First time grower Lowryder #2 stealth box grow

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Nov 25, 2009
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Ok so i have a very limited amount of space to grow a 18"X18" Cardboard box I lined the inside with White reflective paper i have a small 6" fan for air circulation as well as some holes i the box for exess heat/air to escape. i originally had a small cfl over the plant which seemed to be doing the job but then i bought a 12"x12" Bloomboss 14W Mixed RBW spectrum LED light. The plant seems to be doing even better now and since i have a little extra space in the box i will probably be germing an afghan kush ryder and getting it under the LED. The lowryder is now about 2 weeks old i will include some pics of the plants and my setup and remember its a superstealth grow and due to space im keeping the light about 2-3 inches away from the plant to keep it short and bushy.

as far as the pics 2 of the box one of the plant light was a little crooked i fixed it and this is the most recent plant pic at 2 weeks old sorry for poor quality im using my cell phone camera just wanted to give u guys an idea of my setup and plant

any tips would be greatly appreciated i will be updating my Growlog with pics and soon to come afghan kush ryder! let me know if u want some of the LR2s younger pics and ill upload em.




One suggestion I have is get rid of that huge fan, get some computer fans in there to save space...
Please post all your pictures directly here. I have edited your post to remove the off-site links.
I just started my Lowryder #2 so i can put it out in my greenhouse in two weeks
posted some pics of my setup and the most recent pics of the plant
your plant looks healthy, are you going to flower it with that LED panel? please explain your lights?
From where i bought my 12"x12" mixed spectrum LED

BloomBoss LED grow lights mark a major advancement in LED grow light technology. They feature a unique combination of light spectrum that are specific to all stages of plant growth. The BloomBoss technology combines multiple wavelengths of both red and blue light with a small amount of full spectrum white light to create the first all inclusive, stand alone LED grow light. This is a revolutionary step for LED grow lights which have previously been unable to act as the sole light source for an indoor garden."

According to bloomboss this light which has a mixed Red blue and white spectrum can be used throughout a growth cycle as well. Lowryder 2 starts flowering at about 3 weeks and im at about 16 days for my LR2 girl and currently have Afghan Kush ryder germing should be in soil by tomoro.
To any experienced LED grower how have your results been with LED lighting
especially if used to grow any auto-flowering strain.

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