Whorled phllotaxy on pistillate indica plant

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I stand corrected. Thank you Hick. That's why I encourage all those to use correct terminolgy when speaking of observations in their grow. I have no problem with being corrected. It would seem that I've been laboring under a misapprehension for quite a while.
I would inquire as to how a plant, without the application of colchine, become strikingly similar to a plant with an inordinate number of chromosomes.
Is it just a 'fluke' to simulate a chromosomic condition?

HG, do you consider 1 and 1/2 inches wide across to be a sativa trait? or is it the shape of the leaves, not the apparent width? I've always grown Sativas, so I'm not familiar with the Indican traits, but, every plant I ever grew had thin, slender, leaves with longer internodes. But then again, if this is a cross of some kind, it could have the fat fingers of an indica, with the 'look' of a sativa I suppose...
... Whorled phyllotaxy may be a characteristic of polyploidy, but I don't believe that it is a determining factor. It could be a simple mutation. But I don't know positively, that your plant is 'not' polyploid either.
It has been said that polyploids do not occcur naturaly in cannabis, BUT... with a world full of clandestine 'seedmakers, pollen chuckers, AND breeders', experimenting with chemicals and genetic alterations, who knows for sure exactly "what" they are growing.
There are no control, no standards, no restrictions, and little documentation/disclosure from most.
The way i understood it is polyploid is really how the cell division occurs. So without going to a microscope its just shootin in the dark knowing if you got one or not. I think thats why not much has been documented. Most of us growers wouldn't know wth we were looking at that magnified :p (we were stoned in biology class :p ) So understanding the traits that exhibit it would be hard as hell to figure out.
Where the phyllotaxy would be a characteristic of how the plant developed. Something in the DNA...like Hick said...mutant, genetic defect, enviro variable....Its just a leaf formation. IMO
So all I know for sure is that one of my females has three leaf sets per node then.
That's cool enough....

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