understand all strains are probably unique. just want to get some idea, when i should start to bloom.. i haven't really used any nutes yet. only MG rapid grow once so far..

please advise and share some of ur great experiences :))









most plants double if not triple in size once u flower them
Yo Ho TonyA,

Hello my friend, sweet that your doing some W/W. I have a bit of experience now with that very strain, and would love to try and be of assist.
First Your babies do love that 400 watt, I know I use one of those too. You might consider running 24 hrs around the clock as your still vegging and that shouldn't hurt a thing, but it's your call.
Second, that MG potting soil will kill your W/W unless you blend in about 3/4 regular potting soil with no ferts added as W/W is very nute sensitive.
And yes your babies will add to their respective height by as much as 2x, so if your around a foot and a half tall with the W/W you can expect her to jump up to three and a half during flowering easy.

smoke in peace
I to would be carefull about using mg. I stay away from anything that says "time release". Especially when you go to flower and your watering picks up usually causes those "time release" crap to release all at once. But anyways good luck
say King, should i just keep going with the WW's in the MG potting soil and see what happens.? i don't want to disturb them now.. they don't seem bothered by the nutes yet.. does MG do some time release thing that would harm them in a few weeks or so?? do WW's need nutes at all?
You shld grow your WW's till at least they are sexually mature with alternating don't hve to but flipping them before then will do nothing to make them flower till then...

It's your call on leaving them in that soil...if you are confident in your transplanting skills I wld transplant them...but if you screw it up you cld hurt your plants...
so maturity comes to all plants when they start to get alternating nodes?? i'm not real confident with transplanting.. i've never done it b4.. i'll have to wait a few more weeks, to see if they seem affected by the MG nutes.. do they look healthy to u?
Hamster Lewis said:
You shld grow your WW's till at least they are sexually mature with alternating don't hve to but flipping them before then will do nothing to make them flower till then...

It's your call on leaving them in that soil...if you are confident in your transplanting skills I wld transplant them...but if you screw it up you cld hurt your plants...
Agree here, you started from seed and a plant needs to mature unlike taking clones. If you have height problems then trim them up. I think they have to veg for 5 wks at least I believe.
ok.. i'm about six weeks, in with the smaller WW babies.. the plants in the back row were some sort of bagseed skunk i had recently. they are taller and had a two week head start.. is it ok to give them MG rapid grow, ever two weeks going forward?? i mixed the small scoop they say to use for indoor plants.. i think it's less than 1/2 teaspoon..
TonyA said:
say King, should i just keep going with the WW's in the MG potting soil and see what happens.? i don't want to disturb them now.. they don't seem bothered by the nutes yet.. does MG do some time release thing that would harm them in a few weeks or so?? do WW's need nutes at all?
I wouldn't worry about screwing up the TP its easy.....just flush out your plants roots till that;s all you have and place the plant and root ball in whatever medium you want. Hers another way.

Start the actual transplant by rolling the plant's old container in your hand to loosen up the soil on the sides of the pot. Place one hand over the pot top so that you have a hold of the plant at its base. Turn the pot over onto your hand and pull the root ball out, keeping the roots as intact as possible.

Place the plant into the new container. Arrange the roots of the plant so they are facing down. Fill in the spaces left in the pot with the soil

Water the plant again so the soil is saturated but be careful not to overwater.

Place the plant in low light for couple days
TonyA said:
ok.. i'm about six weeks, in with the smaller WW babies.. the plants in the back row were some sort of bagseed skunk i had recently. they are taller and had a two week head start.. is it ok to give them MG rapid grow, ever two weeks going forward?? i mixed the small scoop they say to use for indoor plants.. i think it's less than 1/2 teaspoon..

I can't help you there....I don't use MG nutrients...I use GH 3 part
what is GH 3 part.. i know, ur wondering how has this nube got to this point so far.. lol .. well it's all new to me.. i would like to use the best nutes. in ur opinion, is the GH 3 part the best?? where did u get it?
TonyA said:
what is GH 3 part.. i know, ur wondering how has this nube got to this point so far.. lol .. well it's all new to me.. i would like to use the best nutes. in ur opinion, is the GH 3 part the best?? where did u get it?
u can get it at your local hydroponic store if u have one or online.. but here is a good link on a nute study by jmannsweed and it can tell u more than me
ok folks.. i set up a separate room for bloomimg. i have a 600 watt hortolux Super HPS bulb that is on 12/12.. i still can't identify any sex yet. the plants have been in veg mode about 8 weeks now. they are about two feet high and look healthy. should'nt i see alternating nodes by now??

i used the MG time released bags of potting soil. i only have used the MG standard fertilizer once, so far. can i add bat guano and a 15-30-10 nute now?? how many times do u add nutes during blooming??. a tablespoon of nute per gallon , every two weeks??

please advise.. don't want to burn those babies up know :))
TonyA said:
ok folks.. i set up a separate room for bloomimg. i have a 600 watt hortolux Super HPS bulb that is on 12/12.. i still can't identify any sex yet. the plants have been in veg mode about 8 weeks now. they are about two feet high and look healthy. should'nt i see alternating nodes by now??

i used the MG time released bags of potting soil. i only have used the MG standard fertilizer once, so far. can i add bat guano and a 15-30-10 nute now?? how many times do u add nutes during blooming??. a tablespoon of nute per gallon , every two weeks??

please advise.. don't want to burn those babies up know :))
hey hows it goin..8 weeks and still no alternating nodes.. thats strange.. i usually get mine by the 5th or 6th week.. i sure hope you have enough height in your grow space cuz those babies are gonna double if not triple in size on you once you flower.. so i would b stressing them if i were you.. i personally dont use time released nutes in soil like mg has in it.. i would say you would add nutes 1 a week to your regular feeding.. and 1 more thing.. ww is very very nute sensitive.. you dont wanna fry those babies so b careful and happy growing