1 seed popped out of 3 , What's wrong!

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Sep 30, 2007
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My problem has been occurring for a few days now.

I have just germinated 3 seeds that successfully popped.
I transplanted these seeds to there 16 oz cups.
The problem is tht one out of 3 sprouted.

I went to check what the problem is and I can't find one of the seeds, but eventually I did find the second one. I found it soaked , and when i squeezed it , the root inside squeezed outside like pus.

IDK what the problem is.....

My Soil mix is :

Shultz potting soil 25%
Peat moss 30%
Peat moss 10%
Vermuclite 10%
Dry Blood 10% (N)
Dry Bones 10% (P)
how long are you waiting for them to pop out?
give em time dude, and keep the top soil moist.
BluBrownies said:
I have just germinated 3 seeds that successfully popped.
I transplanted these seeds to there 16 oz cups.
The problem is tht one out of 3 sprouted.

Give them time + moist soil + 24 hour light. Don't go digging around the soil. Mine sprout in 3 days usually, but can take longer. Be patient.
it can take up to a fortnight "IMO", after this amount of time, and differing methods being utillised, i will crack the seed myself with a razor blade-not prying it open, but just gently slice along edge of the seed where it should have cracked originally. i have had success doing this myself with some Doc Chronic`s WW seed, which refused to germinate. recently i have done this and grew all the way, although the bud wasn`t too great man-waited too long and missed harvest.
after cracking the seed yourself(as a last resort!)place back into whatever method your using and wait for the tap-root to show, it will.
if after all this they still haven`t sprouted then bin em`.
Happy Growing dude.
Guys your getting it all wrong....... :hitchair:

Two of the seeds I checked did germinate and the roots are bare naked (showing XD) , but after I checked , after a week , the roots were white ... I squeezed the seeds and they just popped on me..

I wanted to ask is that , the soil is right for growing or not??

and Should I change? or not? :eek:
don`t squeze your beans...
i also heard it`s best to keep your pots in the dark untill she pops out.
what do you mean by "XD"? and if the tap root was showing, why did you wait a week to plant?
if i`m getting this wrong please tell me, but as soon as your seed crack and show their tap-root-plant them.
your soil is fine, just be patient.
I planted them.. and after a whole week I checked on them... I got impatient and digged one of them disapeered on me... and the other one I checked , was rotten and soggy. I grabbed it , and it "popped" on me , Im sorry if this is confusing.. but I just want to check if my soil mix is rite or not? :hairpull:
your soil is good, your patience leaves alot to be desired.
germ your seed-plant the seed and keep in the dark untill she pops the surface-few days, keep the humidity high and the top-soil moist always.
once you see it, stick it under your light.
what`s the problem with that?

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