Noob 2 Cabinet DWC Stealth Grow

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Active Member
Jan 5, 2008
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For equipment I purchased a pre-built Personal Stealth Grow Box. You can find it on Ebay. Do a search for hydroponics and you will find a selection of cabinets priced up into the thousands of dollars. This was a price I could live with. Ask for a link to this cabinet for more info. While not a turn-key setup, it did come with a cabinet, an 8 light cfl setup, exhaust fan with a 21 inch carbon scrubber. It’s has 12 spots for 2 inch net pots, an 8 gallon tub with an air stone and an ultrasonic fogger. Here’s a look.

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My other project for this grow is a cabinet that I purchased at a garage sale for $30 a few years back. Everyone in this house has seen it for a few years so it won't be an obvious new piece of furniture. It's dimensions are 30"W x 20"D x 32"H. This will be where I will keep 2 mother plants of some strain at some point, and where I will be growing my small stuff. (Biggie Small and Lowlife Auto White Russian. This cabinet will run at 18 hours of light/6 hours off 24/7. The tubs are modular, so I can mix and match my grow for the current situation. I will also do clones in this cabinet. For lights I'm running 4 45 watt CFL's 5500K and 4 26 watt CFL's 6500K. I have a 120MM intake fan and a carbon scrubber with and built in exhaust fan. The carbon scrubber is running off the side and behind a computer stand. The noise of the cabinet fans sounds like the fans running in my computer. I have a 10 spot 2" net pot DWC with air stones and an ultrasonic fogger. Here is a look at it.



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My babies are doing well after some minor setbacks. As a Noob I knew I would make mistakes along the way, and I did. I had some trouble with keeping some of my sprouts alive. They either got to wet or to dry in the rockwool cubes. There is definately a process involved in getting a sprouted seed to produce roots through the rockwool. When they do get some roots down things seem to go a little better. I also had stunted some of my seedlings because they were to cold and my rockwool was too wet. After I got that straighten out the little shits started putting down roots big time and started doing really well.

I currently have them vegging in a DWC and I'm using an ultrasonic fogger. I'm feeding them Flora Nova 3 part at about 475 PPM. I have them under 4 45 watt CFL's 5500K and 4 26 watt 6500K. They see to be thriving. I have also decided to use a 250 watt HPS for flower in my other cabinet. I can probably use 8 26 watt CFL 2600K to flower them, but I want to make sure I get the best possible crop I can get, so I decided a 250 watt HPS was the way to go. My flowering cabinet is in my unheated basement and it is still to cold to put them down there, so I will let them stay and veg for a while in my veg/clone cab. I have also decided to try doing my first grow with a SCROG. In all my research in various forums it looks like a SCROG is the way to go for small cabinet grows for maximum yeild. I hope to have a couple of these babies turn out to be females so I have some moms for clones down the road. This seed thing is a pain in the ***. Attached a some pics to show you where things are at. There is a pic of my home made SCROG screen. The cool thing about it is I can buy different height legs for it. This currently has 10" legs. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated by this old grey beard Noob.

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