When do I plant in soil?

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user 5533

Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2007
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I've got 3 seeds that have cracked so far in my cup'o'water germination... I can see the little white taproots starting to poke out from the seeds, but nothing too intense here. Is it ok to stick them in soil at this stage? or should I be waiting for the taproot to get bigger first?
I usually do it when their tail gets about an 1/4in to 1/2in long but you can out them in soil when they first crack open and you can se their tail
I useually germinate in a cup, but I would plant them soon.
schlendrake said:
I useually germinate in a cup, but I would plant them soon.
That's what I am doing (germinating in a cup), and that's what I was asking, when to plant them. They're already cracked open, but the taproot is just sticking out a few mm. not even close to 1/4-1/2 in. long like KindBud suggested.
I'm going to change the water in the cup today, it's been 3 days since they've been in it.. will that shock them at all and speed up this step a bit?
You place them in soil as soon as the taproot shows. Good luck!
We must be talikng bout 2 different things. I put my seeds in soil in a cup. After I reread the post I did see that you said in a cup o'water.:bong:
Yeah I agree with kind then.
oooooooooo i get what you're saying now. yeah we are talking about 2 different things haha. thanks for the help, both of you.
I thought I read some where that when your germinating in a cup of water you should take the seed out as soon as they splits to avoid causing water damage to the taproot. I just took them out and put them in a moist paper towel for a couple days after the seeds cracked open in the cup of water. I could be wrong though, I don't remember where I saw that. Good luck though.
EvryScarHasAStry said:
I thought I read some where that when your germinating in a cup of water you should take the seed out as soon as they splits to avoid causing water damage to the taproot. I just took them out and put them in a moist paper towel for a couple days after the seeds cracked open in the cup of water. I could be wrong though, I don't remember where I saw that. Good luck though.

Can anyone verify this? If it's true they could be water damaged, then I'd like to know relatively soon.
Ugh, I hate replying to myself, but I just popped open a bunch of grow journals/guids/other forums like this ( <3 google ), and everything I'm reading says there's no real time constraints, and I could do it now, or wait for them to grow more, whatever I feel like..... I'm glad to hear this information, my first test grow would have been over before it started lol
oh i was talking about in a paper napkin way i let the tail get 1/4 to 1/2in long then putin the soil but for the cup of water just as soon as they open put them in the soil yes leaving them in the water for to long will hurt the seed in my veiw but i only did it a few times so i havent stuided it so yeah