US House To Consider Decriminalization!!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2008
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House of Representatives to Consider Cannabis Decriminalization!
Tell Your Representative to Support H.R. 5843! NORML is pleased to report that H.R. 5843, an "Act to Remove Federal Penalties for Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults," has been inroduced in the House of Representatives by Representatives Barney Frank and Ron Paul.

This measure, if passed, would strip the federal government of its authority to arrest responsible adult cannabis consumers. NORML founder and Legal Director Keith Stroup worked extensively with Frank’s staff to write this important legislation, which represents the first cannabis decriminalization measure introduced in Congress in 24 years.

Under current federal law, the penalty for cannabis possession is up to one year imprisonment and a $1,000 fine.

Please take a moment today to write your Representative and urge him to support this important legislation. For your convenience, a prewritten letter will be sent to your Representative when you enter your zip code below.

Thanks for supporting NORML’s efforts to reform marijuana laws in the United States.
Well... let's see what happens. It's highly unlike, as this is where they get their money, but I will send a letter anyway.
md.apothecary said:
Well... let's see what happens. It's highly unlike, as this is where they get their money, but I will send a letter anyway.

perfect example of why things are the way they are. If you don't think positive you won't get positive results. This is the problem with this whole movement, alot of people think negative so what more can they expect but negative. you already have it in your mind your not going to win so whats the point, right? At least you e-mailed. PEOPLE THINK POSITIVE TO GET POSITIVE RESULTS.

This bill could be really positive if it gets through the house. i mean let me put this in perspective for y'all so you can see where I'm from. I live in the BIBLE BELT (SC). theres legislation already going before our house for medical marijuana, granted you have to be basically dieing in order to get it, but its a start. And that's what this is, a start.
I disagree, 'we the people' lost our power LONG ago. Regardless of what we think, we have no power. We have no freedom, the power belongs to those who hold the money, which is the lobbyists and those in office already.

I have a website concerning another substance that is currently legal in most states, but is currently underfire... and regardless of what we think, say, or do, it's not up to us.

Believe me when I say that we don't stand a chance, it's not because I am being negative, it's that I am being realistic. The government is NOT going to decriminalize a substance unless there is a TAXABLE way to make money on it. Alcohol and Cigarettes are TAXABLE. Marijauna is NOT because it can be grown at home, the government would not allow this because they need their cut. The way they get their cut now is be criminalization and seizure. The US will actually sell off their seizures to other countries and pharamceutical companies and make double money.

Is it a cause worth fighting, sure, but without advertising, good luck. Most smokers I know don't visit this site, or even surf the web for that matter. If it's not on TV or getting FAVORABLE media coverage, it will never get the attention it needs. And I know quite a bit about this particular area, and I can tell you, it will NEVER hit mainstream media because each affiliate is tied into the government or their favored political party one way or another.

EDIT: edited due to mentioning of particular politics... to ease the politics of one, politics of others must not be discussed...
I agree with md on this one. I'm not really sure that it will pass but I will send the letter to my represenative. I'm doubtful of any results though. Just my thoughts. Take care and be safe.
md.apothecary said:
I disagree, 'we the people' lost our power LONG ago. Regardless of what we think, we have no power. We have no freedom, the power belongs to those who hold the money, which is the lobbyists and those in office already.

I have a website concerning another substance that is currently legal in most states, but is currently underfire... and regardless of what we think, say, or do, it's not up to us.

A perfect example; 90% of Americans think we should get out of Iraq, and most have thought that since day 2 of the war... but regardless of what 'we the people' say, do, write, it hasn't happened yet.

Believe me when I say that we don't stand a chance, it's not because I am being negative, it's that I am being realistic. The government is NOT going to decriminalize a substance unless there is a TAXABLE way to make money on it. Alcohol and Cigarettes are TAXABLE. Marijauna is NOT because it can be grown at home, the government would not allow this because they need their cut. The way they get their cut now is be criminalization and seizure. The US will actually sell off their seizures to other countries and pharamceutical companies and make double money.

