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Dr. GreenBrain

Legal Grower
Mar 8, 2009
Reaction score
Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum because I was kicked off due to a Nazi moderator. I received an infraction for something nearly harmless, and when I questioned why I got it, the moderator was extremely rude (practice what you preach). I then posted our Private Message conversation in a thread and asked the other users if they thought it was right that the moderator was a complete *** to me. Everyone agreed that he was in the wrong, but the last post recieved was from the douche moderator that read "you posted a hate thread, I win, Bye-bye". So now I'm perminantly banned, but I think it good that I am because I never would have found this forum, and so far I like it much more.

I don't normally cause trouble or badger people. I'm just here to get advice and share what little I know. Have a good one!


Dr. GreenBrain
i resent them for one reason, other than them being like totse. and that reason is they are ALWAYS the first couple results when you look in google but unless you reg you can never see the pics so the threads are worthless unless you join them. users to reg just to use high bandwidth features and are else wise inactive are just a strain on the bbs system anyway.
I rollitup right here.:rofl:..Just like everywhere else in come accross some you dont care for..never been to that site. and will be sure to stay clear..Hope you find yourself comfy here..This is a great community but like all great communities..there are rules..Please look them over while smoke this:bong1: Hope to see ya around the boards..until then..Take care and be safe:bolt::bong:
Dr. GreenBrain said:
I received an infraction for something nearly harmless...
Hey Doc, good to see you here! You have my curiosity peaked now.

Whadja do? The "nearly harmless" part is what interests me... hehe
thanks 'doc'.. 'n welcome aboard :)
they really aren't intrusive or hard to abide by, mostly simple respect for our members
Anyway, Thanks everyone for your kind words. I am already beginning to see that things are much different here. It seems that no one really has much to prove to anyone else, and the members are much more laid back. I had a chance to look over the rules, and I don't think there is anything I have a problem with. I look forward to posting!
lotek said:
this thread is the most trash talk you will see here aslong as you dont make or look at a thread about LED lighting.

Lol thats so true.... if you want info on LED's do a search ;)
lotek said:
this thread is the most trash talk you will see here aslong as you dont make or look at a thread about LED lighting.
LOL! :D i learned that first hand:ignore:
welcome to the forum, as long as you dont cut off fan leaves and smoke em' your good in my book! :D
lordhighlama said:
welcome to the forum, as long as you dont cut off fan leaves and smoke em' your good in my book! :D

:welcome: Doc!

Hey, Lama, I think you should start a new thread called 'Other uses for fan leaves' . Folks need to know what they can do with them.. You know, like stuffing pillows or insulation or using them in the morning shower as an exfuliator:ignore: :rofl: Seriously, there must be some use for them besides filler in my woodstove. I'm tired of getting my whole neighborhood high for free.

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