in a dilema....please look, pics

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Jun 21, 2007
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hey everyone!
i need some help, i did some research before resorting to having to ask questions, but my findings seemed to be contradicting each other.... i had a problem with the leaves near the bottom tuning yellowish, and they seemed to die and drop, after research it said that it can be due to a nitrogen dificiency, -BUT- all the leaves on the plant seem to curl under a little bit at the tips and edges of the leaves....after looking that up it said it could be due to Over-fertilization (too much Nitrogen). so this really confused me and i dont know what to do. If anyone has some advice for me, it would be greatly greatly greatly appreciated! hopefully the pictures help...thanks!!





looks like you are over watering to me or it could be ph or maby your light set up isnt strong enough whats ur setup like??
Does not look like nute burn to me, I will go with overwatering or PH problem like Dyannas son said.

Also looks like you have the wrong light or need to get more and drop it down.
i have a 75W (producing 1200 lumens) light on top and i took the other 15W light away so i could take the picture, but i have those 2 and as you can see its in that box surrounded with white paper. its in my closet and where i live is very very dry, i live in a desert climate, ummm, i have been giving it MG nutes in the water once a week, i water about twice a week, could it be the ammount maybe?
what kind of light is it? CFL? HPS? MH? flo?

if its incandescent or halogen then its defo light related problem
hey guys, in response to the watering question i water twice a week, or as needed. once with the water w/ nutes(MG) and once with the normal water. and the other question of what kind of light i have is both the lights are fluor. one is straight on top which is the 75W (1200 lumens), and the other is a 15W on the side, i rotate the plant continulously through the day so it gets an even amount of light from the sides
none of those.....all plants do that new leaves will grow to replace them,the first couple sets of leaves on the bottom die to make energy to grow new leaves on the top,u shoulda searched more cuz i posted the same thing a few weeks ago
With all due respect, I'm going to disagree with killer. The only time I have seen what killer has explained is with huge outdoor plants.

I have seen clones do this and usually it is from over watering or PH problems. The problem is if it is not corrected in time the roots can rot an develope all kinds of problems.

Test your PH, if that isn't the problem stop watering until the plant shows you it needs water and then give it a healthy drink. Do that a couple of times until it recovers. If it doesn't recover it may be to late. In my experiance over watering is one of the biggest problems people encounter. Let the plant determain the watering cycle until you can see the patern.

Also, try using a good amount of perlite in your soil. It does wonders.

Good Luck!!
i think you definitly need more light for sure. thats the reason the plant is spread so thin. those branches should be about 4 inchs together. go to grow journals and look at capones grow. he has the right amount of light you can tell by how well it looks. thats probably why its coloring like that. if i were you i'd give it about 3-4 more compact flourescent lights (CFL's). and get some Vitamin B-1 and use that on your plants. also if you didnt use good new soil with nutrients in it get give some fertalizer with N-P-K all but low in the last 2. but it needs that to be well balanced. but wait atleast 4 days before you give it fertalizer. the B-1 well help it come back or you can buy some super thrive instead but its more expensive. b-1 helps with roots too.
im not an indoor grower but , it definately looks like you need more light , or move the light closer , your plant is really tall but no real growth looks like they are praying up for the light. your growing in a pot its kinda hard to over water if you have good drainage , plus 1nc or twice a week not a lot anyway , i have found out that miracle grow bites , easy to nutriant lock out that little too, by over fertalizing. id try flushing real good,than water with 1 teaspoon epsom salt per 1 gallon water ,if it is in nutriant lock out this will bring it out in a few days . and do not fertalize for a couple of weeks..
overwater for sure,what about pot size?plant seems a bit tall..
light sounds like your dillema, get more! lol
Thanks everyone for your nput, i will make sure to do a couple things and fix the problm, the advice has been very much appreciated!

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