Stretching/Vertical Growth?

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Roddy said:
Currently in process of moving my bud rooms to two 10'x14'x10' rooms, will be trying to grow 7' tall plants...we'll see how this works! ;)

I am curious why anyone would want to try and grow a 7' plants indoors? No matter what kind of light you have, the bottom half of your plant is not going to get good light. I don't see an upside here?
The Hemp Goddess said:
I am curious why anyone would want to try and grow a 7' plants indoors? No matter what kind of light you have, the bottom half of your plant is not going to get good light. I don't see an upside here?

But I sure would like to see it done right.;)
I dunno, but the 6' I grew produced a nice 9.5 oz of killer dope. Like I said, we'll experiment and see.....

Have a 3' tall trainwreck I've been training out a bit, will veg her a few more weeks to see how tall we can go!
Hick said: I hope that answered 'your' question satisfactory. Any chance of you returning the courtesy?..;)

10X14 is going to require somewhere around seven 1k hids for coverage..

At double the distance, the same light spreading out through clear air without being absorbed, falls on four times the area at double the distance but gives only a quarter of the illumination.
This is why we don't often see 7 foot tall plants indoors.

Sure Hick...what's the question?

I hope I'm not irking anyone, my intent is to learn and to grow big yields. Knowing the room I currently am in couldn't hold more than 4 plants the size of the Kandy Kush I recently harvested (beautiful plant I might add, as green at harvest as the day I took her from veg as opposed to the shorter Northern Lights and Pineapple Express which both had a severe cal/mag def), I have no choice bit to move up in size if I am to bud more than 4 plants at a time. I don't necessarily have to use the full size of the rooms, but will use as much as needed. Elec costs will soon not be a worry, so neither will amount of lights save initial costs and cooling issues...and bulb replacements as needed of course.

I hope to bud upwards of 12 plants at a time, 4 for myself and 4 for each patient, producing enough to keep us all in more than enough dope to smoke. Even if I grow shorter plants, they definitely will be 3' on average in will be needed regardless of how tall the gals are grown.
nouvellechef said:
This thread lost me.

OP: Hope you got your answer

Roddy: 2, 10x14 bud rooms? You sure you know what your dealing with here? The cash to dial rooms like that is in the tens of thousands. I know.... As far as 7' plants. Thats so ridic I dont know where to begin. Hope you were joking. Not only would it be a nightmare to tie up, if indeed they do make it to a healthy 17 weeks or so, but the lumen loss would be ridic also as far as penetration to the lower canopy. Indoor plants are geared to be trained or topped and keep them as low as possible. As said, just because you grow a 7' plant doesnt mean it will yield heavily. I could out yield a 7' with a 2' and have a much easier grow session as far as many factors.

Not joking and not seeing how a foot taller will be much more of a problem...we'll see. As I said above, my 6' plant was the most healthy of the ones I've grown so far...could be strain had a lot to do with that, but then, I can always live with growing the KK since she is an awesome high and taste. Win/win, if this is indeed the case. I say 9.5 ounces was harvested, this was the total of the plant harvested on harvest day, I was smoking her a few days before harvest, and we smoked a good amount while taking off stem and putting into jar...before being weighed. Actual total was likely a lot closer to 10 ounces...and I think I harvested a week early.

As for easy...right up until the last 3 weeks or so, I didn't do a thing but water the 6' beaut...I could have gotten incredibly lucky, but am more than willing to try again! Tying up...was a nightmare at times...what fun that was though! :smoke1: far as dialed in, I am currently growing using a 1k HPS, a 400w MH and an osc fan....nothing more in equip. Dialing in as I go at this point as money allows. Can't wait to see what I harvest when I do have the optimal set-up!
Roddy said:
Not joking and not seeing how a foot taller will be much more of a problem...we'll see. As I said above, my 6' plant was the most healthy of the ones I've grown so far...could be strain had a lot to do with that, but then, I can always live with growing the KK since she is an awesome high and taste. Win/win, if this is indeed the case. I say 9.5 ounces was harvested, this was the total of the plant harvested on harvest day, I was smoking her a few days before harvest, and we smoked a good amount while taking off stem and putting into jar...before being weighed. Actual total was likely a lot closer to 10 ounces...and I think I harvested a week early.

As for easy...right up until the last 3 weeks or so, I didn't do a thing but water the 6' beaut...I could have gotten incredibly lucky, but am more than willing to try again! Tying up...was a nightmare at times...what fun that was though! :smoke1: far as dialed in, I am currently growing using a 1k HPS, a 400w MW and an osc fan....nothing more in equip. Dialing in as I go at this point as money allows. Can't wait to see what I harvest when I do have the optimal set-up!

