Would you still grow ... ?

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Would you still grow ... ?

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Are you kidding? I'd start a business around it and grow my own stuff. It would be a win win for many of us.
I brew my own beer also, and make it the way I want it.

I grow my own vegetables, which are better than anything in the store.

So, yeah, I would still grow pot regardless.
hell yes if you buy store bought what kind of cemicals are you going to get saltpeter or what. they put so much crap in cigs any way all natural is the best.:cool:
I've tryed growing can't get seeds in mich and all we get is grown under lights. makes it hard have to get off streets and it not very good i serived in nam and the usa got this locked up
Think about this, even if you needed a special license to grow it if it was taxed and legal to buy id grow cause theres no way that there would be as bad of a penalty as growing nowadays especially in AZ damn sheriff Joe and Andrew Thomas(*** is wrong with the people in this state re-electing these Morons) lol