First photo run indoors

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Joe's grows

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
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Hey guys Joe here . So I have these four photos in my 2x4 I'm at day ten of flower about half way through the stretch . I did not clean them the way I should of so the plants stretching great but the middle part of the plants are thick with leaves foliage should I wait till the 21 day mark or defoliate and prune now ????? Anyone please lmk wat they think I should do . I'm asking because i feel like I should have more pistols through the whole plant


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They do not look overly bushy. I defoliate when ever I see a leaf that is in the way of a bud site and then in flower I prune ALOT of leaves but that is just me. I do not see a reason for day marker of 21 to do anything other then what the plant seems to be needing. They look healthy too me.
I know they
They do not look overly bushy. I defoliate when ever I see a leaf that is in the way of a bud site and then in flower I prune ALOT of leaves but that is just me. I do not see a reason for day marker of 21 to do anything other then what the plant seems to be needing. They look healthy too me.
Maybe I should just let it ride And I may defoliate after day 21 a few larger leaves bloking budsites like you said amnd for some better airflow they look fine in these pictures i have to take a few better ones of what im talking about . So iv read a lot day 1 to 21 is a period were you don't want to stress them that's why i was gonna way to take a few leaves and smaller growth like the bottom third of the plant is gone I'm just gonna reclean that remove a a few larger leaves but the question is it ok to do now or should I wait till stretch is over

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