need a little advice here guys :/

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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2012
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i have 4 bagseed plants, not sure of the strain but i know it packs a punch. they are all clones, im growing in standard mg soil and mg nutes, bloom booster is what im currently using, im using a 600w hps lamp enclosed and vented, im having what appears to be a heat issue but the temp in my room never climbs above 80??? it has only affected one of my ladies though :/ im at week 6 of flower and i cant figure out what her deal i, any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance.


Not to sound mean or anything but that's poor bud development for week 6 of bloom. Miracle Grow Products are good for everything except mj, in my and alot of others opinion. Their time-released ferts will cause horrible ph fluctuations and you can't control when and what nutes (i.e. Grow nutes vs. Bloom nutes) are being utilized/uptaked. jmo but I'd steer away from them in the future.

as far as heat issues, is she wilting quicker then the others? What makes you think it's heat stress if their all from the same donor mother, yet only one is wiliting? Looks like it's a bit n-burned but I could be wrong. :confused2:

some sort of def or burn goin on there....
That looks like nutrient burn to me. The miracle grow soil and nutes are not good for growing MJ as they are waaay too hot for MJ. Need to know how often and what concentrations you are feeding at specificaly.

I also believe they may be stunted if they are in wk6 of flower(but that may just be the strain), but if the PH is off, that can cause lots of issues as well. In soil the PH does best between 6.5 and 6.8, But I am more inclined to think overnuting as they have leaf tip burning which is a prime sign of overfeeding or overnuting, and given that MG nutes are notorious burners...
no i was saying it looks like heat stress because of the leaf edges curling up lol, but i didnt know mg products were that bad, this is actually my first grow, hopefully of many, but i need to salvage these ladies so i can upgrade my nutes and medium, i recently switched to r/o water because i kept getting a high ppm for alkalinity. she doesnt wilt at all but they all stretched a little further that intended and are now being supported, the other plants are alot further in the flowering process. this is the top bud of her sister.

i think they may be stunted, i only feed them nutes once a week at recommended dosage, i teaspoon per gallon.
is there anyway this could be root rot maybe? im in 5 gal buckets and they never seem to completely dry out :/ like i said im a noob, this is my first indoor grow.
Stretching could be indicative of too much N or even a lamp going bad. Typically heat stress will, yes, cause some leaf curl but the first indicator is wilting or yellowing throughout the topmost leaves, ime.

Long blooming Sativa's will continue to stretch for quite awhile into bloom.
To me it sounds like everyone has a point here. IMO however, you have phosphorus toxicity. When you say Bloom Booster I'm assuming you mean Miracle Grow Bloom Booster 10-52-10?

MG soil products are generic fertilizers designed for a broad range of flowering plants and veggies. The Cannabis varieties we all typically grow, including the "bag seeds" your working with tend to be specialized plants requiring specialized nutrient applications. From my experiences MG creates more issues than it's value.

That aside, phosphorus toxicity can lead to issues with spindly growth. If light/dark times are consistant, the uni-foliate type leaflets your growing in the photo are also indicative of P. overdose.

Tell us a few more details about the grow and we can recommend some solutions.......What are the N.P.K. ratios in your soil? Is any Pearlite or aeration medium added? How high was the ppm? pH?


the soil itself is 10-8-6 or was, i didnt start feeding untill i noticed some yellowing, then i started feeding with 30-10-10 mg azalea camellia rhododendron for slightly acidic plants, i vegged for around a month and a half in one gallon pots, i switched them to 5 gal buckets, before i began flowering, now im using 15-30-15, bloom booster. the ppm in my water was around 350, and according to my water company this was calcium carbonate, i did use pearlite but i think i could have used a little more than i did, my ph from my run off is around 6 the r/o water im using is around 40 ppm with a ph of 7.2 and the leaflets are you talking about how some of the leafs only have 3 fingers? i was confused by this too, but thought it was because i used clones.
Usually abnormal leaflets point to irregular light schedules - specifically as new growth grows less and less leaflets. Unfortunately in your case, the buds appear well on the way to maturity - even if they're not quite as big as we all hoped. Leafs act as the power houses for growth. With less capacity for photosynthesis, the production will suffer.

