Back In The Day

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I find a lot of the guys are my age, and that is great when others remember the fine Old Days.(60's to the 70's). Funny thing is that this particular period of our time will be remembered for a lot longer.

I was fresh out of the military, felt sorta odd with my hair so short, but a cool greek fishermans cap did me well.

I headed up to a small town called Bolinas just above Stinson Beach in Northern Calif, and just below Point Reyes. I rode all the way up there on my motorcycle, and swear it was the best ride I have ever taken short of riding to the top of Mt. Tamapias.

My brother used to live up there, and I just sorta showed up one day. Smartest move of my life. My brother introduced me to some of the greatest people you could imagine. All of them were so cool. I was stoned every day that I can remember.

Lids that were measured by the fingers was the way it was done although someone now and then did break out with a triple beam though that was usually used for some other goodies.
Folks would think your spincter was a bit tight if you weighed it out like that.
I was smoking Panama Red, Acapulco Gold, and occasionally some thai.
plenty of black afgani hash and blond lebanese was available too, but the best I ever did smoke was some wicked Thai back in the woods where we had a great lake that was heated by mineral springs, and everyone just shared what they had brought.

Best game ever played was to try to walk all the way around the lake without getting into the water. That was rather difficult being a young man, and so many fine ladies inviting you to smoke with them, Ha-Ha Paradise.

I would give my left cajone to relive those days once again knowing what I know now.

How about it guys, let's hear the memories, and no offense intended to the younger folks here, but we did share something very special at a time in our lives that will not be soon forgot ya know ? Thanks for being cool, and do listen in, you might get a lot out of this.

OK, Guys ? Let's take a stroll back to the good Ol' Days and do some remembering when.
Smile on your brother was a song that tripped me out. Smoking Acapulco Gold, and walking on the beach was too cool.

What did it for you guys ?????

smoke in peace
i called it the dairy mart days my brother, remember them well !!!!the coolest brother god every let llive used to come around there on friday and saturday nights. i am a country boy born and bread.. this was the hang out spot in are no red light town....anyhow he would bring one of those military duffle bags stuffed full of the finest smoke going around at the time , columbinia gold tia stick, skunk all the good stuff... and for 15 bucks you got to stick one hand in that bag and what ever you got out with one hand was yours... yes sir those were the days.........
Now that is cool, I like the idea, but funny thing is that very few in those days would think to take more than a fair share right ? I can remember stuff like that, but not as fine as what your talking about. Sounds like you found a happening place. Thanks for sharing bro.

smoke in peace
no its wasnt like today people had sense back then. wasnt any need of trying to be greedy, he was there every friday-saturday rain or shine... back in them days weed seemed to last longer, guess because i didnt smoke that much back then or i smoke to much now!!!!

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