hi im jeremy

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Alaska prime growing
Aug 24, 2013
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hi im jeremy and i live in alaska

i have been growing for 4 months now and have one under my belt
i grew a beautifull white widow

im currently working on a pineapple express and another white widow
unfortunetly they are under a bit of stress and would like some advise

i grew the first plant on a dwc recirculating and cheep nutes (VF-11)
now i am trying to use general hydroponics system and am having difficulty

what i believe had happened is that i nutrient burned them i flushed and re did the mix the white widow has started new vigorous growth and a bit of yellowing

while the p.e has done little to nothing but turn colors and drop a couple leaves
i have pictures i will upload but please and advise would be fantastic

thank you , jeremy

1-2013081grow 2.jpg

1-20130816grow setup.jpg

1-pineapple ex.jpg

1-p.e trunk.jpg

1-front shot p.e.jpg

1-white widow.jpg

1-ww discoloration.jpg

1-new growth ww.jpg
if needed i can get pictures without the grow light on
pics without light would be best...Whats the PH of your solution?...do you use cal/mag?
ok will do,
right now the ph is around 6.0-6.5 ii only have the test strips at the moment,
the ph wast tested before the nutes and after
i was thinking about cal/mag but didnt think i would need it.

the light is a 90w ufo
and they are in dwc 5 gal
with a air stone and a 5gal/h pump
air fan to circulate airflow








PH is a bit high...like me:D...and Im sure you rinsed that hydroton :aok:...I think you want the PH around 5.5-5.8
ok thank you i will at a teaspoon of ph down and by the look of the p.e. in these pictures i will add a little more nutes to them the grow light washes the colors out so i may have over exagerated but still good to know that there are people to help me
also i forgot to mention that after i saw the burn i redueced the next mix of nutes for the p.e i think i can put a quarter more in which in theory would be 3/4 full amount ,
ive heard mix talks about p.e being really hungry and a light feeder so i guess im on my own ill se what happeneds
thank you ive been looking for a more decent forum and this one seems to have what im looking for in a community and its not flashy i look forward to sharing more of my experience and absorbing as much info as possible
:welcome: To the passion, AKtrue. Marijuana Passion.:hubba:

Greenest of mojo fer ya grow show.


Howdy Jeremy, welcome to MP.

If you are growing hydro you really NEED a pH meter. Maintaining the correct pH is very important in hydro. The strips are simply not accurate enough. Test the pH after you add the nutes. You really should also have something to read your ppms, so you are not just guessing at what you are feeding them.
The Hemp Goddess said:
Howdy Jeremy, welcome to MP.

If you are growing hydro you really NEED a pH meter. Maintaining the correct pH is very important in hydro. The strips are simply not accurate enough. Test the pH after you add the nutes. You really should also have something to read your ppms, so you are not just guessing at what you are feeding them.

Yes I agree I ordered a tds pen and a Ph pen I don't really follow the strips my hard tap water is at 8.0 and adding the smallest drops it to 6 I add the smallest Ph down and walla!!!
Welcome to MP friend. Looking forward to watching those babies grow. Stay safe. :)
thank you i cant wait till these are bigger
hi guys,
sorry for the long wait but i have some goodies for you.
i have pictures from first week of flowering and some of today week 3 of flowering
all has been great they took off. was a bit of a hicuup with the cal/mag def
but i got that straightened out and they look beautifull

left is pineapple right is white widow

first picture is from day 13 of flower rest are day 23 of flower

grow day oct 13.jpg

grow day oct 23.jpg

grow day oct 23-2.jpg

grow day oct 23-3.jpg

grow day oct 234.jpg
thank you power i just ordered 3 more led panels and hooking up these girls to 600+watts of leds , bump it from the 90w i cant wait!!!
lol thats crazy as i was reading through and looking at the pictures i was thinking just that, need more lights lol, also iv used LEDs in the past and you can get away with keeping that light much closer to the canopy as long as the light still covers the area without dark corners, and with more fixtures its even easier to keep an even full coverage while keeping the lights closer, and reason being that LEDs while being great, i personaly liked the results with my LED grow, they seem to lack the oompf so to speak that a traditional HPS has, meaning the energy photons that the plant is using for photsynthises lose some of their energy traveling, so further distance from fixture to canopy mean weaker strength photos, if that makes sence, the wonderful thing about the LEDs is that they dont really put off that much heat, if only a few degrees at only a few inches from fixture, i kept mine around 6 inches or so above the canopy and got tighter more vigorious growth then when it was at 18+inches. just a suggestion to toy with when you get more fixtures.

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