how long should i wait till i use nutes? :(

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May 18, 2007
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:confused:i have a seed i planted 31 one days ago but the first 2 weeks the seedling was just grown in some topsoil 2 weeks into it i transplanted it into some miracle grow potting mix which says it feeds the plant for up to 3 months i used about half a bag of perlite and peat moss in the mixture which also just added more to the mian ingredients in the potting soil so any way, my question is its been a month and my plant is only about several inches tall is this average height for a plant? and is the "continuous release plant food that feeds up to 3 months" really provide proper nurishment during the first stages in the growth process should i add nutes?
im new at this so i really appreciate some feed back
thanks! :)
NO waite,Im new also but if the MG says it feeds for three months,thats what it means,less is better then more i burned my plants from giveing to much to eary.thers alot of members on hers that will have more experince useing MG,THATS JUST HOW I FEEL,GOOD LUCK.
mastershake22 said:
:confused:i have a seed i planted 31 one days ago but the first 2 weeks the seedling was just grown in some topsoil 2 weeks into it i transplanted it into some miracle grow potting mix which says it feeds the plant for up to 3 months i used about half a bag of perlite and peat moss in the mixture which also just added more to the mian ingredients in the potting soil so any way, my question is its been a month and my plant is only about several inches tall is this average height for a plant? and is the "continuous release plant food that feeds up to 3 months" really provide proper nurishment during the first stages in the growth process should i add nutes?
im new at this so i really appreciate some feed back
thanks! :)
hey bro hows it going? well u shouldn't have to add nutes if u used miracle grow but u also said that u mixed it so how much of the miracle grow did u use cause if u only used a little there might not be much ferts in it but it also may be to young to feed it. U dont want to burn it out with nutes to much nutes can ruin ur plants. also sounds like ur plant may be behind on its growth do u have any pics that would help out a little. well good luck man peace
ive started growning this plant bout a month ago and it has been growing so-so without any nutes but im scared of using them and really don't know how to use nutes i got this dynamite w/e? it says to pour it into the soil and then i hear some say to dilute in water so im not really sure how to do this but its about half a foot long and it has nice leaves and its a really nice greenish color i just don't really know when to use nutrients can anyone help me out im really new and this is my first time i really would appreciate the help
also how do i post pics here? i got some pics that i JUST TOOK! but i can't really tell if they need nutrients im scared of burning the plants with them and my miracle grow says it feeds the plant with a controlled release w/e but im not sure if that is enuff for my plant to grow healthy i just kinda nervous that i dont mess up ;(
My advice to you is to get something organic and feed your plants. Organics don't burn as fast as chemical ferts. I'd recommend organic ferts to newbies because you can feed with organic nutes alot sooner than chem ferts. Try some Earth Juice or something from Biobizz. You could make worm casting tea. Worm castings WILL NOT burn your plants and is very beneficial. Good luck!
Let the ladies tell you when they're hungry mastershake. If you see signs of defficiency, then there's something that needs to be done... but if they're green and growing all on their lonesome, then you're probably all set on the nutes for a bit.

Good luck bro.

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