Oldtimers, has anyone ever seen this!?!?

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Herb Jedi
Feb 24, 2009
Reaction score
hello all, this is a plant that is 4 days old. Instead of 2 leafs like every other plant i've ever grown, it has 3. Take a look at the pic and let me know what you think.

I've never seen it before, but other people on this site have mentioned it, and I believe I might have read it somewhere else also. I don't believe the third leaf is indicative of anything wrong with the sprout, though.

I almost forgot, those three are cotyledons, not true leaves.
Thanks, yes the three round leaves are cotyledons, however the first set of true leaves also has three leaves coming up. any chance of an increase in yield? anyone?
Alistair Young said:
I've never seen it before, but other people on this site have mentioned it, and I believe I might have read it somewhere else also. I don't believe the third leaf is indicative of anything wrong with the sprout, though.

I almost forgot, those three are cotyledons, not true leaves.

This is all correct except this plant has about a 99% chance of being male...The only one I have ever seen that was female was posted by a member here, Bombbudpuffa.
it has an extra chromosome pairing. not good or bad. should be resistant to more and have more stable genetics. but not really to a noticeable degree.
I just took another look; it does have three leaves.

Well, I'd keep it and see what happens. You might have the luck of BBP, who knows?
Grow it and se how it grows, Use it as an experiment.
What could go wrong
Grow it out,its got whorled phylotaxy,a trifoliate plant that should finish just fine and might have 3 branches meeting at the nodes instead of the usual 2.

I've had several of them,all female incidentally so it's not rare really.

I think the report of them nearly always being male comes from Marijuana Botany and isn't right I'm afraid.
Everyone I know that has had one of these and tried to clone it, it did not retain the trait in the clones.
cadlakmike1 said:
Everyone I know that has had one of these and tried to clone it, it did not retain the trait in the clones.

I'll preface this question by noting that this is an area in which I am truly uninformed. Having said that, how can it be that the traits aren't consistent when cloned? I thought the clone plant was supposed to be identical.
winstonwolf said:
I'll preface this question by noting that this is an area in which I am truly uninformed. Having said that, how can it be that the traits aren't consistent when cloned? I thought the clone plant was supposed to be identical.

Ditto... I have not heard of this either....
Yo Ho,
A very good question about cloning. Yes one would expect to get an exact duplicate of what you cloned from, however, consider if you will that nature has something more to say about it than we think.
Take for instance the fact that a few degree's in temperature difference can cause a nest of alligators to come out predominatly female or the other way and you get mostly males. I see the same thing when I plant oriental lillies for they're good smell and yet by propagation alone I should have a clone. WRONG, I get the clone but with a variant, and that is the key word here a variant. A simple temp difference can alter the genetic choices that the clone has to choose from. Remember that usually only the strong survive. Even apple trees are different today then they were 50 years ago. Now most commercial tree's are comprised of 3 parts. The root stock, main trunk, and the flowering head.
I believe that one day soon someone will see some thing like those three leaves and maybe it will be the pre-curser to a super potent strain, or maybe even with a wickedly good taste, one never knows.
I also would vote to give it a chance at life. It will most likely grow out of what it's doing or maybe it will stay a little tweaked, and you never know right ?
Goodluck and here is some GREEN MOJO
for your grow :hubba:

smoke in peace

Folks, I don't know how to explain it but I have never heard of anyone being able to clone or breed this trait successfully. I understand that a clone should be a genetic copy but there will still be variants from plant to plant. Haven't you ever had one clone grow more vigorously than another?

I found this information on tri-foliate:Trifoliates or triploids are common to cannabis as a plant species. They possess three sets of chromosomes instead of the usual two. Approx. 2% of the population in Mandala strains exhibit this trait. So for every 100 seeds there are max. 2 plants. About 60% of trifoliates turn out to be males. From the females you have 20% with a higher yield than normal (due to the extra node and vigour), 20% are just under average, and the rest are normal performers.

Here is the thread where BBP talked about his and actually showed a mature female tri-foliate.


edit:KingKahuuna, you must have posted while I was typing, well said.
ive got one of these about a month in veg right now. Each node has 3 leafsets instead of 2, weird, but hey, let it go, you never know, it may be your best plant.
I have found that once my WW hit alternating nodes it is no longer relevant. She is a female and my best producer from the pack of beans, but I don't think it is because of this trait.
Here is some pics of what you may expect, i think its a male, most of the others have been sexed, but we will see.

hope this helps i guess.


I just this week chopped down my trifoliate that turned out to be a boy. I was hoping for a girl, too, but alas....
cadlakmike1 said:
Everyone I know that has had one of these and tried to clone it, it did not retain the trait in the clones.

That seems to be true Cadlamike as I've twice tried to clone trifoliate plants and the trait just doesnt continue,it reverts at some point to regular branching.