Biggest plant of the year contest

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Looking good Eyes. Maybe kinda thirsty? But then, I got water on my brain right now.
Very nice EYES....looks thirsty though....
Yeah I love this forum to show of our girls and show how they are progressing. Outdoors is the best ffun i can have !
4u2sm0ke said:
thanks Benny...yes organic grower...and that is my house as well..own a few right here..Is why not not worried...untill Last Monday..woke at 9am to a chainsaw in back of woods:doh: they was clearing the land on the otherside of wetland..i was so freaked..never seen the house on the otherside untill now...then a bubch of young men cleaning up the almost certain he seen them..and been so paranoid this week i think my mind was messing with me..I swear i came home the otherday and seen three dark oodies running the the wetland..was really starting to freak now..but after settleing down..I went and did some tracking..( this is where me hunting skills came in ) and relized the landscape was no disturbed..I had some parranoia last summer..but i only had 1 plant and she was in container..well anyway..i figure ill let it go and see..if i relize i am beeing watched. My girlfriend and i decided to recruit them..maybe if i allow them to help and get some they wont take it all..i know they wont get my Mother plat she is in cage..and dam..these things arent little:giggle: also moved all my container grows to otherside of house..those would be easy takein..esspecially my massbucket...she is looking great...pop over to massprduccers coco thread..she is showing a lot of purple..ok i need to smoke my bong now
i think you'll be alright man.. i mean, you'll hear the chainsaws start up if they come to steal any ;) ..heck, you'll probably only find remnants of shoes and pants anyway, after your monsters eat the theifs lol
no children or dogs gone missing in your area yet? :p
Put some ornaments on that girl, Eyes. It's a spruce tree, lol. I agree, it does look thirsty. If getting to her often enough to water is hard, try mulching the soil around her. It will hold the moisture in better. Looking good.
How about this,
It's not the tallest, it's not the widest, and it certainly not gonna be the biggest yielder.
But it's plenty old. I started this plant from seed in November 07. It's a NL I started in a 1.5 inch rockwool cube (it's one of three that would'nt fit in my hydro set-up) As soon as it sprouted I put it in a 8oz. styrofoam cup (the other two did'nt make it) and left it in the south facing window of my dinning room with no supplemental lighting. I left it in the styrofoam cup untill this past july 4, now it's in a 8 in. pot, and I've pinched it a couple times.
So if nothing else it's a survivor.

yard & garden 047.jpg
Cubby, you should see how long you can keep her going. Remember, these plants are perennials and will reveg from the roots if it all goes bad up top. LMAO, just kidding about the roots. Do you have plans for it?
420benny said:
Cubby, you should see how long you can keep her going. Remember, these plants are perennials and will reveg from the roots if it all goes bad up top. LMAO, just kidding about the roots. Do you have plans for it?

I guess I'll do the same as last year. When the growing season winds down I'll just trim off any buddage and bring it back in the kitchen where it will sit under a florescent light 24/7 and get pinched back on occassion.I stop feeding it in Oct.;) I had one that was 4 yrs old but lost it in a kitchen grease fire. That one neve got more than a foot tall, I use them as center pieces on my picknick table. You'd be suprised how many people sit right in front of it and have no idea what it is.
i hope to keep my mom as long as i can by keepin her bonzai. does it have that bond wit you after this long cubby. i mean like the bond where ya so use to it bein around an a part of everyday wit you and ya'd actually prolly feel off balance if it died or wat have ya? lol

anyone ever have any emotional attachments wit their plants ? :rofl:
good work keepin her goin 4 so long tho cub.

i have a concern involvin my frog guys/gals.
below is a pic of it .
if i didnt know any better i would definately say that its a pic of a bud thats in reveg, NO?
cuz my other plants i revegged teh buds i left on them started lookin EXACTLY like this.
i been wonderin why they been all looin so whimsy and airy. actually airy isnt the word. the buds look almost as tho they was grown undr a flashlight LOL.

but newho, i have herd form few people, that too much N in the ferts and feedin schedule dose etc could send a flowering plant into reveg.

anyone have any ideas, thoughts comments etc on the way the bud shot below looks.
im worried for my poor frog here now LOL
no emotional attachment here zip. we call a male by its name; junk. they get the chop immediately. no if's, and's , or but's. see ya...

had to drop from the competition. my entry turned male at around 9.5 foot.:eek: :eek: ... kerr-chhoppp...

it would have soared over the top of my house trailer if i would have let it go. i had to tie it down so no one seen it , like the pretty meter maid thats been snooping around. she comes same time, same day each month, so i watch for her, and just as shes about to the meter, i let my dogs out in the kennel. they go crazy barking, and growling, and she reads the meter , and scrams quick.;) .

caught her trying to peer through my privacy fence one day. nosy little so, and so. i posted the fence with GUARD DOG signs. that did the job.

another reason why our OD grows will end this season...

