Yo Ho Ho N,
Think about this for a few moments if you will. Yeppers the doggies snout is extremely adapted for use in finding what they might be looking for, BUT, since the snoot is that sensitive to odor, it stands to reason that is is also most sensitive to any odor that carries molecules of things like Pine-sol. Should a pooch come sniffing around my place, and they have in the near past, they will get a snoot full of pine-sol molecules and it really is sorta caustic to them. The dog cannot smell for several days as the tissue actually does get damaged. The dog wants nothing to do with sniffing around your place any longer that day at least. I know this for fact as I do the very thing around my home, and I have seen the net results.
My female lab was in heat one time and that saved me as the k-9 was definitely more interested in her than doing his job. LOL
Basically a long story short is that you can mess with the smelling success of a pooch and louse it all up for him that day by just using common thinking.
smoke in peace
KK :cool2: