Bummer i broke my hand

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2008
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So heres the story. cuz i cant stop thinking about the pain. and i cant drive my manual car.

I have severe ptsd from iraq. and I was haveing a nightmare i guess. I dont remember. but i started hitting my head board. Which is made of square metal rods. And ended up breaking my nuckle and spitting the first digit. on my GD right hand so im completely useless.

damn it hurts :cry: :cry:
Ouch. I broke my left hand (got my *** kicked in a fight against a monster more than 100 lbs bigger than me in high school) more than 30 years ago. It hurt like a mf for months. I didn't go to the doctor. So I can commiserate with you some. Hang in there. Presuming your an American, I hope you live in a state where you can get medical marijuana.
OUCH! Sorry about your hand. I hope you're able to get some pain relief soon.
unfortunatley i dont live ina a med state. i have to convince my wife to let me get some cuz were kind of broke. but the doc gave me meloxicam (?) for pain and it doesnt help of course.
Exarmy said:
unfortunatley i dont live ina a med state. i have to convince my wife to let me get some cuz were kind of broke. but the doc gave me meloxicam (?) for pain and it doesnt help of course.

Definitely do some ice packs, but maybe you're doing that already. I had a high-side on a moto ten years ago and landed on both my hands, broke them both. You can't get some Vicodon from the doc? The extra-strength stuff works for me (especially w/a beer ;) ) but YMMV.

Hope you heal soon! Took a long time (2 months) for me to heal , but the younger you are the quicker that happens!
melixocam wont deal with the pain ,,they are an anti inflamotary ,,,

but coupled with codine will work wonders :D

hope the mj takes the pain away :peace:
bummer dude... i got a buddy in Iraq right now, combat medic.
I punched a window after a fifth of patron few years ago when i was in a bad relationship. shaved off a small bit of my knuckle and had to get surgery to reattach the tendon... i wished it was just broken.. lost a security job i had just gotten and couldn't flip anyone off for months..
anyhow, get well soon :48:
Gotta be positive and look on the bright side when stuff like that happens.
Cause you could be single. With the car not being the only thing you couldnt shift into gear.
Oh man day two is horrible. The meloxicam doesnt really help. Im going to go to talk to my pcm tommorow and see if he can get me something stronger. I appreciate all yalls support. You know what worse than not being able to drive or wipe my arse or write, is the pain being a constant reminder of me ptsd and Iraq.

Im going to try everything I can to get to a medical state. When the wifey and I move in a year. Im praying that its cali.

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