What is Keeping Marijuana Illegal?

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Ganja Farmer
Bud of the Month Winner
Oct 31, 2007
Reaction score
I want to know the number one reason that you think marijuana remains illegal. Whether it be because you think pharmaceutical companies conspire to keep it illegal or the prison operators needing to keep their cells full to bring in more money or because of the negative press it has received during prohibition.

You don't even have to explain your reasoning. I just want to hear everyone's thoughts and see if everyone is on the same page as far as the "root of the problem".

So, let's hear your reasons. "What is keeping marijuana illegal?"
Fear of the unknown, inability to do road side test to confirm usage. Big business, they have created so many synthetics to replace hemp made products. I could go on ,but others will chime in..Good topic!:afroweed:
I think it is fear..

fear from med companies they will lose money
fear from people who dont understand pot
fear from politicians over their careers
fear of pot users unable to speak out because of unfair laws hurting them or their families/jobs
fear of change
2Dog said:
I think it is fear..

fear of change

Quite ironic, since a little over a year ago that is the only word that people talked about.

I believe that their is a conspiracy between major pharmaceutical/big business in the United States that keeps MJ illegal. Money, in some way, is playing a huge role.
Because kids today are stupid enough as it is. And gettin dumber by the day. Why try and accelerate it?

Plus its controllable. If it wasnt for pot. All these cartels, dealers, and everyone in between would be pushing something else 10x as hard to make up for the loses. And that would be a disaster.

And it being a "at risk" item is half the fun of doing it in the first place.
gmo said:
Quite ironic, since a little over a year ago that is the only word that people talked about.

I believe that their is a conspiracy between major pharmaceutical/big business in the United States that keeps MJ illegal. Money, in some way, is playing a huge role.
Ding Ding Ding !!!
Think of all the jobs created by the illegal status of weed .... everything from drug tests to prison construction supplies ....

But the reason they are able to pull it off .... IMHO is because human nature. We are tribal. There has always been a sense of separation in our nature, this thing that makes us separate, either by color or language or borders or class. Whoever has the upper hand is the one who decides who is beneath them. Industry is at the top of the food chain, government policy is their protector.

Industry solidified their marriage with government when our leaders accepted a 100 million dollar bail out from JP Morgan a hundred years ago. Up until that time, our presidents (depending on their party affiliation) fought back and forth over the issue of the constitutionality of a National (and later Federal) banking system. It is my belief that this history of intertwined motives was the reason our leaders jumped into the pit to bail out big business/banking recently.

We are at the bottom of the food chain. We have to be manipulated and controlled to keep the cogs moving. Propaganda is the tool for keeping us in line. If you don't believe you can be manipulated, just look around your room and count how many things you own that you didn't even know you needed till someone in advertising told you that you needed it. They study us - they know what they are doing and they know that the ones to fear are the ones that can't be brainwashed - the outsiders. And since there MUST be a marginalized sector, we are the natural choice since color, sex and age are no longer acceptable dividers.

The whole war on pot was invented to protect the cotton and drug industry. The machine (business/gov) used emotional factors as propaganda to manipulate the masses. Marijuana in particular was made illegal to marginalize a sector of the population that was primarily Mexican out of rage against the Mexican border issues and Pancho Villa murdering and raiding New Mexico and Texas towns along the border in 1916. Until then it wasn't even called Marijuana here. No one is going to admit that now, not since they realized just how much money the war on drugs has made them. We are the subculture. We are needed. There has to be someone the masses need protection from. I could go on and on but I can't roll a joint and type at the same time... so OK, rant over.
Good post, OHC. Very informative and fact filled. Thank you for the info :)
Gosh I sound like a Marxist with all the "manipulation of the masses" talk. But dang, it's true.... I guess I just don't believe in large government.... or large states for that matter. I don't feel comfortable being a "world leader"...... I don't feel comfortable being a tool.
I'd probably say I'm closer to a anarchist - but none of the labels - anarchist, Marxist, communist, DEMOCRACY, republic, seem to work on a large scale. But there will always be those who because of this sense of tribal affiliation will say that we are the greatest nation on earth. And that - I believe - is really why things remain the same or why gov and big business just keeps getting bigger and bigger. To back down now would imply that we were wrong. How can you be the greatest AND be wrong?
Right on OHC! All that talk kinda turned me on...I know I'm too young for you...but...wanna play Bonnie and Clyde for a couple weeks?
legalize_freedom said:
Right on OHC! All that talk kinda turned me on...I know I'm too young for you...but...wanna play Bonnie and Clyde for a couple weeks?
lmao !!!!!!
Because if it were legal, I might be The President.

Scary enough?

Wow OHC! You holding back? Interesting comments.

Money is the root of everything- I agree wholeheartedly with you on that. And by the way "The Fed" is privately controlled by banks- it is not a governmental body. There are no publicly elected officials.

But, a groundswell of public opinion can't be beaten down forever. Look at what's going on with decriminilization and mmj laws around the country. Change is a' coming.

If I had to say one thing is keeping mj illegal, I would go with ignorance. And while that ignorance is the result of propaganda that is most likely backed by big money- it is still the ignorance of the American people that keeps mj illegal.

Ask someone you know who doesn't smoke mj and never has. Ask them why mj is illegal and should remain illegal. Guaranteed the answer is that it's bad for you- that it leads to harder drugs. Ignorance!

Better yet- ask a kid! That's when the propaganda starts- DARE!

Just my thoughts.
It is time for smokers to speak up. Just look at what the tea parties have done in the US. The douche bag politicians are starting to hear the people. Whether they listen is another story. If you want it to be legal, get involved and speak up.
Ignorance, fear, all distributed in propaganda to perpetuate the ever increasing profit in keeping it illegal. Government agencies that are self-perpetuating, and corporations profiting from the goods and services.

Even if someone were willing to take the political risk to legalize it federally (which probably can't be done until international treaties are unwound), the hit on the job market would be huge.

But...if you try to rein in the justice department while individual states continue to legalize medical marijuana, and some start moving toward legalizing in total, then there is a better more controllable way to ease into it while new jobs in the mj industry take the place of old capture and prosecute, test and investigate jobs. In the meantime treaties come up for renewal or can be rehashed. And....ya blame it on the states.

I think there is method to the madness of what is happening in the U.S. today.

But once again I digress.

Yeah it's money.

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