I Got Roots Finaly On My Clones,help

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I'ma Joker Midnight Toker said:
Hey Tom,
I don't want to step on toes, just hoping to say a day or two more isn't going to hurt, longer roots might do well for you. :holysheep: I do know that you will be observant enough to make the better choices for your grow, after all, it is your grow...take care and good luck.
thanks man ,,i dont want no won thinkin i dont want help i would not have asked if i did not want help ,,i was trying to tell people what i was asking is all i think some were thinking i was wondering how to clone our somethin ,,so i just want to let u no ur help and advise is definetly needed and used ,,and i thank u all for the help .:)
tom-tom said:
LOL im sorry guys i was not trying to get everyone all riled up ,,i want u all to no i apericate all the answers i was just trying to find out how long the root s needed to be before puting in soil ,,sory if i po any one off it was not my intention

I haven'y been here long but I can tell your a good guy, wonder why they pick on you...LOL, I have a feeling you have a sense of humor. You seem like a good sport, good luck and let us know how you make out with the plants...and I don't mean really making out with them although if it works I can turn a blind eye.:D
joker midnight toker is right dawwwg.
Listen to our advice, then do what you think is good for your situation.
obviously a little bit bigger of a root base is going to make a stronger plant than one with just alittle tail.
and i belive the roots that form on a water clone, are water roots!.
they will still have to adapt to the soil medium.....so if you have a bigger root base it would be more likely to survive.....atleast thats what i have always thought.

good luck tomtom.......btw where 4209 E main??? come on tomtom you should kno this mr. gps

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