help please

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I changed out the water and add new nutes and here are my settings ppm 200, pH 5.8, room temp 75f 45% humidity.

My water was a little on the dirty side but not bad, so I am trying to find out what would make my leafs a redish color. The roots are nice and white so I don't know why they look the way they do.

Q: Is it ok for your roots to be in the water because some of the little ones have some very long roots. I guess it would be ok but I just want to know what you guys think.
I'm still learning about DWC but what i did was keep the water level close to the bottom of the net when the roots were small and moved it down a little as the roots got longer, the roots are huge now and i have about 2/3 of the buckets capacity full of water so there is a gap between the water level and the bottom of the pot
Quit giving them nutes--they do not need them yet. What it looks like to me is that nutrient water has splashed on the leaves and burnt them. Keep your pH between 5.3 and 5.8-6.0. A ppm of 450 is way way too high for such little babies. When the roots are established, I drop the water level so that a portion of the roots is submerged and part aren't.

Flush them with pH'd water and then just give them pH'd RO water for a little while--they look burnt to me.
I did what you asked THG and how many weeks should I just use pH RO water?

Q:I did not check the pH when I first started using just RO water could that burn the little ones?
I never though of checking the pH of the RO water I though because it was RO water I didn't have to worry because I was not using nutes. I guess you thanks for the help again THG.
wow maybe ya should just make it a bit more simple on ya self and stick to soil...
A person has to learn how in order to be good at something. If I just took the easy way out of everything then I would not be good at anything then IMO. That is why I am still learning the whole process.
The little ones are getting better and I will be posting pic tomorrow so that people can see what is going on.

Thanks to all that have been helping me.
They are looking good now and I will post new pic in about two or three days so that everyone can see how they look now.
UPDATE: 7/24/09
Sorry for not posting pic I have not had time as I have been really busy. I just add Nutes about three days ago and only used, a real little bit to see how they act. Man, doing DWC is hard but easy to work with and I am glad I am only using some seeds a friend gave me just to learn what not to do. LOL

These little ones have been threw a lot because of me and I hope I have a hang of things now. One thing I notice is my little ones are not tall they are full of leafs and some what short. I would say about 3-4" tall so I moved the light a little bit higher to see if they will grow a little taller.

I notice the stems are starting to get thick and starting to look good, I think.:D
Well, here are some update Pic for you guys to look at let me know what you think?
Temp in Room:70-75
Humidity: 35-45%
ph:5.8-6.2 (I check it every day to make adjustments but it stays closer to 5.8.)
Get that light back down.
TRUST me lol.
I did the same thing cos i thought mine were small, when they go into flower they will stretch believe me.
Its different with different strains but mine have gone from 1- 1.5ft to some around 5ft
I will lower them later today when I get off work.
I lower the lights and in about two or three hours they have gotten bigger.