I need clones

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New Member
May 23, 2009
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Im a new member & I desperatly needs some clones.
Can anyone point me in the right direction.
Im from england by the way.
well you can either find someone
you know very closely that will sell
you some clones or cuttings, you could
buy seeds from a seedbank grow them out
yourself then clone them or whatever you want.

even if you have a close dealer, explain
your looking for clones to put outdoors
so its not sketch
Cruise down to California, and get a medical script, England? Kinda narkish to ask people for cuttings without a Med script.
yeah us canadians can grow and love our weed ... LOL does anyone know if a guy could get a med script, because of seizures????
in canada?
not sure. im working on being able to
grow for somebody right now. I really
dont want the cops to trash my stuff.
DONT 'T BUY CLONES ONLINE! I got scammed by clones direct a online clone scam.

I spent alot of time looking for clones and eventually found a old hippie who ley me clip my own from his plants. Be patinet and inquire with people you know. It may take a while to earn a growers trust, but you will get hooked up. Until then grow bag seed, you can learn alot from growing from seed.
Sinisterhand said:
DONT 'T BUY CLONES ONLINE! I got scammed by clones direct a online clone scam.

I spent alot of time looking for clones and eventually found a old hippie who ley me clip my own from his plants. Be patinet and inquire with people you know. It may take a while to earn a growers trust, but you will get hooked up. Until then grow bag seed, you can learn alot from growing from seed.

What site was this??
i dont buy anything like that off the net other then seeds.
yeah us canadians can grow love and isnt hard to find our weed... LOL does anyone know if a guy could get a med script, because of seizures????
yes, you can get prescribed MM for epilepsy. my doc was willing to do it for me.. i never dit it though (i'm in canada (BC no less) so what's the point?)
pretty sure you need 2 different doctors to OK you though (your regular doc, and probably a neurologist)
kaotik said:
yes, you can get prescribed MM for epilepsy. my doc was willing to do it for me.. i never dit it though (i'm in canada (BC no less) so what's the point?)
pretty sure you need 2 different doctors to OK you though (your regular doc, and probably a neurologist)

i see, thats not too hard to do. ive asked several time if smoking it will increase me having them and my doc told me if anything it should help stop them.. so thats kewl. so i gave up the bottle
thedonofchronic said:
im trying to get a pain specialist to do it

ive have never asked or talked about it with my doc!! is it hard to get on?? i imagane it is. like i only have seizures.

This is the site for the DR I went to and the list of the ailments that they say herb can treat.

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