HYDROPONICS : Getting Rid Of Slimy Roots

  • Thread starter THE BROTHER'S GRUNT
  • Start date
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"As a preventative add 5 drops per gallon of solution each week."

Before I chlorinate everything, does this mean that it is ok to put the 5 drops per gallon throughout the plants entire life? Will this have any harmful side effects?
Useless said:
However, if you buy your H2O2 at your hydroponics store, most of them sell food grade H2O2 which is 35%. If you use the dilution ratios above i.e. 10 mil/gallon, with the food grade H2O2 you will fry your roots. Might as well try hydroponics with pure bleach for a nutrient solution. :D
So, if using food grade/35% H2O2 to cure pythium or other bacteria and fungii that can plague a hydro grow, use only 10-15 DROPS (from an eyedropper) per gallon. As a preventative add 5 drops per gallon of solution each week.

Would the 5 drops of the H202 have any harmful side effects throughout the life cycle?
h2o2 will kill whatever is bad and once it does that it will start to kill the good stuff. Better just to keep your rez cooler then to keep adding h2o2. I like keeping my rez in the 65 to 68 range
Thanks, really hadn't put much thought into my rez temp. I'm going to go google some fish tank thermostat equipment. In the mean time, is there anything out there that you would recommend?
I never have had problems with to cold of rez it is always the other way around, to warm. Between the heated room and the lights just never had that problem of to cold
There is a digital ballast that can run 2 bulbs from the one ballast but not sure if the magnetics are set up to do that. I would recommend getting the digital ballasts anytime over the magnetic ballasts as they are more energy efficient and more versatile. The dual ballast is not any cheaper to buy though than single ballasts. The only advantage to having a dual is for space saving. The downside though is that if the ballast fails you lose both lights. Having 2 ballasts will allow you to have still one light should you have any kind of failure. :)
215zealot said:
What do you mean by keeping your nutrient solution aerated?

Doesnt the water pump do this regulary? Or do i need to use Air stones or air pumps to stir up the nutrients.

I use a 150w f/t heater pump with air stone & circulation pump in the nutrients tank' can't go wrong then :)
hello, im back :) been a couple years (been busy).
any 2 cents here.
i found that if in your hydro you are using nitrates to chelate and you introduce an electrical field to the nitrates, you will create a free chlorine generator.
i found this out after adding one of those fish tank heaters to my rez.
damn near killed everything. it was a good thing the batteries in my Ph pen had died and i used a pool test strip to test Ph, i never would have figured that out.
my buddy the pool guy filled me in on the details. :)
i hope this may help at least one of ya.
I have this problem when my tank is full it seems to be way to high of a high tempiture, so me being me i added ice cubes to decrease the water tem was or is that a good idea? Also i had root rot and did what everyone is talking about scubing hydrogen peroide, and im not sure should i add bleach to to scub my tank before i reinstall it?plus i use at least 4 airstones for o2 circlation,i did do it i fond a remarkable improvement my roots started to grow norm again and i added the extra hydrogen 5 drops per tank after every clean out did i do it right,it seemed to take off with a good size outcome. 8 your help would be appreciated,as i'm going back to my hydro system i learned so much more in that situation that i could undertstand. Help
Frozen water bottles work and will not change your ppm's
I never bleach my totes after use. I will just hand wash them with chlorox wipes and then rinse with straight water. I then allow them to dry out entirely before putting them back into service.

You may have had root rot from the water being too warm. The higher the water temp the less oxygen it can hold dissolved in it. You just about can't get too much oxygen in the water as it has a saturation point and when the plants are pulling the oxygen out fairly regular, you have to continually refresh it.

You can add a little H2O2 to the water to keep out pathogens and algae. The ice is ok to use but as PC said, it will change your PPM. Better to use frozen soda bottles of water. I use 2liter bottles and swap them out regularly. It is best to keep your water between 65f-72f for the happiest plants. :)
thank you pc duck and hush puppy i would have never thought of that in a million years much more economocal and practable and i will use the handie wipes to very good ideas,boy you guys never fail to amaze me so easy yet so hard.thank you 888
I'm not starting a new thread as this seems on topic: I've had pythium but I don't want to use H2O2.
I think you call them bennies, beneficial something... Mycorrhizae, a soluble powder, pkg calls for 1oz in 12gals.
I read and watch tons o' stuff but no one sez HOW to use it.
Do I just innoculate new plants (sitting in separate bucket) or run it all the time in the solution c/w nutes.
new batch every week is another 10 bucks a week :-(
In other words, anybody else using it? is there a thread? a sticky?
I only use Mycorrhizae in organic soil grows at ¼ teaspoon per 50 gallons as a soil drench. Otherwise I just sprinkle it into the hole when transplanting.

I used h2o2 in my dwc and it worked great.
I only use Mycorrhizae in organic soil grows at ¼ teaspoon per 50 gallons as a soil drench. Otherwise I just sprinkle it into the hole when transplanting.

I used h2o2 in my dwc and it worked great.

I got pythium my first time out with these buckets. I tried to clean up with H2O2 but just lost my fingerprints :)
if these two get it, I'll go back to trying H2O2 again but I'm rooting (sorrreeeeeee) for the Myco stuff.
I am not a hydro farmer, but I have been using EM-1 this year for mold prevention. But I have talked with several hydro growers that use it in their grows. they claim it keeps everything clean. These little microbes are amazing. If your dog gets skunked, it takes the stink away. some people drink it for the probiotic affects. I have used about 30% if the nutrients I used last year also. It makes the plants absorb them better. I'm sold on it. made my own Bokashi with it. But back to the subject. Them little microbes will do wonders and is supposed to keep the reservoir clean also.
Let’s have a Eureka moment!
Did you know that Pythium fungi are ubiquitous in DWC/RDWC life support system? They are like buzzards in the micro world. They only congregate, colonize and thrive when there is plenty of dead organic matter to feed their colonies (sick, dying, dead and decaying cannabis roots).
Why do the roots die? They usually suffocate because of low oxygenation, low DO in the res water. That happens when the grower fails to insure continuous minimal safe DO saturations in the reservoir water.
Who causes the fungal infestation? The lets the roots die/decay and the fungal outbreak occurs and the race is on to kill the fungi.
The fungi did not kill the roots, the irresponsible grower killed the roots, the grower fail to provide minimal safe dissolved oxygen and suffocated the roots.

Have any of you ever thought about how to prevent all this suffocation this from happening?

Did you know that ambient air is not O2 and that providing plenty air does not mean nor insure that you are providing plenty oxygen (DO) in any DWC/RDWC life support system.