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but indoor chems and premixes were far easier to start with until you learn to read the plant
same way im seein it too.

Thanks for taking an interest zip glad to have someone tag along for a grow of mine
you among a couple others inspired me onthis whole bonsai thng just watchin along like i been.
hence eyes also opening to other lights as well watchin others.
took me a lil while but i basically ditched the whole "ooh that makes me nervous" or "idoubt i could do that" etc out the door so its open hiway inmy head now and smooth roads finnally. lol
i look up to all you exp'd alumni growers here an elsewhres.
props man!!
This is the C99 mom i have in flower...just got pollenated a lil with a K2 male....gonna need to stake her branches up soon :eek: Hope the K2 cuts the flower time down but keeps the great toke she is :D Got cuts of both the male and female incase I wanna play around ;)

looks great Mutt:ciao: Love the Angle in the container watching over her..have a great weekend my friend
I must go round with me eyes closed not to see this thread :p
( cheers for the tip off zip )
I've been having the whole "to trim sativa roots or not" discusion with a few people of late so its good to see a respected point of few on it all.
Excellant read and thanx for the info.
I've took a very sat dom and big PP moma from a 11L pot to a 6 inch pot and started to bonsai with no probs but i wasn't aware of the need for a periodical root trim so once again thanx for the info, i'm thinking my moma girl probably well overdue by now lol.

ATB :peace:
thanks for the BM posts interesting stuff
Just a few shots of my non-rootbound plants.all pregnant by a K2 male. :hubba: (i'm a bit of an to see how many phenos pop up) I take a fan put it front of the male and blow it the idea from a peep i chat with uses a dayton blower over his whole outdoor patch. LOL Gonna make seed..make seed dangit :p I then wipe the walls down with bleach water and mist the plants with some water. pollen can cause a mold issue ;)
left to right. K2, C99, JFxC99, Ducksfoot99x(ak47/bubbleberry)
C99 was a bit thirsty :eek:
All organic under 400w metal halide hung vert no hood...had to when dealing with so many different strains with 1 light :eek: should see how i have to arrange them for max light :eek:
I used to grow chem, but the smells and flavor just can't be beat organic IME I ran a test with a bro...took cuttings of a blue mystic. 1 bro grew in MG another pro-mix with chem ferts then mine...flavor was different. I'm all about smell and taste over yeild.
and thought i'd toss up my strain list as well for SnG (poo n giggles :p ).
Blue Mt. Jamacia x Chronic
K2xAfghan Orange
Phunt (gonna be an outdoor only grow for this one..seen OD pics of this beauty..indoors wouldn't do it justice)
Durban Poison (want to make a perpetual OD patch with these..8-10 weeks with very sativa high...will let it seed and try to get a self sustaining patch..just add teas in spring to the patch and top dress)
DF99xJack Flash-Black Domina
mental Floss x AK47
Alibi (can't wait to run this one...hard to get but beautiful)
NYCD autoflower (gona build a micro case and do a seed run then prolly give it away to a friend with muscle atrophy (think its what its called from diabeties says herb reduces his morphine intake by 50%...if it means less off the street or my garden hell yeah :p I don't sell i gift, but dang hard enough keeping me in bud ) I'm just not into autos. plug n play for him tho ;)
Super Silver Haze x Bubbleberry Kush f1
Bubbleberry Kush #10 f3
Sour Desiel x (mental floss x AK47) f1

Clone only: (means all i got left is clones :p)
Blue Mystic, Juicy Fruit x C99, C99 bros grimm F3

After this run K2 x all the ones in the pic as well as a blue mystic.







Greensand. Seen this as a good additive to soil mixes but don't know much about it. like amounts to use, application ect. any info would be great on how to use it in my soil layering. I've used it but not sure i'm doing it right :eek:

Also been looking into some stuff using anaerobic teas which scare the bejesus outa me.
Greensand - This naturally occurring iron-potassium silicate
(also called glauconite) has the consistency of sand but is able
to absorb 10 times more moisture, making it an exceptional soil
conditioner for pastures, forage fields, lawns, orchards, small
fruits, vegetables and greenhouse potting mixes. Greensand
contains potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus
plus as many as 30 other trace minerals.
Jersey Greensand, so-called from its only known place of origin,
New Jersey, was deposited millions of years ago when
the Garden State was still under water. It is mined primarily
for water purification purposes but increasingly more and
more people in agriculture and horticulture are requesting it
for the soil.
Benefits from Greensand are for the most part unexplainable.
If you brought some into an ag science lab and asked
for an analysis, they would most likely tell you the product is
worthless. However, numerous greenhouse trials show that
there is a lot more to it than what you would read on a lab
report. Organic growers have, for years, extolled the virtues
of Greensand without really knowing how or why it has improved
their crops.
One possible explanation is mineralization. Studies have shown
that mineralizing soil can improve the taste, color, nutritional
value and health of various plants as well as the overall health
of the soil. Mineralization also improves soil life by increasing
populations of certain bacteria that can slowly dissolve insoluble
mineral nutrients. Those bacteria eventually cycle themselves
into organic matter that further increases populations of many
other varieties of beneficial microorganisms.
Greensand has the consistency of sand with a density of approximately
90# per cubic foot (very heavy). It flows like
sand and can be applied through any type of spreader, seeder
or drill. It can hold one third its weight in water and has the
ability to open tight soils and bind loose soils.
Application rates vary depending on soil conditions and intended
use. As a soil conditioner, applications of 25#/1000 ft2 (or
1000#/acre) are recommended. To correct potash deficient soils,
anywhere from 20# to 100#/1000 ft2 (or 800# to 4000#/acre)
would be applied, depending on the extent of the deficiency.
NOTE: Greensand is a slow release insoluble source of potash
and trace elements. If there is an immediate need for available
potash, it is suggested that Greensand Plus (a combination
of Greensand and Natural Sulfate of Potash with 17 percent
soluble potash) or Natural Sulfate of Potash (contains 52 percent
soluble potash) be used.

