Benefits of cutting down on cigs by smoking MJ! :D

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i guess that we all want that cool jacket :D what better gift can it be than to give it to a fellow non-American grower as a souvenir from a fellow American grower...

I was looking at how much I am consuming MJ and cigs now, and i think that it will require me up to 4 grams per day of weed to fully supplement cigs. I feel that growing this quantity consistently, will be the hardest part and i feel that if i had this much to smoke regularly for 3-4months, that i will quite easily quit cigs. i might be wrong but i have passed a couple of days where the only tobacco that i smoked was that little bit that i add to the joints, and i have not felt any withdrawals. whenever i feel like smoking, i would always rather smoke weed, i never crave the cig by itself, i crave the smoking and i would easily choose a joint over a cig any time. i am currently cloning and speeding up everything to get this much and more. put up an 800w system with 180w of flurescent tubes and 180w of cfl. with the timing of the cloning and transplant, i will be able to harvest the full 800w every 8 weeks for 10 weeks strains and can easily get to 7 or even 6 weeks. i will stop growing for a couple of months in mid summer if i could and still have way more than i need...
Am i the first one to try this? to quit cigs by smoking weed? does it sound wrong, or weird or anything why i shouldn't be trying this? i don't know what the hell happened to me, but lately like since i've turned 33 or so, i feel like i can smoke up an oz and still not have anxiety paranoia or any negative feeling that i previously had. it makes sense to me to at least try this :) i am quite high atm and enjoying it. cheers
good for you zem!

i quit tobacco in my late 30's by having a hit of my first home grown everytime i craved it.....has been many years and i have never relapsed since because I KNEW i had already quit!

stop with the tobacco laced weed already,......your better than that!

Good luck :)

just yesterday, i rolled a pure mj joint with noo tobacco, i had to keep sparking it with the lighter i felt like i burned out 2/3 with the lighter and 1/3 by inhaling. it burns so much better with just a very little amount of tobacco. my weed is properly cured, not humid at all... i will have to find a way to make more smokeable pure mj joints
keep it up Zem, we are pulling for you.. Smoke all the pot you need to.. really. good luck.
The fighting for that breath that kepts us alive is the worst.I quit last Feb. cold turkey after 23yrs of camels and newports and was not as bad as I thought,was bit of an a-hole first week and smoked more herb,but what a great trade.Its more a head game as is most things,but you can do it make this your feb. to quit!! and they do smell so awful now. PS your paying some rich *** people to kill you slowly,so you can pay more rich *** people to kept you alive to pay some more.That thought helped me as much as anything.
thanks Rose, i am trying to produce all the pot that i want to smoke, the 2x 400w will do much better than 1x400
Obsessed, that makes a lot of sense to me.
IQof420 that is very encouraging. in fact, i feel that all i need now to do it is enough weed.

I would like to get some ideas on how you roll pure mj joints that burn well without having to keep lighting them up, because really, this sparking up of the weed with a lighter is burning away most of it. i maybe rolling them too thin? too tight? any ideas?
If your lighting it and it's burning all away I'd say too loose. I would get one of those rolling hammocks and pre roll a pack of 1 papers as fat and tight as a smoke.

I'm guessing you can be medicating all day and it's ok? I'm medical and can not do that I was fired already over MMJ a Custumer called in and said I smelled like pot and the company let me go over another reason that is the " it's not you it's me" of the industry I work in line. So not everyone is on the same page.
Last time I quit smoking I gained 40 LBS .
If I switched I'd smoke 25-35 joints a day I'd be ripped and build a crazy tolerance

Good luck on your journey ZEM positive vibes keep us posted
If your lighting it and it's burning all away I'd say too loose. I would get one of those rolling hammocks and pre roll a pack of 1 papers as fat and tight as a smoke.

I'm guessing you can be medicating all day and it's ok? I'm medical and can not do that I was fired already over MMJ a Custumer called in and said I smelled like pot and the company let me go over another reason that is the " it's not you it's me" of the industry I work in line. So not everyone is on the same page.
Last time I quit smoking I gained 40 LBS .
If I switched I'd smoke 25-35 joints a day I'd be ripped and build a crazy tolerance

