spider mites

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Spider mites?

  • Never had 'em!

  • Had them once but treated them and haven't seen them since

  • Currently battling but generally winning

  • I just live with them. They are a fact of life.

  • Currently battling but generally losing.

  • They ruined me!

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Confirmed tonight: I have found spider mites. My first go with them, personally. (Haven't done much indoor in my life, mostly outdoor and never had a problem.) I think I am a little in shock. It is almost like an afront to my personal cleanliness and house keeping skills. To sooth my burned and withered ego I thought I might find out just how prevelent these little bat-turds are. I am hoping for responces from anybody, especially the bigger indoor gurus here @ MP.
It happens nv, what are you going to use on them? I got some insect soap and only thing it cant handle is those dang fungus gnats.
I hear ya Kali. Just bummed, thats all. I started with pyrethrin tonight. Tomorrow I will call my best bud. He works for a local pest control & ag company that deals in organics and see what kinda fun stuff he's got.
Hey Kali, don't forget to vote man..
fungus gnats dont stand a chance in my room,haha:).as for any other bugs i have yet to have a problem and im a week from harvest.
Of course, you don't have to take my word for it.-LeVar Burton
LOL reading rainbow right, hahaha nv may those little buggers burn in hellfire. If they want weed let em grow their own.
hey nv...I battle them all the time..I grow in a shed out back and am allways battleing them..i had went threw a bad case early this grow..I use a variaty of weapons..them nasty things get use to one thing..I use neem oil Religiously..every time i think they need it:rofl: and Have Dr Doom Bombs ready. I like to use Lady bugs as well..raise the Humidity up they dont care for that..There is no way to elliminate them for good..thats why I voted just live with them..I too blamed my house keeping on the bad infestation I had..but am now back on top of it..thanks for the thread...oh and whoever was battleing knats..if you grow in soil..try putting an inch of perlite on the top of container.Knats live and bread in moist soil..perlite dries fast and them buggies can't make it to the moist soil...another thing is water from the bottom....then the top of soil dont get moist..just my Thaughts...Take Care and Be Safe:bolt::bong:
i had them once for about 5 years until i bought this stuff 3.95 per made up litre of spray 5 + monhs ago i misted plants and never seen one since:holysheep: :D

Avid rocks. The idea is diligence in rotation. I have about 4 plants left with them and about 50 that are unaffected in veg. The only thing that sucks is battling them in flower. When they are small and in veg you can just dunk them in Avid, it kills them trust me. I usually then follow them up in about 5 days with a spray of Safer's soap, then wait 4 days and Dr. Doom fogger the rooms. So far this has killed all of them in my veg room and has kept the one's in flower at bay. When I harvest this go I should be completely bug free.
Joe I looked for that stuff but it seems to only be available in the UK. I wanted to try it but you can not even get it shipped State side.
Whats up Nvthis. Sounds like it's your turn with the little bastids.

Next time you go to the Bay, go by Envirionmental Concepts in Berkeley. Ask for Avid. Also see if they have neem oil.

You can win your battle, but it takes dilligence. Whatever treatment u use man, reuse it again no more then 4 days after your initial "attack". Then switch up your treatment and do it again after 4 days. Then again after 4 more days.
I would continue to treat your plants until you are a couple of weeks into 12/12.
Nothing will destroy your harvest faster then an out of control Mite infestation.
NorCalHal said:
Whats up Nvthis. Sounds like it's your turn with the little bastids.

Next time you go to the Bay, go by Envirionmental Concepts in Berkeley. Ask for Avid. Also see if they have neem oil.

You can win your battle, but it takes dilligence. Whatever treatment u use man, reuse it again no more then 4 days after your initial "attack". Then switch up your treatment and do it again after 4 days. Then again after 4 more days.
I would continue to treat your plants until you are a couple of weeks into 12/12.
Nothing will destroy your harvest faster then an out of control Mite infestation.
NorCalHal said:
Whats up Nvthis. Sounds like it's your turn with the little bastids.

Next time you go to the Bay, go by Envirionmental Concepts in Berkeley. Ask for Avid. Also see if they have neem oil.

You can win your battle, but it takes dilligence. Whatever treatment u use man, reuse it again no more then 4 days after your initial "attack". Then switch up your treatment and do it again after 4 days. Then again after 4 more days.
I would continue to treat your plants until you are a couple of weeks into 12/12.
Nothing will destroy your harvest faster then an out of control Mite infestation.

Avid for the win!
Wow! More than half of you indoor guys have never had them? Now I really feel terrible!! :rofl: Seriously, I clipped the branch they were on, nuked my room with pyrethroids to the point that I have some leaf wilt today (ouch) and this weekend I will hit them with everthing I've got. My buddy says he has a real good organic miticide but it has a clay carrier. This means that once it dries it will leave a 'light' layer of dust on everything. I dunno.... I am gonna ask him about the duration of modern systemics. I know, everyone just cringed... But I was only gonna ask. I mean if the effective duration is only 5 or 6 weeks it might be reasonable for a mother plant. Then again it could just be a really poor idea. No harm in asking. Back in the day when I worked pest and ag the systemics we used were really nasty. Anyone ever try a layer of cedar or better yet, eucalyptus chips over their soil as a deterent?
no short lived systemics. I figured as much. Oh well, crappy idea anyway.
I bombed with pyrthrum couple years ago and was clean until just recently after switching to soil. Only idea of how I got em was they were in the dirt I bought or the dogs possibly carried em in. Really sux as I'm 5 weeks into flower. I've bombed twice in the last 10 days, we'll see what happens. Still lots of eggs all over. Kinda weird but they're all on just one of my 6 that are touching each other. Thats a good thing though :D
I had them once 10 yrs ago, i got a few clones from a friend and they had the begining of mites was able to quarintine them and after a couple weeks got rid of them thank god and never have seen them since...knock on wood lol...:D
I am pretty sure I got mine from some african violets that were brought into the house. Little bastards have been there since Sept. I am pretty sure I just harvested the last four infected plants. My buddy said he will smoke them buggers no problem.:D

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