Riddle me this...

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Active Member
Dec 26, 2007
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So I have 4 plants in the same hydro aero system all from the "same" batch of WW seeds I recieved. 2 of the plants are VERY green, almost a shade of blue with the leaves curling downwards... Almost like they're over-ferted/overwatered and are taking up too much N.

Now the other 2 are pale green, with MAJOR signs of nute burn that starts at the tips, and has even ruined some lower leaves. These 2 have dark green "veins" and are perky, but nute burned.

Now first of all, shouldn't the 4 plants react relatively the same?
Second, how can I fix 2 different deficiencies sharing the same nute solution? I've added 50% plain water to the mix, and i'm sure that'll help.. but i'd like some opinions if I may. Thanks!
I would recommend "flushing" the plants to try and save them if you want to. Do this with a 1/3 strength nute solution, or even a straight distilled water flush or reverse osmosis treated drinking water. I had this same problem when I first started Hydroponic growing. It stunted growth for about a week or two, but when the plants recovered, they recovered magnificently!
sounds like 2 phenos reacting differently to nute strength/ph stress..lower ppm and monitor ph to keep it below 5.8...WW is usually very forgiving...
I overferted the last time I watered and had to do my first complete flush, but it most certainly won't be my last. I was amazed at how "dirty" the waste water was...yellow like urine...I have never added, what I considered, to much fertilizer...from now on I'll be flushing on a regular basis. My plants all perked right up after the flush...

Flush 'em and they should be fine...

soil can be easier, once you get it down, but I have been doing hydro for 16+ years and it doesnt get any easier than this for me...

GH nutes 3 part flora series, omit the grow component micro 8ml and bloom 16ml per gallon of rod water and keep the ppm at 900 and ph at 5.6--5.8...I dont even bother to change the res at all anymore, just add water and/or nutes at Lucas Formula ratio...My girl Snow White loves it...rod water is great, but tap can be used as long as it's mineral components are compensated for...

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