4u2> i hear commotion out back, i bust a cap out back door, and no more commotion.;) . they will skidaddle away quickly. no one likes to pick #6 shot out of thier hiney...

hmmm, just past 4:20 AM. biu?:hubba: :D :cool: ...

good luck on the biggest, bestest. i know what i'm smoking.:D :cool: ...
Just a couple pics..My parranoia has passed for now..My buddy from Portland came up..saida few things that made sence..

1. if an Adult had seen them the cops woulda been by...

2. if its kids they they will be back a few time to watch it...

so with that I made some booby traps to see who is moveing about close to the fence...As for Capping the behind..No then cops come and ill be in all sorts trouble..But i am a great shot with my sling shot:aok: a wounded leg would not kill but leave a Mark:rofl: plus they wont know where in came besides I have way more then enough..Im willing to share. Sorry to here of the male irish...good luck on that KULT grow:D okay everone have a gresat weekend


zipflip said:
i hope to keep my mom as long as i can by keepin her bonzai. does it have that bond wit you after this long cubby. i mean like the bond where ya so use to it bein around an a part of everyday wit you and ya'd actually prolly feel off balance if it died or wat have ya? lol

anyone ever have any emotional attachments wit their plants ? :rofl:
good work keepin her goin 4 so long tho cub.

i have a concern involvin my frog guys/gals.
below is a pic of it .
if i didnt know any better i would definately say that its a pic of a bud thats in reveg, NO?
cuz my other plants i revegged teh buds i left on them started lookin EXACTLY like this.
i been wonderin why they been all looin so whimsy and airy. actually airy isnt the word. the buds look almost as tho they was grown undr a flashlight LOL.

but newho, i have herd form few people, that too much N in the ferts and feedin schedule dose etc could send a flowering plant into reveg.

anyone have any ideas, thoughts comments etc on the way the bud shot below looks.
im worried for my poor frog here now LOL

I don't know if I'd go so far as say I have an attachment to my plants but I certainly enjoy having plants around the house. Aside from my MJ grow I also have hundreds of troplical house plants. I don't know how I got to this point. I bought a couple when I stoped driving truck over the road, then when I'd be at someones house and see one I did'nt have I'd ask for a cutting, then people started giving me sick plants to save, the next thing I know my house had plants in every room.
The little boonsai MJ just looks cool. I'm thinking that come fall I'll have to clip it back a little anyway, I might as well take the opportunity to clone it. I'll end up with a bunch of little NLs all over the place.
Take care and keep it green.
I might as well take the opportunity to clone it. I'll end up with a bunch of little NLs all over the place.
Take care and keep it green.
i did that wit my bonzai and now i cant stop takin clones. and if i aint got but a few inches room for plants then i grow it small til i get room to put in bigger pot.
i just cant bare to just throw away any trimmings off her that i feel could someday give me at leats a few good bowls of good bud :hubba: lol

anyone have any thoughts/opinions on the last pic i posted of the bud off my frog?
i truly feel that wit not knowin teh strain an asumin it sativa an gonna take longer to flower i may have carried on wit too much nutes thus forcin her to reveg form too much N maybe :confused2: idk but that last pic sure as hek looks to me like a bud thats been reveggin for week or so imo and from wat ive seen wit my lil reveg exp even.

she was started from seed maybe week veg after sprout and i p[ut her in 12/12 pretty much at see then i guess. and that was 9-9.5 weeks ago i believe or 10 maybe idk for sure.
been actually flowering flowering for only bout 6 weeks i wanna say since signs of flowers/sex
just started her on the ripening mix according to the GH flora nova keep it simple drain to waste chart.
and also prior to her repotting other week i was givin her water every other day if not every day and alternated water one and water/nutes the next, then water/molasses, then plain water then nutes then... was the schedule she was on week n half ago. but you all saw the small pot she was in before lol

she's definately a more sative pure or at leats very dominant anyway. so i have no knowledge of how these gnarly sativas grow as far as time wise and how they look as they fill in the buds etc..

how bout you benny,? i notice you obviously dig ya sativas. does she look fine or a tad off beat form the bud shot above?

im crossin my fingers she not reveggin tho. but if she is i may as well chop her top half and continue her in veg cab and at least get couple clones off her maybe and grow them ones right, as this is another lucky bagseed girl that hasnt shown any sign of hermism yet (knock on wood) LOL

i kinda like the thought of havin a more pure sativa on tap as far as mom for clones.
i prefer the sativa high over the indi high anyday personally. :hubba:
thanks in advance guys.

and, 4U2, outta all the yards and gardens ive seen on here this year, for some reason your yard just makes me .. for sum reason im just in love wit it all man.

