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Florida -- poss less than 20 gms --- misdemeanor 1st degree
poss more than 20 gms Felony

ANY cultivation is felony
25+ plants Min Mand. 15 yrs, if children in home add another 10 yrs Min Mand, and if a gun in the home add another 10 yrs Min Mand

fla doesnt play.
Sherwood, no disrespect but insisting it not being a felony b/c first offence does nothing. do you really think the prosecution would listen? a prosecuter rarely has compassion and regardless of being a first timer their offers are based upon the evidence they have and validity of warrant. if the warrant was legal and then your at the mercy of your defense attny.

im not sure about Pa but in fla if its your first time and you are not near the 25 plant limit and no weapons or children in the house then you may not get much jail time but definitly several years of probation including treatment. probation cost of supervision fees were $30 per month 8 yrs ago and treatment was $75 per session. dont dare get any other criminal charges while on probation b/c that violation could land you in jail for the remainder of your suspended sentence.

good luck, dont rely on a public defender. hire an attny found through NORML.
It will be plead out to a lesser charge, so who really cares of the legalities. 4 plants for personal use is not their idea of a huge drug dealer. They would rather save the money of a trial and put you in the system at your own expense (probation). Then they will hope for you to violate and trust me they can find a reason if you do not play by their rules. What the hell is your wife on paper for anyways?
Killuminati420 said:
seriously...i hate the US theyve got very ignorant evil rulers and would rather kill of their people with cigerettes and alcohol rather than medicate em

I know I should just chalk this post up to an overabundance of ignorance, but sometimes ignorance must be confronted.
First off, I don't know where your'e from, but the U.S. dose'nt have "RULERS". We have elected officials. The quality of these elected officials is directly attributable to the qaulity and involvement of the voting populace. If objectionable people are elected to office that should be laid squarely at the feet of citizens who, for whatever reason, choose not to be involved in choosing our leaders.
As far as killing people with ciggarettes and alchohol, nobody's being forced to smoke and/or drink. It's a personal choice.
Your ignorance bathed in hatred is nothing more than the mannifestation of your obvious envy. If you look at world wide immagration statistics you will see less people leave the U.S. than any other country, but it is the preefered destination of the overwhelming majority of immagrants from any where on the planet, hands down!!
Why is this? One simple fact, America may not be perfect (no place is), but America is the greatest nation on the face of this planet!!
People the world over crave our music, movies, fashion, and freedom.
American culture is emulated by every free nation in the world, and secretly longed for in the rest.
This sort of America hatred is just plain ignorant. :rolleyes:
People such as yourself will never understand the true beuty of America. It isn't the materalistic things, nor is it the physical landscape, it's OPPORTUNITY, yes opportunity. We often talk about equality, but eqaulity is a myth. No true free person can respect state ordered eqaulity. Every day I wake up I have the "opportunity" to prove not that I'm eqaul to my fellow citizens but rather, I'm superior. I recognise this is an unattainable goal, but in America I have the right and "opportunity" to strive to be a better man than I was yesterday.
No other nation is qaulified to hold themselves our eqaul.
I have been in some legal hot water before and just hearing about this makes me sick to my stomach. I feel for you brother I've been there and it sucks big time. There is no feeling worse than not knowing, especially when children are involved. We have all made mistakes but how many mistakes you make are not the measure of a man it's about facing up to the things you've done and learning from them. It pains me to see anybody act like they are better than somebody when we are all one too many beers or one so called friend away from being in their shoes.
bnightclown said:
dude sry to hear it...but in some eastern states it 6 months jail in scho zone.per.1st all she on probation.you got no bizz growing...thy can come once month to your house and llok around.beside thy drug test you on probation.JUst face the facts buddy...she wants you out the way for another man..maybe she thinks in her dumb *** brain she din't do any thing wrong.but she on probation and you have kids in the house?you get what you deserve.come on man you are the type that give this a bad name.you forgot the rulezz.du it still illegal.even if it was legal i would not grow around my children...just like i would not leave open beers or cigg's for um.but wait.....thats not going to land me in jail!!!still you broje the rules .

Bro,,thats just wrong,,no matter who you are. Best be carefull what ya say. :rolleyes:
bnightclown said:
i may have .but...you are a kid so you don't undetstand.what parents jobs are about so plz ...ther is a diffrence son.and i am not here to fight over other ppls problems anyway.iam here to learn ...so maybe i am on the wrong site...i mean damn such Drama all the time.

Go to Rollitup.org..you'll fit right in.
Never happy when a good person gets popped
Right now your wife is pissed and scared she could have to finish her sentence as well as doing time for the grow
Give her a little time to calm down ,
This should be a lesson to everyone
I hope you don't get reamed too bad
Spend the money and get a good lawyer

ALSO besides being a rat informer that "Friend" is a thief If you knew she steals why would anyone think she would had any moral fiber in regards to anything else.

Watch how someone deals with the rest of the world an realize that you're nobody special ,they do it to you too you, just haven't caught them at it yet

If I sound like I'm whacking on you ,understand that is not my intent
Sherwood, i hope i am.

its just a shame this man has to be going through this.

night clown, wow...kick em when they are down...make toker feel worse than he is....way to go....and you are such a good parent? You are still breaking the law smoking or having pot even if you don`t toke in front of your kids...give him a break...
well guys.. im back.. i went in and was honest with them and cooperated and took the wrapp for myself and saved my wifes *** big time and were back together.. i have to meet with the da sometime next week after i receice a certified letter.... the officer said i would probably sit on $50,000 bail. but i can handle that. county time is cake! its like a high school reunion.. although im going to miss my kids and family very very much. im self employed so i will get out on work release and be able to sneak and see them once in a while so thats a good thing.. im just trying to look at everything positive and keep my head up.. life is too short to sit around and pitty yourself!. so yeah guys, i dont know what the future hold for me. but deff no more indoor grows, thats for shure.. i do have a few spots in the mountians though : ) sorry officer but the man cant keep this boy down!
stides said:
Woah thats harsh bro!!! Damn I would be so paro about growing if thats what would happen!

Well, I had to make a decision about it. I doubt I will ever not smoke, so I had to decide how the least risky way to get it is. To me, it seems I'm more exposed driving out somewhere, going into someone's house who deals (and dealers are known by a bunch of people-that's the nature of their business-and all it takes is someone who knows the dealer getting arrested then snitching to get themselves off lighter, as Dr Toker's friend did) then driving back home with what I've bought in the car.

I purchased my grow setup in a different state, paid cash for it, had my seeds shipped to a different location than my grow place, don't vent smells outside my house, don't have wild parties, will probably grow once a year and NO ONE EXCEPT MY WIFE KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT MY GROW-NO ONE. And as was stated in an earliler post, I fully expect her to deny any knowledge of my activities if I ever get busted. I'm keeping all my buds for my personal use, so I've rationalized that even with the severe penalties in my state for growing, it's still safer for me in the long run than scoring pot from a dealer.

Amateur Grower said:

16,953 other people know ;)

You did the right thing leaving no trace back to you :aok:

Things are looking up dr. and I am sure glad about that. Once again, I feel the need for a sketchy character list thread here. The clown meister makes the top 5 in my book. Anyone on the list does not get help growing here, period. Works for me. Maybe they can start their own growing forum. Call it RDI (Retarded Dumbasses Incorporated!) I made my own list and those on it will not benefit from any of my knowledge. Life's too short to waste it on idiots. Now I am pissed!
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