Growing bushier pot!

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It's about 4/20 again and as a stoner at heart I am starting my yearly Florida crop (End of April - Nov. [begining]) I was wondering if there were (and I am sure that there are very many) any methods on making the nodes on my plants grow alot closer together, to make denser less tall plants, keep in this is a completely outdoor crop so I can't move my lights closer and for a large part of there life they will be at the tallest point in my city (i.e. closest to the sun) but I'm sure you well groomed growers out there have some methods to make plants that are more bush than tree (or weed for that matter),

Until I hear from you,
The Philosopher Stoned
The only Idea I believe to help you in this situation is pruning. You can cut off the top 4 inches or wherever the nodes intersect with the branches. This will cause two more branches to grow where that was cut. I dont know two much about this though, You will have to look into a pruning guide (GOOGLE). We do have one thing in common though, both over our crops will be at the tallest point in the city. See I live in a city of more than 800,000 and i can see all over the city. It's great isnt it?!
djdarkmeat said:
It's about 4/20 again and as a stoner at heart I am starting my yearly Florida crop (End of April - Nov. [begining]) I was wondering if there were (and I am sure that there are very many) any methods on making the nodes on my plants grow alot closer together, to make denser less tall plants, keep in this is a completely outdoor crop so I can't move my lights closer and for a large part of there life they will be at the tallest point in my city (i.e. closest to the sun) but I'm sure you well groomed growers out there have some methods to make plants that are more bush than tree (or weed for that matter),

Until I hear from you,
The Philosopher Stoned

Hey,,maybe you can grow it like Grapes. Bend it over and run it down a fence or wire. I tied one down outside before,,long time ago. Had tons of Buds,,waist high.:hubba:
CowboyBudsky said:
Hey,,maybe you can grow it like Grapes. Bend it over and run it down a fence or wire. I tied one down outside before,,long time ago. Had tons of Buds,,waist high.:hubba:
i read a good tut on supercropping. check it out it helped me alot..
DaddyLove said:
How do you do this?

Come on Ladies Man,:rolleyes: ,you know how to bend her over ever so gently by the neck,,and hold her there.:hubba: Thats all ther is to it. Bend it over(Dont Break) and tie it down with something,,or put a wire mesh fence next to it and run her in and out of the mesh. Let her grow like Ivy.
Where was that Supercropping tutorial at I'd like to read it, thanks for the different methods I have heard them all before though, are there any fert (additives of anykind) that will cause the plant to grow denser nodes sights on the plant, and if anyone knows any not so known methods that would be great, keep 'em coming guys it sounds great...just to clarify, the "grape" method is called the Screen of Green method or ScrOGing, and of course topping a plant is called Supercropping.
just search it or do like budsky said . just pinch the stem and bend her over. just pinch till you feel a squish between your fingers and bend it over.
I personaly dont pinch (supercrop). Pinching slows growth,,which is OK if thats what yur trying to do, but I just bend her over and let her grow sideways.:hubba:
Just top her about 7 or 8 times through out vegg period and add in some Tiger bloom or some kind of bloom enhanser. Before you know it you'll have a nice short bush with bud sites every where...take care..
Yea top it a bunch. One time I grew by a five foot fence and all summer long I used a gasoline hedge trimmer on it to keep it under the fence. When it finally budded, it had a mad amount of tops and since I couldn't cut them, they grew way over the fence.:D
A few years ago I grew a plant along the south side of my house behind some garden phlox( about 2ft. tall )and to keep them out of sight I laid a long section of chicken wire on the ground, put a large potted plant on each end to hold it down and as the Mj grew tall I tied its main stem down to the wire. It worked great. At the end of the season it was 12 ft long and had humps like the loch ness monster. Trimming it was really easy as well as all the buds were on one side. I think this works better than pinching as far as stealth goes. I had people who walk right by it and never saw it for what it was. It just sorta blended in with the other foliage. All the different shapes, sizes, and colors was perfect cammoflage. (BTY, I harvested just over 1 pound dried ).
you should try lst. you'll get a large yield like a bush but the plant is camouflaged along the ground.
Yeah I was just reading up on the LST method it seems pretty promising when combined with an extended regimine of crimp supercropping to build more productive pathways within the plant, I also read that I could use a product called SPiNOUT, it's some type of copper paint, you paint on the bottom of your permanent pot plantholder, in my case prolly some large stones and fishtank gravel at the bottom of a 3ft. hole, the chemical inhibits vertical root growth so that when the rootsa naturally reach the bottom of your medium it gets a cue to start expanding horizontally, it is said to create %50-%150 the normal yield and cause the plant to grow very lush foliage.
Last night I planted my germinated babies, twenty in all, I'm really looking forward to this years crop.
The pots at the gardening stores are 11" pots with a capacity of 3 gallons, I was wondering if these pots would cut it for the LST/JOG method of growing, I know I seen in a tutorial on it that they used 10" pots but I don't know what their capacity was...
djdarkmeat said:
The pots at the gardening stores are 11" pots with a capacity of 3 gallons, I was wondering if these pots would cut it for the LST/JOG method of growing, I know I seen in a tutorial on it that they used 10" pots but I don't know what their capacity was...

I have never used anything bigger then 3 gallon pots when in soil and my plants are nice and bushy. I think you will be fine,,but I would let someone else chime in here on the subject before making your decision.;)
CowboyBudsky said:
Hey,,maybe you can grow it like Grapes. Bend it over and run it down a fence or wire. I tied one down outside before,,long time ago. Had tons of Buds,,waist high.:hubba:

This is exactly the best way. Plus, it gets those plants down closer to the ground and out of sight.
The main idea is, in a plant growing vertically, the top gets the most sun/light. But if you bend the plant horizontally, the entire length of the plant gets full light, not shaded by itself. Use a bent piece of coat hanger or similar wire to hold the plant down in several places along the main "trunk". This will cause all the side branches to grow UP at right angles to the main stalk creating many potential budding spots.
Bending the plant also restricts the growth hormone from going mostly to the TOP of the plant, redistributing it all along the growing branches.

Some folks call this technique "LST", Low Stress Training. You can start training plants when they're a month old, bending very gently. The top will continue to grow toward the light. When it gets four or five inches tall, bend it horizontally andd add another wire "pin" to hold it. Dont let the plant touch the ground, tho--leave an inch or more of air space bertween the plant and the ground.

This works fine in a grow room, too. Plants are trained to grow in a circle around the inside rim of the pot. This enables the grower to lower the light to the new much lower canopy--because the canopy is now four of five inches high rather than 18" or more. Naturally, lowering the light adds intensity, creating bigger buds/better yield.

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