Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

  • 4:20 east

  • 4:20 central

  • 4:20 on every hour

  • other

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Here have some of this SM.... :bong1: looks like we closed down the club tonite :D
Good Morning BHC :ciao:

Raining and 52f.

BIU BHC :bong2::bong2::bong2:
Good morning Duck...:bong: and pass:bong1: Hows you candy grow?
HI :ciao: 4u2sm0ke

I just started my candy grow. Been so busy here and I just kept forgetting to plant it but I got it planted now. Hoping for a repeat of last year and get a mini bud.
UKgirl420 said:
goodmorning bhc ,

mom that dog was so freakin funny :rofl:

Should I use it as my av? I am kinda partial to sexy Elvira tho. :hubba:

Maybe after Halloween. ;)
Grow baby grow...but first lets hit this :bong1:


Sugar 4u candy grow:lama:
practicing for the :20 :bong2::bong2: pass to the next member:bong1:
Good mornin'! SM, keep Elvira. The dog is cute, but I loooove Elvira, lol
p-dude, f-ball is played on sundays, mondays and some thursdays, but I am not talking about it.
I trimmed more white widow last night. Half of the big tops have turned purple. Sooo pretty.
:ciao: im a sit this one out..Im :stoned:
:yay: Doc said "everything looks good and all blood test normal." :rant: Time to start moving again Mom ready to be back at the farm. 1 room to paint and the whole house is painted inside. That will be my game plan next week.

4u hit that :bong1: quit being a West coast wimp:p

SM stay with a av with a rack:hubba:

Rain just started here so it's offical it's BIU Friday:yay:

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