High Output Lights?

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Apr 5, 2009
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Im not sure if my plants are getting enough light. I have 2 20w cool white flouros and one grow lux flouro. I have the lights about 1 inch from the plants but they just dont seem like they are growing as good as before. The plants are only about 1 1/2 weeks old, but they are not going as fast as last year, the only difference is the lighting. The lights are older and they are 24" long 1.5" diameter. I was wondering if I could buy some of the high output bulbs and put them in the same lamp? I am pretty sure my problem is the lighting because I can maintain a steady tempurature and humidity. Any advice is appreciated.
Looked up the Grow lux Fluoro. Looks like they max they get is 36watt.
So 76 watts total if you got the big Grow Lux. Those 20s are just listed at 900 lumens.

Not really near enough.
The better your light, the more happy you'll be
What flouros are best, I have acces to 48" lamps to support one plant inside? I have read alot about the lighting but am still unsure of what I will need. I want to get high output lights, should I get t5, t10, or t15's?
I figured out the T stuff I need t12's for the 48" lamp I have. The lamp holds two flouros and I was looking at these lights on buylighting.com, the product # is F40T12SL. I only want the plants to be sustained for the first few weeks with this light inside a box with about 14sq feet. What do you guys think?
Couple 60s. Or whatever the max is your lamp can handle.

Got a couple screw in bulb lamps laying around handy. Id be getting a couple flouros for them to and use them.
Mikey09 said:
What do you guys think?

I dont think you have enough to flower. CFL bulbs work well, T5 is the best floro bulb out.

When you dont have enough light your plants grow tall and spindly, if there just not growing I suspect you have other problems.

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