Is it a cause worth fighting, sure, but without advertising, good luck. Most smokers I know don't visit this site, or even surf the web for that matter. If it's not on TV or getting FAVORABLE media coverage, it will never get the attention it needs. And I know quite a bit about this particular area, and I can tell you, it will NEVER hit mainstream media because each affiliate is tied into the government or their favored political party one way or another.

The power to inform is much closer to your grasp than you tink. Would it be so hard for someone to setup a pro-cannabis decriminalization booth at their local mall and inform as many as 100 people on this proposition? No. How do I know? I just saw a friend of a friend do it today. Issues such as this spread like highschool rumors. Even direct support from 2 or 3 well known politicians (Ron Paul is a presidential candidate, for crying out loud) can get the media involved. Its our job as the most well informed, well pronounced, and strongest advocators to start the movement. Others will finish it.

Never ever underestimate the bandwagon effect.
md.apothecary said:
Believe me when I say that we don't stand a chance, it's not because I am being negative, it's that I am being realistic. The government is NOT going to decriminalize a substance unless there is a TAXABLE way to make money on it. Alcohol and Cigarettes are TAXABLE. Marijauna is NOT because it can be grown at home, the government would not allow this because they need their cut.

Its not taxable? Look at Cali and other states that have shops, look at Amsterdam. WOW, your way in left field. look at it like this, tobacco can be grown at home, alcohol can be made at home. Yet people buy both in groves at stores. Yea your right its definitely NOT TAXABLE. There's alot of people who won't take the time to grow it, there's lot of people that can't grow or wont learn the know how. there's definitely a market out there if it was made legal and regulated
it can be taxed, i agree with LR. it could be marketed, mass produced and sold in packs, why would someone grow it if they could buy it prerolled and packedged. the would lose more than they would make to legalize,, every jail and prison is paid by the feds to house criminals, probation fees, fines, prisoners work on roads while in prison, those contracts are given to the prisons and they are in turn paid for the work prisoners do. prisoners don't get paid. the war on drugs pays the to good to stop it. sounds like another war going on right now.. how much is fuel where you live? the almighty dollar will decide what happens in the U.S. i also live in the south and i don't see going very well here. i sent the letter and i try to think positive but i can't blind to the facts.
Yo Ho my Friends,

I have heard all my life words like; It can't be done, or your not smart enough, maybe you have heard this one, It will never fly Lindey.
Enough of this horse radish.

We do have aviation, It Flew and just got better. I have seen things that are a mind boggler to behold, and contrary to my own parents statements to me I became a straight A student, and have accomplished so very much in my lifetime alone.


I never want to hear anyone say it will never happen. That in my books is pure crapola.
Remember this one ? A small little old lady took a stand, and changed the entire world, her name was Rosa Parks, and she inspired de-segregation.

I myself went on to serve our country. I became a mixed gases master diver, as well as a pilot able to fly both rotary(helicoptors) and fixed wing(airplanes), I am checked out for aerobatics, and now I want to chase hot air ballooning.
I was told a long time ago that I couldn't do it, BUNKUM I SAY.....

I feel bad for those folks that think it's all over, and nothing can change. I was told that I would only live another 3 to 5 years by multiple doctors, GUESS WHAT ? I am now in year 9 of the 3-5 that they originally predicted, screw them I say.. Make your world work, but you have got to stand tall.

Sorry for getting steamed, but I tell my own kids that they can accomplish whatever they set their hearts into, and to never accept anyone saying it can't be done, rasberry's on that....

smoke in peace
liermam said:
The power to inform is much closer to your grasp than you tink. Would it be so hard for someone to setup a pro-cannabis decriminalization booth at their local mall and inform as many as 100 people on this proposition? No. How do I know? I just saw a friend of a friend do it today. Issues such as this spread like highschool rumors. Even direct support from 2 or 3 well known politicians (Ron Paul is a presidential candidate, for crying out loud) can get the media involved. Its our job as the most well informed, well pronounced, and strongest advocators to start the movement. Others will finish it.

Never ever underestimate the bandwagon effect.

