first grow .. need all the help i can get please.. :)

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Feb 27, 2010
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hi.. i am growing white widow for the first time.. i have a medical majihuanna card and need to get my medicine going soon.. :) this is my first grow. how long did u wait to put the plants into bloom.. my plants are about a foot tall and have been growing six weeks or so by seed.. i'm using a 400 watt MH light. i can't determine which ones are males yet?? they seem to be healthy and growing fine. i don't want to rush the blooming process. could u give a few helpful hints please. thanks!! :)
depending on how tall your grow space is you could filp them now or wait a couple more week and let them get bigger how tall is your space?

so the plant has been vegging for about 6 weeks u say.. have they shown preflowers at all? any pistols coming from the nodes? or have the nodes started alternating at all?

once you have alternating nodes you can flip into flower whenever.. more so your preference.. the longer u veg the more of a monster u could potentially have.. if u see lil white pistols congrats its a girl.. hope this helps.. if u have any more questions jus shout.. some1 will b round to help.. happy growin
pic 1 female pre flower
pic 2 male pre flower

female pre flower.jpg

male pre flower.jpg
i 've been vegging for six weeks. have them on a two milk crate table system with one HP 400 watts light about a foot above the one foot plants. i can raise the light 3 feet if needed. it is growing in a spare beroom with an oscilating fan going constantly.. what exactly are alternating nodes ?? are they the second set of leaves that start to grow where the first set of leaves have grown??
ok.. well first, u said spare bedroom? how big is ur actual grow space?
nodes are basically the stem that comes out from the main stalk and untill they are sexually mature there will b nodes across from each other on the stalk..well when you have alternating nodes simply means when u have 1 branch comin out the main stalk and a lil up on the stalk u have another branch comin out.. they arent growing out the stalk directly across from each other.. they are alternating.. here is a thread with some pics that can explain if u are still having trouble.. jus switch the hXXp to http in the link
i'm trying to keep the actual frow space to a 5 foot to 4 foot area. yeah it looks like i'm getting alternate nodes, but still can't determine the sexes yet.. should i by now?? i have the light on a 18/6 schedule ..
TonyA said:
hi.. i am growing white widow for the first time.. i have a medical majihuanna card and need to get my medicine going soon.. :) this is my first grow. how long did u wait to put the plants into bloom.. my plants are about a foot tall and have been growing six weeks or so by seed.. i'm using a 400 watt MH light. i can't determine which ones are males yet?? they seem to be healthy and growing fine. i don't want to rush the blooming process. could u give a few helpful hints please. thanks!! :)

6 weeks huh...i wld think they wld hve shown signs of sex...any pics? how bout some stats on your grow conditions? sqr footage of grow space..nutrients used...etc
ya.. you can flip them whenever now.. give it a bit and check for preflowers.. if u get lil white pistols then grow on.. if u see balls then choppy chop:)
actually i was wrong on the type of nodes. they are regular in all the plants now. directly across from one another. can u begin to see pistils when they get a bit older and start to get alternating nodes?? i would like the plants to go a few more weeks , before flipping them to an HPS bulb and 12/12 light??
to hamsteer lewis - i will put some pics out this afternoon.. just joined the site.. need to get organized :) i love all this helpful info.. u guys are great! can anybody tell me if the pie tins actual are doing any good reflecting the light back up to the underside of the branches??





here is what i hav going.. hope they download without resizing.. :)
TonyA said:
actually i was wrong on the type of nodes. they are regular in all the plants now. directly across from one another. can u begin to see pistils when they get a bit older and start to get alternating nodes?? i would like the plants to go a few more weeks , before flipping them to an HPS bulb and 12/12 light??

ya.. u dont have alternating nodes yet.. so keep vegging.. and by all means if u would like to veg them for a few more weeks even if u knew they were female now, u can continue to veg.. its jus showing u signs of its sexual maturity..
thanks man. can u keep an eye on me in the next week or two.. i just noticed i was only in the introduce yourself forum.. i will try to post in the indoor growing forum going forward.. i sure do appreciate your help.. how long does it look like my meds will be ready for harvest.. 2 weeks before bloom and maybe 8 weeks in bloom..??
TonyA said:
thanks man. can u keep an eye on me in the next week or two.. i just noticed i was only in the introduce yourself forum.. i will try to post in the indoor growing forum going forward.. i sure do appreciate your help.. how long does it look like my meds will be ready for harvest.. 2 weeks before bloom and maybe 8 weeks in bloom..??

ya, most definately.. this site is so amazing.. hands down the best grow forum site.. u can learn so much here.. jus read up on alot of stuff and when u have a question dont hesitate.. there are more than enough ppl who have yrs under there belt and would love to help out a fellow grower.. ill b sure to keep an eye out for your thread..

nd your question.. did u purchase your seed or get it jus in a bag? cuz it should say somethin along the lines of veg and flower time.. if not u will def find some1 on here who has grown some WW.. and jus a tip, i havent personally grown white widow but from wut i hear about that particular strain is its very sensitve with its nutes and how much it needs.. so def do some research on here and happy growin:ccc:
tonyA insteed of posting in the indoor growing forum why dont you start a grow journal that way you can post pics and keep notes aswel you will find you get alot of ppl looking at GJ and alot of ppl = alot of help:)
either way it looks like your doing just fine
Yeah hve a mod bring this over to the GJ section...this way we can keep an eye on your progress and help if needed...
Plants look good...but yeah not mature. Your pm said the pie tins are for reflecting light back up under the branches...this won't help with growth...I don't know if it will hurt but the only real beneficial light wld be from top or sides or both...the underside of the leaves hve no way that I am aware of to use the light....
how do i get a moderator move this thread to the growing journal?? i'll look around to see if i can find out how.. i got the white widow seeds from the internet from a company in amsterdamn. and i have some that were from bag seeds from my last bag. it seems to be somesort of skunk variety.. wheeew sure smells..

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