one day i'll have a more secluded home wit a bigger yard etc and im gonna build a moat round my property :hubba: lol and stick some 3-6 foot alligator gar in there to ward off any people tryin to jump my river or swimmmin it lol.
Howdy! zip, it looks to be revegging to me. The spaces between buds with fresh looking stalks is the key. Just for grins, cut some buds off halfway, some more, some less just to see where the new growth comes from. Just watch the trichs and the stretching and chop when needed. I am pretty sure that if you cut the whole bud off, there won't be any growth at that spot. Sativa benny out! Hey, check my gj. Today is a very good day. Help me name my new indica friend. I just transplanted the clone and she is very ind. dom. I am so excited, I need to do the Happy Dance.:yay: :yay: :yay: :bong1: :bong1: :ccc: :ccc: :tokie: :joint: :joint: I am sharing my Lil Bertha for the next hour. Then it's somebody else's turn.:
edit: I couldn't post because I used 11 images and the limit is 10. Well, I never knew that. I bet 4u has hit the limit. Yup, I do.
that aches my poor lil heart now benny LOL
im almost dead positive thats exactly wat shes doin for sure too just i had to reach out an get a second knowledgable heads up on it all.
ive always herd that too much N can cause a girl to go reveggin on ya in middle of flowering but never thought it'd happen that easily tho.
i mean i never even had any nute burn on her showin signs of any over fert of N so i was assumin that so lon as... that its all cool. but i guess not. again i live , i learn.. LOL

Just for grins, cut some buds off halfway, some more, some less just to see where the new growth comes from.
:huh: well wat my plans were was when she was done an time for harvest i was gonna leave a bit left an reveg her for couple clones. but i think she musta read my mind and got too anxious to wait for reveg time LOL
stupid B.... lmao. jk
shh i think she herd me. :eek: :angrywife: :rofl:

but why not just chop all that i would chopped off anyway when harvest came> and reveg her in 24 hr lightin in veg cab? or is that wat ya was sayin sorta? idk man im so stoned right now. lol
i cracked one the jarrs thats been callin my name now for over a week and oh my is she sweet!

idk but her trich's now are sittin at bout still 5-10%amber the rest cloudy so either way she'll throw a buzz imo. only they really not much for buddage on her tho. im prolly just gonna have to make some iso-oil out it or somethin. i think that'd be a nice treat for me :hubba:

Hey, check my gj. Today is a very good day.
on my way over now :bolt: :woohoo:
I think you need to leave 1/3 of all vegetation for revegging to be successful. I have lost a few by being greedy and chopping almost all the buds off. I take the top 2/3rds now. It makes for a shorter plant and the lowest buds don't hurt as much to leave on. They are usually the least desirable anyway.
oh, i've revegged before successfully so i am aware of wat do there. i was just lil confused wit the reason as to why ya said to clip the buds in half etc..
when i revegged my bonzai's the 2 i put outdoors to go 2nd round and are just goin flippin nuts out there. i cant wait so long weather permitting...
but i kept one inside as a mom/bonzai and have been takin clones for every plant i got goin on now in flower and veg :hubba:
but thats wat i did. liek you said. i just left the lower skimpy worthless buds and as many fans as i couls leave. and just hit wit veg nutes and popped bak into 24hr lighting and root trimmed after 3 qweeks and now got my bonzai:)
figure i'll do the same wit the frog. at leats i can keep its legend livin on LOL
but wit all the seeds and the nothing to her buds but lil single blade leaves LOL i think an oil is best use for her. i suppose i can roll a joint wit the shake when im done cleanin out seeds when dry.. either way shes got trich's all over her an stinks somethn fierce too.
i said erlier she smell like pine trees and cat pee. well i think it more like strait up cat pee man. this got to be the stankiest bud i ever smelled in my entire life . honest. lol

bout helpin ya wit a name for ya indi... i aint good wit pikin names bro. sorry. iwanted to name all mine months ago an just never could pik suitable names. so i jsut call them #1, #2, #3 etc etc lol borrin i know.
i was thinkin maybe more long the lines of namin my girls all after porno actresses :hubba: :rofl: wat ya think?
yeah i think im a trim her down tonite and hang her top wig up on a pole LOL to dry. and make oil out her when she dry enuf.
but definately gonna try an keep her for reveg now. i'll updat wit pix later one when teh deed is done. doubt teres actually any buds to trim but i'll knock off as much teh junk garbage im not usin for oil as i can an take a shot .
shame she had to go an do this on me. i guess i know now that if i get clones form her if revegges fine to not give so much N for so long and go wit better pot size for sure LOL
but i never intended for her to be a prize winner of sorts at all. jss i onlyy thru a seed in somethin for giggles and ended up keepin ehr round so no huge loss i guess.
either waay she'l be by my side for now for while til she dies or i kill her i guess :)
im crossin fingers she makes it to reveg fine.

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