Good luck on your journey ZEM positive vibes keep us posted

that sucks Stank. an employee could use edibles instead of smoking. i am not an employee, will never be, even if i had to live in poverty, which thank God i don't have to so far. it is best if one can be self employed, own a business or a job, where he calls the shots and manages his life. i have tried several things some were unsuccessful some were average, and my current line of work (waterproofing and renovation jobs) is gaining momentum slowly, and i have plans for the near future, to build a commercial greenhouse. it is very hard to be a self made entrepreneur, but it is way way harder for me to go work like all week long with duties that i don't want to do, and that ugly single boss with menopausal syndrome criticizing everyone, etc..etc.. and in the end, get paid a salary that will barely get me by till the end of the month, not because the company cannot afford to pay me more, but because they can find another person who will work at the same wage, supply and demand and the employee is but another product that they buy and sell. that;s how i see it anyway... i am very high ATM and i missed the main topic by a thousand miles..wooo
I stopped smoking after my Heart Surgery and never looked back,,scares the hell outta me just thinking about a cig. OH and I feel great.Had Surgery in July of 2013.
Zem you can do it. this has got me wanting to stop. i am up to 3 pks a day and i roll my own pipe tobacco. it,s **** to wake up in the morning an cough for the 1st hr. at 57 and just a few left i gave up .now after looking at this post i thank i will try agen and need to kick the beer too for me
I gave up tobacco and got through the cravings by blazing my vape all day
I have to set new plans, I am still consuming more than I am producing, and when I looked at my harvest, with my current consumption, it will last no more than 40 days, my 70 day plants are on day 12 or so in flowering. once i get to 100% perpetual flowering under 2x400w, I will be oversupplied and can even take a break every now and then from the flowering. I am smoking like 2 tobacco cigs every day, add like 2 cigs to mix some with my joints, so it's 4 cigs/day, and about 3 grams of mj. I will have to lower that to 2 grams and not increase the tobacco. my plan to do that is by changing the way that I smoke my weed, I will smoke bigger doses less frequently, like bigger joints, once I get stoned, it takes me many hours before I think of smoking anything again, however with those tiny slim joints, I would smoke more frequently, get less high, but consume more weed all in all. I don't know if that is a good plan, but I have to find a way that I can for once harvest at ripening and not have to go cutting early bud, because this is reason number 1 why the production is not keeping up with consumption, and I don't want to have to cut mj because I will smoke more tobacco then. My plan is to get my grow giving me all the supply that I need so that I remove the tobacco completely for several months, then I could much easier cut the mj, which I have done countless times with no problems. I hope that I get there soon
i remember quite well from the school days, when i first started smoking, and smelling smokers, how much it stinks. i still cannot sit indoor with smokers, i open up windows wide when i smoke and i only smoke in my private room or outdoors. when i smoked more, i would sleep in freezing weather with open windows just to air my bedroom where i smoke. i remember my mom used to go crazy when she saw how many tops i was wearing in bed, but i knew it was better than sleeping with smoke filled air inhaled all night

I smoked for years Newport/Marb Menthol's then I got shot in my lung nad seen what was in there from smoking and just stopped smoking butts cold turkey and just use mj never looked back.

But having a kid around is a good motivational factor if you think of how bad you must smell to a new nose.

Good Luck on the harvest wish you the best of luck kicking the tobacco :aok:
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thanks N.E.W :)
another benefit that i get from mj, and i just remembered that because it just happened, I woke up before dawn, and had a coffee, then i for some reason wanted another, after that much caffeine on an empty stomach, i had that tooth grinding thing that occasionally happens, but it was bad, i was grinding harder than before, i just made me a good joint and it worked great and instantly. with so much grinding, one can damage his teeth or entire jaw, not that it was ever that bad for me, but being high and happy sure feels better
ya i do the grinding to but mines in my sleep due to sleep apnea
I smoked for 34 1/2 years....quit 12/12/12. I will have to say that yes, weed did help fill in the gaps for the first few days, now I don't touch anything that has nicotine in it. I don't miss smoking and it almost seems foreign to see pic's of me when I was smoking....just looks weird :48:. Congrats on kicking the habit, not an easy thing to do.
I DO NOT miss Ciggs ,,,nor do i ever even have a desire fir them. One word,,,,FEAR,,,the idea of Having open heart surgery again makes them basterds off limits and disgusting.
I Cant stand the smell of Ciggs at all. Hang in there,,you will feel much better without them.
I walk almost everyday with no pain or problems anymore. Hell i feel good when i exercise. Ive been giving a second chance,,and i am not gonna screw it up.
3 years on, I am glad to say that I am not smoking cigarettes at all, however I am still buying a pack of 40 g rolling tobacco every month. . I am however not liking the taste and the feel of marijuana smoke alone, it burns very slow and is a pain to keep going without burning it on and on with the lighter ,is all in all not as enjoyable TO ME as lacing it with tad bit of high grade rolling tobacco that keeps it going more steadily and makes the feel more smoky and less airy. My weed is very well cured and tastes great. I was able to beat the nicotine drug now I have no idea how to rid me of that little bit of tobacco that I still consume. I have vapes and pipes, I just prefer my burning joints. I will have to figure this one out but I will give it some more time. I am very pleased from myself for what I have achieved so far, my home is smoke free and my clothes my surroundings are now clean and I can no more stand the smell of a fag, I know by now that I cannot go back to them. Please do not stone me mp community for that little bit of tobacco in my joints, take into account that I am in my mid 30's and still learning lol
Zem I smoked cigs longer than U been alive !-- I guess I'm a purest because I wouldn't want tobacco in my weed !-- I quit smoking cigs 5-6-7 years ago-- I don't remember!-- I still have a nicotine habit but I changed my delivery system !-- I use an e-cig these days !-- It pleases me !
I use a VG base and I got my favorite brand of juice but I got a gallon of food grade VG and can make my own juice and about to quit buying it and switch to my own !