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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2006
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Just thought i would throw some pics on here, and ask how much more time am i lookin at here with them? pics 1&3 are the same plant

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yeah watch the trichs..i say a good month good luck and keep us posted
Nice grow. IMO about 4 weeks, but mainly depends on the weather.
Some nice lookin' bud there..... Hope the weather holds out for you and she smokes as good as she looks!
I'd also have to say about another four weeks or so. They like nice, your girls. I hope the weather stays warm enough to finish those off properly.
well thanks everyone... i appreciate it. i really hope the weather holds out too, i just looked at the 8 day forecast and its supposed to be about an average of 65 highs and 45 lows where i'm at, with about three days of rain in between.

Think they'll make it??
My brother still has a couple plants out. I reside in Canada, and some of his plants are still out (3 good frosts, buds just loving it)

Outdoor plants are ver resilient, they get cold nights in summer, so te cold is nothing new to them.

There's sometimes mixed feelings on allowing your plants to get frost. But generally, if you get some frosts, it's not gonna hurt you harvest or buds. Frost has the benefit of telling your plant when it's time to have a final push. Usually after two frosts you'll see all the leaves dying, they send nutrients to the bud to stimulate growth to keep the buds alive.

I've had buds go purple from frost. has anyone else experienced something like this growing oudoors?
banjobuzz said:
they're pretty tough plants, you'll be close. what strain?

i'm not sure what strain they are, i just ran across some good smoke around my area, picked out the seeds and planted them, i'm surprised that two of them are turning purple like they are:eek:. this is my first grow and i'm loving it lol.:D
heres a few more pics...

the one that's more purple is shorter than the other one unfortunately. pic 3 is just a bud on the side of the plant, and pic 4 is just a side shot too, i'm pretty sure it's mostly sativa dom... am i right on this?

oh and i forgot to mention i had some grasshopper problems (as you can probably see) with just about everyone of them( i've got 5 total).


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so i just seen the weather and it's supposed to rain the next three days, and its about 55 average highs, and 35-40 lows. some leaves already feel kinda hard and stiff but everything still seems to be alive. is bud production pretty much done because of the weather now?
About how long have they been flowering? Do you have anything to check the trichromes?
About how long have they been flowering? Do you have anything to check the trichromes?

i'm pretty sure i'm at about 7 weeks on flowering, next week will make it 8, i checked some of the trichs and most looked cloudy, not amber yet though. all of the hairs have turned mostly amber, some still a little milky looking i guess you could say, their not white like they used to be
Well you have two choices IMO. The first is you could harvest early. :eek: The second is try and cover them up with a plastic bag to protect from frost and rain. ;) Have you taken a small sample off any of them yet?

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