Male plants

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A lot of shit happens in growing!
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Just curious about your situation.
Yes, live and learn. Thank you, I hope I got the boys out in time. I was thrown because I haven't seen male plants in so long. I have one more that looks suspect.
Yes, live and learn. Thank you, I hope I got the boys out in time. I was thrown because I haven't seen male plants in so long. I have one more that looks suspect.
Kimp If I bought clones from someone who said they were female I would be pissed if they turned out to all be males.
A clone is an exact replica of the mother plant it was taking from.
It would never go full male if from female plant.
Could go hermie if your grow conditions were off.
No one harping on you
The fact that I did not clone them initially does matter because you asked if I cloned a male plant. But, he is an experienced clone provider. I guess it happens.
His experience is questionable. How the hell do you accidently clone a male unless you cloned a plant you didn't know the sex of. Which tells me he needs to stop smoking before he clones. 😁
Ok, sorry I'm lost and getting more so. Carry on!

Kimp If I bought clones from someone who said they were female I would be pissed if they turned out to all be males.
A clone is an exact replica of the mother plant it was taking from.
It would never go full male if from female plant.
Could go hermie if your grow conditions were off.
No one harping on you

I don't think you're harping. It's ok. My conditions might be off. I don't know why a plant does that. I'm trying to learn. My clone provider didn't sell me lots of expensive clones and I think most of my flowers will survive without too much damage. I'm old enough to have saved seeds all season long, and started my grow that way so I'm not freaking out. I'm a personal grower with an outdoor scene only and I keep it small. I was looking for info on when the pollination occurs and if anyone had this happen. Is it possible to cut clones before you know sex of the mother? I feel kind of lame for not checking for sex, but it's rarely an issue. Just have to see what happens.
I don't think you're harping. It's ok. My conditions might be off. I don't know why a plant does that. I'm trying to learn. My clone provider didn't sell me lots of expensive clones and I think most of my flowers will survive without too much damage. I'm old enough No Problemto have saved seeds all season long, and started my grow that way so I'm not freaking out. I'm a personal grower with an outdoor scene only and I keep it small. I was looking for info on when the pollination occurs and if anyone had this happen. Is it possible to cut clones before you know sex of the mother? I feel kind of lame for not checking for sex, but it's rarely an issue. Just have to see what happens.
No problem we are all herer to learn and have fun growing.
Ask any questions you need help with and we all will try and help you. WELCOME
Thank you so much. I live in a famous cannabis famous county in CA and it cracks me up when people who don't live around farmers, think you just throw your clones in a hole in the ground and you grow transcendent buds. But, a good, happy stoner makes not a naturally great weed farmer. It takes work and experience! Thanks for the help.