Got pics of the 9.5oz er?
my avatar is one of the KK at 6 weeks budding, she's at 6' 7" following the stalk, she's 6' total from soil to top of bud if going straight up....the pictures all say I have already uploaded...except this one, which is same as my avatar. dope a1 023.JPG
Roddy said:
Sure Hick...what's the question?

I hope I'm not irking anyone, my intent is to learn and to grow big yields. Knowing the room I currently am in couldn't hold more than 4 plants the size of the Kandy Kush I recently harvested (beautiful plant I might add, as green at harvest as the day I took her from veg as opposed to the shorter Northern Lights and Pineapple Express which both had a severe cal/mag def), I have no choice bit to move up in size if I am to bud more than 4 plants at a time. I don't necessarily have to use the full size of the rooms, but will use as much as needed. Elec costs will soon not be a worry, so neither will amount of lights save initial costs and cooling issues...and bulb replacements as needed of course.

I hope to bud upwards of 12 plants at a time, 4 for myself and 4 for each patient, producing enough to keep us all in more than enough dope to smoke. Even if I grow shorter plants, they definitely will be 3' on average in will be needed regardless of how tall the gals are grown.

""...."If done right".. is such a vague and elusive statement.
What would "you" consider.."right"?"..
Wondering what you considered "right".. I was interested in what you intended for lighting mainly, "IF" you plan to go 7'.
I thought maybe you had some immaculate system for side lighting, vertical, ect. to cover the lumen loss/distance.
Just interested to see ...
The Hemp Goddess said:
I am curious why anyone would want to try and grow a 7' plants indoors? No matter what kind of light you have, the bottom half of your plant is not going to get good light. I don't see an upside here?

I am also :confused2: on why they would do this.

I was just in Lower Western Michigan and seen some 6' tall plants in some indoor grow rooms. The growers had trimmed the branches off the first 4.5' of the stalk. So that the actual bud sites were only 1.5'-2' of the top half. Sort of looked like a 2' tall plant on a 4' tall stick. I do not know why they did this.:confused2:

Roddy if your plant is as green when you harvest as when it is in veg, I would either let it go longer or cut down on the nitrogen.just my $0.02:bong:
Roddy said:
.....I say 9.5 ounces was harvested, this was the total of the plant harvested on harvest day....

Then this was wet weight--far different than dried weight.
Hick said:
""...."If done right".. is such a vague and elusive statement.
What would "you" consider.."right"?"..
Wondering what you considered "right".. I was interested in what you intended for lighting mainly, "IF" you plan to go 7'.
I thought maybe you had some immaculate system for side lighting, vertical, ect. to cover the lumen loss/distance.
Just interested to see ...

THANKS Hick, I do have plans for T5 side lighting as well possibly some vert to boot. Not gonna play the track game, a friend has those and I'm not impressed...would rather have continual lighting at all "day" time.

Truly, I see some are skeptical as to the truth of my 6'+ plant...that's cool! I am more than happy with the finished product and have nothing to prove here at all, just asking questions and making plans. If it can't be done, no biggie, I will still be using all the equip, no loss at all (experience is priceless).
pcduck said:
I am also :confused2: on why they would do this.

I was just in Lower Western Michigan and seen some 6' tall plants in some indoor grow rooms. The growers had trimmed the branches off the first 4.5' of the stalk. So that the actual bud sites were only 1.5'-2' of the top half. Sort of looked like a 2' tall plant on a 4' tall stick. I do not know why they did this.:confused2:

Roddy if your plant is as green when you harvest as when it is in veg, I would either let it go longer or cut down on the nitrogen.just my $0.02:bong:

I have a few pics around here somewhere of the plant when cut, me standing beside it...yes it's nice and lush still. Yes, I already said I believe I plucked her a touch early, I guess around a week...had around a 50/50 amber trich count, but betting more amber would have made this beast even better? There was a slight amount of yellowing of the big fan leaves, but the plant was still very healthy looking at time of harvest. Nitrogen? Not sure which product added that since my nutes are in the bud room which is in darkness right now, but I doubt I was overfeeding it in any way...likely wasn't giving her enough attention (I am certain there will be doubt with this statement as well, but it's true). I BELIEVE the reason for her staying so healthy and hassle-free was the fact I took her from a 5gal container and moved her to an 18g container right before she started budding. The new soil and the new room for root growth likely made her one happy gal!