The way I see it, greensand is VERY long term slow release (and low 3%) trace exotic goodness...not at all necessary, but good safe source of K which is not as easy as N to get. I supplement K with Kmag (langbeinite), kelp, molasses and ash.

As always, I like small amounts of as many sources as possible.

When breaking up soil for drainage, I use greensand and things like that in place of perlite or sand which adds nothing as far as plant or microbial food. As you know, root space is very valuable indoor. ;)

Nice Mystic. :holysheep:
wat about usin plain riversand like on small river sandbars/beaches ? does/would this have any value in mixing soils?
idk but this year i put out total of 5 plants outdoors and 2 of the 5 in area that was pretty much nothin but sand and just mixed it half the native sand and my own soil mix and them two seem to be doin much better than all the others.
in my soil mix was recycled soil form last grow an males form this which i flushed in a big rubber tub outside. mixed wit bl;ood bone and kelp meal powder egg shells and dol. lime wit few tsp's of epsom salts per hole dug per plant.
maybe i could benefit from takin sum the washed out river sand home an mixin wit my soil mix for indoors....?
Got that and also got a bag of epsoma bio-tone...looked great as an additive too.

Bio-tone® Starter is an all natural plant food enhanced with biostimulants and beneficial bacteria. This proprietary formula works naturally within the soil to help plants establish fast, withstand environmental stress, promote deeper roots & better blooms, and improve soil structure.

Contains 5,678,685 colony forming units (CFU’s) per lb. of bacillus proven to enhance plant growth - 378,579 CFU’s per lb. of 15 different species


Sand is not a bad additive just don't get carried away with it ;)
soil mix seems to be doin good :D
1 gallon of potting soil evergreen brand and some homegrown compost
1/4 cup of blood meal
1/4 cup of bone meal
1/2 cup of greensand
1/3 cup of bio-tone
1/4 cup of lime
2 cups of vermiculite
5-6 cups of perlite

NYCD Auto F2, K2 female, Juicy Fruit x C99, and a macro of BBK #10 F3 for elephant man...he loves them baby pictures :p
as well as my fav K2 fem which the mom in veg is a clone of her ;) she has a ways to go :D for bein pregnant :eek:
I see a potential clone poppin up on the K2 for a friend :hubba: he did say the smell of it gave him chills :p
will pst some bud shots of the BM bonsai tomorrow :D

(edit: rule #1...don't let anyone know you grow.....
my grower friendships have been going on for over 10 yrs. when i say for a friend it does not in any way say its a good circle doesn't deal, get into trouble or break the law in any way shape or form...except to grow something extra in the mater patch ;) and we are all older and should know better just too young to give a crap :p we won't turn on each other and after 10 yrs its been proven...but for newbs don't do it. keep it quiet.)





How can you get such a big plant to grow out of that tiny pot? It looks more like a plate than a pot. Very impressive.
Mutt I'm sorry I have not been following this from the beginning. Great info. I have 1 ingredient in my soil mix that I never...I mean never told anyone about. Greensand. I have unlimited access to as much as I want. I started mixing my own soil after reading subcool's mix. It started me on the road to organics, and I have never looked back. Very little problems with nutes, veg, flower, or cloning. I've been running a test of my own with different micro organisms. Running EM, Sannie's bacto, and great white.
Elephant man mentioned that subcools supersecretsoil mix doesn't have much K in it. Sounds like the greensand fixed that for you. ;)
Also may want to check out some of -REv's soil mixes as well..maybe find your own blend from both that works.
Most of mine came from a couple of organic gurus that guided me along the way to using stuff on hand.

K is the hardest one to get for me. I got some 0-0-60 but hoping the greensand and espoma bio-tone take care of it...if not wil bust out the 0-0-60 LOL
its muriate of potash or sumit. LOL only thing i could find around here...kelp and others harder to find. The Espoma bio has kelp n it so figured i may be alright.
Doc posted a great recipe for muriate of potash. I tried it and I like it. Made a huge difference when I flowered out that sour banana kush.
Could try corn cob, cantaloupe or cucumber skin ash....just make sure whatever you use is very high in K because it's gonna be alkaline and you won't want to add much. ;)
Just really curious on the 0-0-60. I got 10 lbs of the stuff LOL could last me decades :p

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