From grow room to emergency room ??

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Dan K. Liberty

Blazin' like the sun
Mar 8, 2012
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Yeah yeah I know . . . safety first, electricity and water don't mix, don't mist the plants with the lights on, don't use a hairdryer in the bathtub, blah blah, real careful about all that . . .

Well, come to find out . . . water and electricity aren't the only hazards in the grow room . . .

See, I got me this big ol' plastic 20" fan, cheapest thing, you can find it at Dollar General . . . been using it to circulate air through the plants. It sits on the floor and you can adjust it to a low angle and blow air up through the branches . . . also blowing the lamp heat back up toward the lamp and out the exhaust . . . works great, love the thing . . .

So anyway, I was gettin all smarty pants with my mad self a few weeks ago, and I decided to pound a couple nails into my shelf about 4 feet off the ground and hang it upside down, so the air would blow horizontally across the plant tops and between the plants and the lamp . . . :rolleyes:

. . . it's been spinning a couple months straight now, and I was just thinking that I oughta shut it down, take it apart and clean it . . . too late . . .

I dunno if its the negative ions in there, a bit of a buzz on, or just my big ol' butt - but as I was passing it tonite, I bumped it . . . . just a bit . . .

Ya know how sometimes when there's something happening behind your back . . . and even though you can't see it, you just get this gut awful feeling that it's happening . . .

I knew it . . . I knew that fan was gonna fall

. . . and it was headed straight for the nursery . . . THE ROASTED-CHICKEN CLONE DOME BABY GIRLS !!!! :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:

No, I thought to myself in that 11/10,000ths of a second . . .

No, I am NOT gonna let that freakin fan fall down there and chop all my little baby girls to death !!

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :holysheep:
I sorta put it in reverse real quick and reached behind my back to keep it from falling toward me and the clones. When it hit the floor, the front cage popped right off as I stumbled backward and downward . . . . landing my hand right on the spinning blades !!

uhhh . . . . then started countin' to five real quick . . .

So anyway, it was a near miss . . . got a bit of a knick on the knuckle, bit of blood, but the finger is still there. Fan vibrates like hell now cuz it's outta balance . . . it would prolly jump right off those nails if I hung it back up there . . . . :rofl:

. . . but I won't. It can stay on the floor from now on.

. . . and one last thing, mister cheapazz plastic fan from Dollar General . . . you may think you can mess with me, and you can try . . . . you can even cut off my finger . . . or my whole arm . . .

but you will never, never, NEVER chop down my plants !!!

I will be taking care of that in good time myself, thank you:D

Anyone else who has experienced a mishap or near-catastrophe in the grow room, please feel free to add your story . . . .

growing is a helpful learning experience:)

shhh it's ok now girls, rest easy

I was setting up and HPS bulb recently,turned it on and just left it on the floor of the closet to see how bright it would get..with the closet closed..bad ideas..the bulb started burning the wood/composite floor and pretty soon my sister was asking me "where is that smoke coming from??".That thing could have EASILY caused a fire it I was not there to monitor it

Dan, mess like that is scary, but an eye opener, we learn how to see the **** before the fan blades make contact..and we either learn to take the fan off, or catch back the **** when it falls back down some how lol
Glad yual live tell tale my friend. Glad yur girls be alright too ;) Its funny how we all save somethin just to kill it ourselves be that way fur lot me animals saves them from wolves justs so as I can killem myself. Morbid in its own way but I eats good ;)

Nice save Dan! That finger will heal and you will forget all about the pain but if you lost your babies thats a pain that will never be forgotten.
I was using a 2-7/8" hole saw to drill out lids on 5 gal buckets for net pots. Unbenownst to me, the arbor was not tight. When the teeth of the hole saw hit the lit, the bit caught and jumped and tore across the knuckle of my left thumb. Cut about 2/3 way through a tendon. It took about 7 stitches to close the thumb up.
At the end of my first grow I had a room filled with about 20 plants, all came out to almost 4 oz each. I was as happy as a pig in mud and did a happy dance around the room.

I forgot I had my razor-sharp fancy Japaneese triming sheers in my hand. During a turn I leaning down and managing to drive the scissors into my thigh. Tore a 5" long gash about 1" deep - and filled it with sticky bud resin and green plant material. Was too scared about the resin in the wound to risk going to the emergency room (didn't know any better at the time). Still have a gnarly scar to this day.

Can you say "wound infection?" I thought so....
Every day i eneter my veg or flower rooms i manage to bang my head and cut it if i remember to not stand up until im completely in the room i then do the same to my shoulder or pull a muscle twisting reaching over my plants so i dont touch the stinking things.
All good fun though.
Dan that was a good funny story too.
Not sure how I missed this thread until now- luckily I don't have any stories to post. The worst one so far was when my T5 light came down and tipped over the plant and shattered in the dirt. Plant was traumatized but did survive.

Dan- so glad you saved the chicken clones! I loved that super creative solution. I ended up using Ikea totes and 3m plastic window film to create my new little clone home.

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