Your lollipopping comment, I have a friend doing this right now and I tell you, if Id have done that to the kush, I'd have lost a few oz as the bottom branches most certainly produced a good quantity of quality tight bud! Trust when I say I will not be chopping on the plants early for any reason.
The Hemp Goddess said:
Then this was wet weight--far different than dried weight.

I am sorry, I did use improper terminology, but no, the final weight was of dried and ready to smoke bud. I weighed her the next day and the next, no loss due to drying since being jarred and locked up. Took 4 days total of drying time, am burping the jars locked in the safe and slowly smoking the dry but uncured product right now along with the pineapple express. The curing buds have a bit better taste and seems to be a touch more potent...but that just means it's gonna get better?? LMAO, what a deal! And when I say better taste, keep in mind that the KK has been named the #1 choice of a friend I consider a very seasoned smoker (40 years+ of smoking)...and his buddy is harvesting a plant about once a week or so (many choices, I am very proud to be the grower of the best so far). He has the only dried buds, none cured (he doesn't keep his in a jar, but a baggie...guess it'll also slowly cure there??)

I will also add, my 9.5 oz of dope set the bar around here, was the most harvested, the biggest plant grown and the best product...SWEET!! This is, of course, between myself and several friends, I am more than certain others have grown far more quantity and quality from a single plant...but does make one proud!
I do plan to go to 7', as I said, how much different from the 6'+ plant can it be? If it doesn't work, oh well, live, learn and love it all!

To the OP...hope this is all benefiting you, didn't mean to hijack your thread at all...will start a new one if it's thought this is best.
Oh, and Hick...7 1k hid sounds about right...I was planning on using more, but that's good to know, THANKS! Plan is to use growzilla hoods, placing 1 HPS and 1 MH in each hood...not sure how many as yet, but starting with 2 growzillas and the lights I currently have, will add as I have need for the space.

Plans for side-lighting are 8 bulb T5's wrapped around the room to feed the bodies...have used this method with the fluorowing lighting the body of the kush, I suspect this was partial reason for the nice tight lower buds.

IF I decide vert lighting is needed, it won't cost much (hanger and bulb) and can be aded simply enough!
Ahhh, a little less high, I see why my weight statement was, I'm not good at expressing my thoughts at times (usually when high lmao).

THG, I did mean this: I say 9.5 ounces was harvested, this was the total of the plant harvested on harvest day...

But what I meant is that's the weight of all bud harvested on harvest day, NOT what it weighed harvest day. In other words, the weight of all buds harvested on harvest day was 9.5 oz dried. There was more than the 9.5 oz, as I said, but it was smoked up as sampling and during jarring. I recall the bud I cut early and quick-dried was 10grams.
Well I will say this. Dual 14x10 rooms is more dank then you would know what to do with. Mega chron bro. When done correctly. If your yielding 9.5 zips in a soil application, inside. Then I guess you could take that into a larger setting. 9.5zips is a big yielder in soil, inside.
Dual bulb vert lighting blubs spaced a foot or two, and flower tonight. lol

spread the plants out in the one 8 sites would pull all that these plants could do in thier current conditions without repotting into tubs and doing it right with co2.

14kw with a couple plants per set would be enough but just throwing a 1k or two will (like everyone said) be void of purpose other than the meristem canopy that gets all the light. the lower buds will be zilch because of crowding and stretch. But you can still yield nice with a couple thousand watts and what ya just will have ALOT of plant height with a foot canopy of buds above if lucky...
nouvellechef said:
Well I will say this. Dual 14x10 rooms is more dank then you would know what to do with. Mega chron bro. When done correctly. If your yielding 9.5 zips in a soil application, inside. Then I guess you could take that into a larger setting. 9.5zips is a big yielder in soil, inside.

My friend building the rooms will also have a license and be a caregiver, so we'll need more room as time goes by...won't be using all space right off.

As I said before, i could have been incredibly lucky with the first plant, but will have a lot of fun trying to replicate!! The main cola on that beast was 1oz alone.
trillions of atoms said:
Dual bulb vert lighting blubs spaced a foot or two, and flower tonight. lol

spread the plants out in the one 8 sites would pull all that these plants could do in thier current conditions without repotting into tubs and doing it right with co2.

14kw with a couple plants per set would be enough but just throwing a 1k or two will (like everyone said) be void of purpose other than the meristem canopy that gets all the light. the lower buds will be zilch because of crowding and stretch. But you can still yield nice with a couple thousand watts and what ya just will have ALOT of plant height with a foot canopy of buds above if lucky...

I dunno, but the very lowest branches on the KK produced...nicely I might add! I don't recall but maybe a couple of completely useless branches, the rest produced good tight bud.

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