The representatives are more worried about being re-elected, NOT doing what the people say. Without the wide spread media effect or positive talk through the media channels, no one will know about this bill in question. IF and only IF it is heard, and the majority of that representatives people agree, then he MIGHT vote yes, HOWEVER, there are lobbyists who are the ones who put forth the money for those candidates.

Don't forget, these people get budgeted money based on these fake wars, such as WAR ON DRUGS... this is one of the LARGEST money making schemes the government has.

If you have a million people in the states who setup booths at a mall, great, I want you to be in charge of getting them organized to do so. I would support that.

LETS FACE IT: Those who are hardcore smokers NOW, really won't care if it's legal or not in the long run, whether it is or isn't they are not going to stop smoking, especially if they can get away with it now.

As for CALI, it's NOT legal in cali. It's only legal in that state, but the FEDS can and HAVE over ruled them before. Most of the medi-banks in Cali were taken down by the DEA recently. The state laws do NOT override federal law. The federal law is superior, and just because one state has bent the rules doesn't make it legal. Not to mention, you also have to have a medical reason and a license even to purchase in california, not just some bum off the street can go buy it.

You can't compare amsterdam to the US, totally different governmental setup to begin with. Hell, paying for sex is legal there, but not in the US... more hardcore drugs are legal there, like heroin (if you buy it legally, and have a prescrip.), it comes in a one dose disposable needle.

Do I want/wish it to happen? Sure, but it simply won't this time around. Just my opinion... that is all. However, if someone would like to bet the farm on it, I am game. :)
No one is betting the farm on anything. Your "realism", MD, comes off as defeatism. You've given up this particular fight. Maybe there's something to gain from your perspective from the status quo, after all, what would your art be without the resistance?
Id be willing to bet that if people were given the choice to go to the smoke shop and buy a carton of smoke (just like cigs) for the price of $100 and it was taxed by 100% with 50% going to the FED and the remainder split between the State and Local taxing departments you would see a hell of a lot of "Tax" money raised and no a single one of us would complain. Not only do i know it would work i did a business plan on it quite a few years back in school (the instructor was very liberal) not only did i ace the course but many of the professors said it was one of the most sound legalization and regulated ideas for MJ, medical or personal. The fact remains that even if it is decriminalized (which im for) there will be many who cant or wouldnt want to supply themselves and they will not only be free to consume their herb of choice but will also aid in the resurection of the nations economic stability in the process. To get an idea of how fast the idea can work jsut take the numbers i did provide and do the math with the base of only 1 million of us smoking just 1 carton/month. 150(tax)x12(months)x1MIL(pot heads)=1.8 BILLION in new Tax/year for the splitting, I bet that could fund a few wars ;)
I was a strong believer against marijuana legalization, until this very day. Watching how marijuana had been legalized from the 40's up to the 70's when nixon criminalized it again.. I feel with the criminalization it brought on a epidemic crime wave from hard substances for the lack of REAL knowledge of marijuana. Now im all for it, but to say marijuana will help economically I think is wrong. Hard drugs have ran rampent in the 70's 80's and 90's. If you can paint a picture on this you would understand why. All drugs are mood altering but I rather be relaxed, feel good, and wanna help people then be paranoid. Looking for another fast buck to settle my fix. I think the goverment has put to much of a strain on good decent American's, that work hard to do good for the society. Who then find out when at home there subject to scrutiny in there own homes because they decided to use medicinal herb in there own home.
bearfootbob said:
No one is betting the farm on anything. Your "realism", MD, comes off as defeatism. You've given up this particular fight. Maybe there's something to gain from your perspective from the status quo, after all, what would your art be without the resistance?

I haven't given up on the fight, but I don't want people to get their hopes up. I've been fighting it for a long time, this and MANY other governmental fights. However, I know for a FACT, that there just isn't enough movement on this. This like the DRAFT RESOLUTION was squeezed in in secret. The draft resolution HAS been updated in the past, and they even tried doing it again a couple years ago, which I am sure no one heard about, no one fought it, but luckily, it was not signed into law at that time. But it sits... the update is still present and waits for proper war mongers to hold congress and senate again.

Also, PLEASE don't forget this important fact....

Let me remind you of how the government works...