Its difficult to say what the issue is here. If only one of the plants is having issue that particular pheno-type could be sensitive. I still think the signals are indicative to a bit to much P. Are your leafs twisting at all, showing the undersides? The complication is other included nutrients here, things like unbalanced calcium/mag can effect P. uptake - it seems as if your pH is alright however.......also, compacted soil can have some infuence.

When you mentioned your soil does not dry out, is it the bottom of the pots that stay wet? Sort of an odd question but, if it stays wet......does it smell funky? ammonia - mildewy?
EDIT: 6. IS A BIT too acidic but not dangerously so, imo. 6.3 - 6.8, ideally for me being mid road 6.5. You may need to raise the ph somewhere between these two numbers.
it does stay wet at the bottom, there is no smell, not even the slightest hint of ammonia or mold, you said compacted soil, the soil in this container is pressed really tight, like it settled alot in the container, and is probably inhibiting my drainage and probably not allowing much air to reach my roots. could this cause my tops too look like that?
Soil compaction contributes to not having a "drying out" period, in which the soil is staying wet and not allowing air to efficiently reach the roots for long enough.
Compacted soil could be one of the issues. The lack of aeration, combined with wet roots can impede growth in many ways and effect nutrient uptake as well. No odor is a good sign.

Normally, I'd recommend a standard pH balanced flush - concentrating on the color of the runoff. I'd make sure relative humidity is low and IMO I would add a mild bloom nutrient. Something with low numbers. Marine based nutrients are often chelated (meaning your ladies will absorb them right away) and cheap. Something like that may improve the flowering cycle and help them get to maturity.

The specific plant with the unifoliate growth will not return to a normal leaf structure at this stage. She looks as though production will be low but she can pull through I think.
If possible, try to test the pH of the compacted soil at the bttm of the pots.
i don't have a probe tester, i can only test the run off, i will raise the ph and see what happens, where could i obtain such "marine nutrients" i don't have an indoor grow supply store anywhere near me :/ i really appreciate the help guys. i really wish i would have looked into this a bit more before i started i would have definitely added more pearlite, is there a good medium that maybe lowes had that you would recommend using besides mg?
Most large retailers w/ garden centers carry some cheap, quality nutrients to improve your current grow. Neptunes Harvest and Alaska are a few brands developed from marine based nutrients off the top of my head - any kelp-based fertilizer may help also.

Some growers here have great mixes in terms of soil from Lowes, etc. I'm sure they'll chime in.

best of luck
I Have used MG organic choice once to prove that MG will work on another site . I did just fine, one thing when using MG is water activates more nutrients , so drain to waste / runoff isn't a good way to water , but rather bottom feeding the plant.
To say soil is to compact anyone grow outdoor???? soil gets pretty compact to plants seem to grow nice
From looking at the pics of leafs tells me a few good signs of whats happening HEAT and Light Stress is the issue above soil ,
The op mentions soil appears to wet or stays longer then usual this again is a sign of possible salt build up and lock up occuring ph is out to lunch

To the op not sure how much more you want to carry on with this grow IMO i would try to get ph in check break open soil to allow air in it to help dry
Next grow look for soil you can mix a bag of MG soil with pro mix or what ever you may find that is more in the peat bass and has more aeration properties
for Veg try to find something for food like 10 - 8 - 12
and flower you need something like this 8 - 57 - 47

Next grow look for soil you can mix a bag of MG soil with pro mix or what ever you may find that is more in the peat bass and has more aeration properties
for Veg try to find something for food like 10 - 8 - 12
and flower you need something like this 8 - 57 - 47[/quote]WHERE WOULD I FIND NUTRIENTS WITH SUCH NUMBERS? THAT SEEMS LIKE ALOT.
I personally wouldn't go that hot on my nutes, but if that is an organic setup its a little different. If you don't have any grow stores around then you can order online and have it shipped to your house. People do that everyday for MJ grows and for grows of all kinds of plants. I have ordered thousands of dollars of stuff from web stores and had shipped to my front door without issue. Some fear that LEO tracks this type of stuff to catch illegal grows but that is logistically impossible. LEO has enough crime to tend to without chasing every shipment of growing stuff to people.

Here is a couple places that I order from who are reliable, cost effective, and discreet:;;;

If you want to continue to grow in soil then do some reading here on soil growing as there is a load of experience among our peeps here. You will find a lot of variance among the group but that is because there is no one set way to grow successfully and effectively. :)

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