Hello Skunk and Brothers Grunt! Thanks for the moral support.That blue thing Skunk is a velcro strip that i tie rope to and use it around the stem for tieing the top down as i train the plant.Brothers as far as lights i use a 400 hortilux blue for veg and a 430 watt hotilux for flowering.I use foxfarm ocean and marine soil mix.Then in a 5 gal bucket i fill it a third with spagma moss and compost then i fill the bucket to half full with perlite and then fill the bucket up with Foxfarm.Then to that i add 4 teaspoons of blood meal then 3 teas. of bone meal 14 teaspoons of oxy/cal and 3 tablespoons of Super tea mix .For nuterients i use fox farm big bloom ,tiger bloom,green fuse growth and bloom ,liquid kharma and diamond nectar and budswell and foxfarm peace of mind guano.I use small quantities .Quite a list.lol