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My wife use to give out the big sized candy bars
Boy that news traveled fast; we had cars pulling up to the house like soccer moms dropping off kids at school.
I put an end to that
Smart...... I would do the same
My wife still likes to say hello to the kids in the hood.
Me too. I like to see the little ones I know but they come around early. By 7:00 I close the door but leave the light on and the leftover goodies to get swiped up by the older ones that come around late. Tonight, I just happened to be passing by the door to see a group of older kids slide the rest of the candy into a pillow case. I turned off the light just as they finished. They ran off as if they stole my car 😁😁😁 hope they don’t smash my pumpkins…
Got to be honest - I haven't done Halloween since the 'kids' started showing up with goatees.
My porch light is dark. Call me an old curmudgeon.
We quit a couple of years ago. But we bag up candy for the three kids next door. The have always been my buddies since they were little. I used to hose them down over the fence and so whenever I was watering they would be at the fence screaming my name. Great kids. To bad their mother got weird and divorced their dad. Kids always get the short end of the stick in that situation.