Just because your state says something is legal, does not make it so, unless the FEDS say it is....

HOWEVER, if the FEDS say it's legal, does NOT mean your state has to legalize it! They can draft their own state amendments and legislation. This is how select drugs are legal in most of the country, but are illegal under certain states. Not to bring up another drug, but to give a PRIME example, would be states banning sal**a div***rum. While it's not federally scheduled.

I fight a good fight against governments and authorities, believe me. Art IS resistance, as my flag states, but the fact remains that we simply don't have enough push power right now.

EDIT: edited due to mentioning of particular politics... to ease the politics of one, politics of others must not be discussed...
Interesting to say the least and very true on many points. But you will alos have to think that if its decriminalized by the FED the states will no longer be able to draw "assistance" form the FED for everything from investigations to payroll. so thats would Imply that the state would have to fund its "war on drugs" on its own funding. In that is where i would see the "rules" change, it still has the option of going unfavorable but with "pressures" form the right area(s) e.g. Dr.s groups,med. patients right groups, and even the Joe Schmoe who USED to know, they may take a bit better look into the spending for the target specific MJ related laws. Theres and interesting idea everyone look up their own areas laws on the matter till way back and see about the rules for it i bet its still really legal in some other areas if this was to take place.
I believe there are more people out there than we think who do not smoke marijuana but also do not have a problem with it. My father OF ALL PEOPLE was watching a program when we were over visiting and looked at me and said; "You know something, I really believe that smoking marijuana is alot healthier for people than smoking cigarettes, and definately safer than alcohol." To everyone who thinks the changes will never happen, look at all the states which support medical now....
godspeedsuckah said:
I believe there are more people out there than we think who do not smoke marijuana but also do not have a problem with it. My father OF ALL PEOPLE was watching a program when we were over visiting and looked at me and said; "You know something, I really believe that smoking marijuana is alot healthier for people than smoking cigarettes, and definately safer than alcohol." To everyone who thinks the changes will never happen, look at all the states which support medical now....

There is no doubt about this by any means. But where are they when it counts, and furthermore, would the be moved enough to VOTE for it if it came to.

Is it healthier, sure, absolutely, and beneficial too in MY opinion. But you're correct in that there are a few states that support the medical usage of this plant. But again, as mentioned above, by federal law, those states still fall under federal control.

This brings me to another idea for you to ponder. The US isn't the only country to have this particular plant outlawed. There is a UN council setup for world drug policies, and as some people might know, the US is a heavy leader in that area as well. Consider the idea that it's NOT really about what tax payers say, but what other countries who pay a lot more into the US have to say about it as well... We decriminalize it or legalize it, they may see it as a country losing control.... ???

Again, hope it happens, but only time will tell.
It could be legalized and taxed but the USA would rather not becuase if they do legalize it then everyone will still buy from a grower or dealer that dosent put tax on their buds. So the goverment wont make any money if everyone buys bud from non tax dealer legally such as you or me. All they want is money.
Cole said:
It could be legalized and taxed but the USA would rather not becuase if they do legalize it then everyone will still buy from a grower or dealer that dosent put tax on their buds. So the goverment wont make any money if everyone buys bud from non tax dealer legally such as you or me. All they want is money.

Exactly what I was trying to say... there was an article a long time ago in a high times or something like that which mentioned this very ordeal. Suggesting that it'd never be legal because of this reason. I happen to agree, it IS about money, it always is. Also, remember... lobbyists don't want this either. Why???

PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION... THC is being tested NOW for psychological medications and they're trying to synthesize THC and study the activity on the receptors it attaches to in the human body. If it became legal, BILLIONS of dollars would be lost in already spent money, and future profits from drug companies. These drug companies, like oil companies, keep the government officials in CHECK.
Think about the economics of scale. If it was legalized, that would mean real farmers with large amounts of land would be able to produce a lot of it and at cheaper prices than small-time grow operations. But in order to sell it, it would obviously have to be taxed by the govt. Even with taxes I think the price would be quite comparable to street prices and it would be more economical for everybody if it was legalized..think about why you buy vegetables and fruit at the market instead of growing it yourself.

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