Soil mix ideas

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Just another lover of MJ
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
I'm putting together a simple soil mix but was unsure of the ratios needed. I've been searching some but don't feel like pouring through hundreds of threads to find the answers, so I was hoping some of you could help me out. Keep in mind this is not completely organic as I will be feeding with FF. My contents will be- Generic potting soil/topsoil, Sphagnum peat moss, Perlite, Worm Castings, and Dolomite Lime Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Happy growing\

take care and be safe
why not just use FF Ocean Forest soil...since you're already using their nute line
This is just my opinion but if your going to use chemical fertilizer then the ammendments that you want to put in will be wasted as they need to be chelated in the soil before they are available to the plants and the microbes that do the chelation will be wiped out by the chemical nutes. If you are going chem nute then it doesn't matter what kind of soil you use. Like Buddog said, yer just as well with FFOF.

If you want to mix up yer own soil and add ammendments to it then you are half way to organic just go all the way and get an organic mix and ammend it with some root innoculant like ZHO or Mychorrizae which will add in the microbes that you need to create a nice herd for nutrient chelation.

Many times people try to combine organic and chem nutes into a hybrid and while it will work, IMO, it is not as effective as doing one or the other.
Where yual callin yur bushline pilgrem? Ifin yur cold cunuck be mixin simple this side and gots recipie fur it might be willin to share ;)

While I agree that FFOF is a good soil, have used it on a couple of grows, it is not readily available to me and is super expensive to have shipped,more so than it costs. I figured I could mix up something that could be somewhere between FFOF and plain topsoil. I'm a hobbyist indoor closet grower, and while I appreciate the comments, not one of you answered my question, you just criticized what I'm doing with making my own soil mix and using chem fertz. What happened to this forum? I would just appreciate a suggested ratio of the things I'm using in a mix. Pretty sure I saw something about this when I joined 5 yrs ago, just can't find it. Final note: I'm not trying to be rude, I understand you guys are just trying to help me grow the best possible stuff, however I would appreciate this thread staying on point and not drifting into grow techniques etc.
budbob said:
I'm putting together a simple soil mix but was unsure of the ratios needed. I've been searching some but don't feel like pouring through hundreds of threads to find the answers, so I was hoping some of you could help me out. Keep in mind this is not completely organic as I will be feeding with FF. My contents will be- Generic potting soil/topsoil, Sphagnum peat moss, Perlite, Worm Castings, and Dolomite Lime Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

if your only using potting soil, peat moss, perlite, worm castings, and dolomite lime, then its really up to you. the lime is the only one of those that needs to be used in moderation. every bag of lime has a reccomended dosage on the bag/box that it comes in. the rest can be mixed in any ratio you like.

ohh and nothing happened to this forum. your just bad at taking criticism
Ditch the Sphagnum peat moss. Throw in some alfalfa and mycrohiaze.

i really have had EXCELLENT results using mushroom compost, perlite, cow compost (quality brand), vermeculite and a a good handful of dolomite lime per every 3-4 bags i add. adding ratios in ordered listed.....

if its highly arreated and you add beneficial bacteria you will have a way better result.

using compost teas using the manure and composts are easy and lower in n-p-k so its harder to burn um unless yer adding something hot like chicken poo.

fish emoulsion although stinky works really well as long as it is water in really well.

Thanks everyone, I think I've worked out something I can live with. I realize I came off a little harsh in my comment yesterday and I apologize. I was just frustrated no one had addressed my inquiry, and I didn't really understand the need for criticism as I just wanted some ideas on soil mixing. But no worries, I appreciate the suggestions and bringing the root zone stuff to my attention. Thanks again and happy growing!
you know you can make pretty nice soil with very little amendments
this what i have been using for a while know with great results

Pro-mix BX , sheep manure, sea compost, rabbit manure, perlite, sand as well as few bags of organic soil all mixed well

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