running ballast w/o cover?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2007
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I'm running a 1000watt MH/HPS ballast. Its already in a seperate room that my grow so the heat it puts off doesn't effect the temps at all. If I remove the top of the cover will this help the ballast run cooler and therefore prolong its life? Are there any other concerns to consider besides the obvious safety ones? I was actually thinking about cutting a whole in the top and mounting a computer fan to help cool it... is this even worth my time? Thanks guys!
I would say yes it would help IMO (besides, like you said, the safety concern). Or cutting a hole and adding a fan. Anything to reduce temp would be a benefit to the ballast. Heat is ballast/elec/and electronic parts worst enemey (besides water of course :p)
but what ever you do be careful ;)
bono said:
I'm running a 1000watt MH/HPS ballast. Its already in a seperate room that my grow so the heat it puts off doesn't effect the temps at all. If I remove the top of the cover will this help the ballast run cooler and therefore prolong its life? Are there any other concerns to consider besides the obvious safety ones? I was actually thinking about cutting a whole in the top and mounting a computer fan to help cool it... is this even worth my time? Thanks guys!

You may be even able to make a significant difference by just pointing a fan at it. Do not underestimate the power of the "wind chill". LOL. Good luck.
Running it without the cover will def keep it cooler and prolong it's life.
Only problem if you remove the cover is that some of the components might not be UV resistant and could possibly breakdown over time if exposed to the light. just my opinion.
Well after a few days of playing I'm very impressed with the results. My ballast is almost cool to the touch! I was thinking about a fan but I've already used every one I own for something purposeful and I'm not about to go out and buy another. The internal components will not be exposed to any light other then a few hours of incandescent and very little indirect sunlight. I think I'm going to try and modify the cover so that I can leave it on for at least some safety but still have it be able to vent. I was thinking something along the lines of hood gills... Just need something to cut the metal.
Really there is no need to worry, ballasts can run quite hot and be fine.
Sure more cooling is good but will you really see and increase in life?.......... who knows.
well i only ask becuase this brand of ballast has quit on me in the past. Not even 2 full grows and it died so I'm trying to avoid that while i scrape together the cash for a digital.

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