haha i call it the "EDIT U" method.

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if u tell ur PO your refusing to take a pee test, First say, No, i know i dont do drugs, if u dont believe me EDIT You.

then she prob give u a courtdate.

what u need to say to the judge is

"U believed what i said when i admitted to doing the crime."

any judge will say

1. u have to listen to your probation officers request.
-and he'll have a deal if u piss a month clean ur off.

im a practicing lawyer, best advise.
message me, lets talk.

1. This is the most simple of rules. There are filters in place to block the usage of many words that are considered to be unacceptable in polite conversation. If you notice that a word you've typed is replaced by asterisks, then it is one of these words. Please reconstruct your post to reflect what you're trying to say, but without the word that was blocked. Adding spaces or other characters to the filtered word is not acceptable here. If you attempt to bypass the filter by using any means, it's a direct act against the rules of this site. The Moderators will generally only delete the word itself from your post. However, repeated occurrences of this type may cause more severe reaction by the Moderators who are entrusted to keep the peace here.

Simply put, cussing is not necessary and should not be used. If you feel like cussing in a private message to another member who is tolerant of it, then that's fine. The use of cussing in the open forums is not acceptable as polite conversation. Please just talk without using profanity.

(I hope I don't get a lecture on the First amendment ..:p)
kev said:
if u tell ur PO your refusing to take a pee test, First say, No, i know i dont do drugs, if u dont believe me Fu<k You.

then she prob give u a courtdate.

what u need to say to the judge is

"U believed what i said when i admitted to doing the crime."

any judge will say

1. u have to listen to your probation officers request.
-and he'll have a deal if u piss a month clean ur off.

im a practicing lawyer, best advise.
message me, lets talk.

well, i have 17 case's won. all marijuana. out of 18. but it was weapon and possision
kev said:
well, i have 17 case's won. all marijuana. out of 18. but it was weapon and possision

I know I can't spell and my grammer suck's but I'm a Forklift operator with limited education, you claim to be a lawyer and your spelling and grammer are wores than mine!:rofl:


Ps. I said I was a forklift operator I'm really a Astronaut!:rofl:
When my son was on probation for loitering with intent to consume a controlled substance, he had to take a piss test every month. At one point his PO came to our house to check up on him. She asked if she could come inside, I told her heck no. I told her my son lives here, now leave. She told me she could make trouble for my son. I said, so you gonna put my son in jail for loitering. Go ahead. Then I called my lawyer. Next day she was reassigned, and he had a new PO. Never had any problems with her. She came by once as well. Never asked to come inside, and never gave him any problems.
i say if ya on probation just do the tiem ya have on probation an abide the rules no matter wat, cuz believe me you them PO's can and do make some peoples lives a living nightmare. and it seems at times they can do just bout anythin they want here an get way wit it. or maybe it just that so many people lack knowledge of their rights etc. and yes even on probation you still do have rights as a human bein in this country just like every one else.
i say just be smart an dont get put on probation if ya can at all but if ya unfortunate to get caught doin watever for watever reason etc , just dance wit them or it'll start to rub you the wrong way. JMO
I agree with you about keeping a low profile. My point was, I'm not the one on probation, so don't treat me like I am. With children, things are a little different than they are with adults.
kev said:
if u tell ur PO your refusing to take a pee test, First say, No, i know i dont do drugs, if u dont believe me Fu<k You.

then she prob give u a courtdate.

what u need to say to the judge is

"U believed what i said when i admitted to doing the crime."

any judge will say

1. u have to listen to your probation officers request.
-and he'll have a deal if u piss a month clean ur off.

im a practicing lawyer, best advise.
message me, lets talk.


Still lol.....ok......familar with 806A ? chp 17 title 4 subchapter 1
If you REFUSE ANY resonable request that a P.O. gives, they will pull out the cuffs and then you WAIT in jail TIL your court date to explain to the judge why you said ***** to the P.O.,lol.
OOPs, did you forget to mention that.
What country do you practice?
umbra said:
I agree with you about keeping a low profile. My point was, I'm not the one on probation, so don't treat me like I am. With children, things are a little different than they are with adults.

i wasnt referin to you in that post umbra. lol i was jutst makin a generalized opinion was all on the whole probation thing.
im thinkin this was a response to me , no?
AcesUp said:
I wish people would use spell check.

Unfortunate facts for me at least;

1) spell check does not work on my computer, i don't know why

2) When i was in college there were NO cpmputers ! I actuallt learned short hand and used a recorder, yes a TAPE recorder,lol.

3) when i was in court and such, i still recorded and had the office people type it out.

:eek: :eek: I'm great at math though...............hehe
Still lol.....ok......familar with 806A ? chp 17 title 4 subchapter 1
If you REFUSE ANY resonable request that a P.O. gives, they will pull out the cuffs and then you WAIT in jail TIL your court date to explain to the judge why you said ***** to the P.O.,lol.
OOPs, did you forget to mention that.
What country do you practice?

lol i was waitin to see how long before ya got on this thread mrkingford. :)
here, if you refuse a test its just as good as pissin dirty an like you said they slap cuffs on an throw u in til ya court date.
hence wat i was tryin to say when i stated just to do the time an get it over wit successfully or a guy/gal will spend teh rest their life in the system after violations revocations etc, alot of people end up sittin more time on the istallment plan(lol :)) that if they woulda sat the suspend time in their sentence which was in exchange for probation.
that why i was sayin all that above.
Do not pass go do not collect $200. Once you are on probation you waive your fourth amendment rights. Any refusal to comply is considered a probation violation. Probation is to be considered a privilege, any violation of probation can result in you finishing the length of probation in jail, that's assuming no additional charges are added. I would think all lawyers would know that.
LOL, that code i stated was the ETHICS code EVERY attorney takes.
You CAN'T give that type of advice, plus he stated he had 19 cases, 18 MJ !!!! lol. I could explain why thats bogus in several different ways but my weekly nurse just left and she stuck me full of crap and i'm getting to tired to see these keys on the board.
One last thing.

Please be advised that the above 1st post is WRONG and ILLEGAL and if your on parole or probation, like another poster staed above, it's a PRIVILAGE, like a drivers license, you AGREED at the court to OBEY the conditions of your RELEASE to PO/PRO.

If you CHOOSE to listen to that, you'll regret it.

As a REAL attorney i can tell you to OBEY your PO/PRO.
zipflip said:
i wasnt referin to you in that post umbra. lol i was jutst makin a generalized opinion was all on the whole probation thing.
im thinkin this was a response to me , no?

yeah it was. no problems. Again I agree with you. The whole probation for my son was many years ago, but still leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I always use an attorney to deal with legal issues. Only a fool represents themselves, because of the emotional issues.
umbra said:
Only a fool represents themselves, because of the emotional issues.

That's 1/10 of the reason.
Would you exspect a judge to be able to walk into YOUR job and do it BETTER than you ????

These folks have YEARS of experience in school and the courts, you CAN'T beat them on their ground by yourself on lack of knowledge alone.

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