Drug Test ??? Oldtimers PLEASE HELP!!!

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Herb Jedi
Feb 24, 2009
Reaction score
Hello all, I have been clean for 31 days on the dot today. In this 31 days I have drank at least 6 bottles of water a day, 20oz. a peace. Tons of Cranberry Juice, I took a permanent detox with B12 and all sorts of other things in it, I've been going to the gym and running sweatin for at least 40 mins. I have to take a test tomorrow or the next day. Yesterday I took a shot of straight white vinagar, and drank more water. Is there any way I can still be dirty? Can it be in my system for longer than 30 days? I am 5' 8" 150 wet, hardly any body fat. Should I be good? and is there any last minute things I can do to be sure, I already bought a cheap single panel dip stick to test myself with, is there anything else I should do or should I be good? Please all the help is very appreciated.
i hope so, anyone else believe so or have any tips opinions. Can I still have it in my system after 30 days?
depends on how much u smoke, it does take 30 days mother natures way but if u dont smoke that much not quite as long. if its not a really saftey senstive job like train enginer or truck driver, something like that u shoud be ok. they dont tend to check as deep if not ,so if your stick says your ok go with it
i would like to see some info on MJ only being in your system 30 days, long long time ago i thought same hting did all u did to get clean took the test and failed i told the doctor i hadnt smoked in 30 days he said MJ could stay in your system up to 6 months just depends on the person metabolism, and how much they used it.But i found this organic store down where i lived that sold natural remedys and got this drink called test pure platnum cost 30 bucks for 12 oz, drank it day of the test and passed i even smoked the nite before;)

edit well i just found this online about it so take a look at it

When you ask the question “How long does marijuana stay in your system?” you need to take into account the fact that there is no simple answer to this question. THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) can stay in a person's body for as long as 3 to 90 days after smoking or being ingested orally. There are numerous determining factors for how long drug toxins stay in a persons body which vary from person to person, such as the analytical method used, your health, your body weight, metabolism, fluid intake, the type of drug toxin, and the degree of exposure to the drug toxin.

The speed at which marijuana leaves your body depends both on the speed of your metabolism, as well as on the half life of THC. It’s estimated that THC can have a half life that ranges anywhere from 1-10 days. It’s almost impossible to find out what that half life is, which means that it is very difficult to use it to calculate how long it will take for all of the THC to leave your body.

For this reason, when you ask “How long does marijuana stay in your system?” you have to realize that it’s very unlikely that you’ll be able to get a usable answer. The most common period of time is anywhere from 3-30 days, depending on your metabolism and the amount of marijuana that you’ve smoked. This is unfortunate, since it means that while most drug tests can only turn up evidence of other drugs if you’ve been taking the drug within a few days of the drug test, marijuana could still be detected in a urine test up to a month after the last time it is used. If you smoke it occasionally it will remain in your system for up to 10 days. If you smoke marijuana on a regular basis it will stay in your system for as long as 45 days, and if you smoke marijuana at a constant pace, it can stay in the body for 90 days, Marijuana is fat soluble. It stores in the fat cells of the body, the brain, the liver, the kidneys, in other words the major organs.

Hair tests are even worse, since your body stores THC in the hair follicles. For this reason, the previous answers to “How long does marijuana stay in your system?” are only useful if you’re going to be forced to take a urine test. For the hair test, depending on the amount of hair that the company takes, it’s possible that marijuana could be detected up to three years after the last time that you smoke.
thanks, very discouraging but its true. I smoke everyday all the time forever I'm turnin 20 in a few, and I've smoked every day since I was 10, very heavily too. I don't know. Hopefully I'm clean.
tested, still not clean any suggestions on what to do to get clean?
Well I always get a take home test from Walgreens and take that before the intial test. Anyways, after being in the Marines 4 years, I've found the most foolproof way to pass the test is just dillute yourself with ridculous amounts of water hours before the test. I normally would drink about 2 gallons before testing, and I would piss pure Aquafina when it was time to go in the bottle.
I did the same thing in the military, drank lots of water and it worked everytime. But I don't think they check as good as some company's do. The problem with that is when it's dilluted like that the guy doing the test will see that and they will make you take another one, usually while they watch. Allthough that will give you another week or so to get clean.
Why not the sure fire way...synthetic urine. Pour it in a small bottle, mix with water...stick it in your pants. When you get there pour it out into the cup. It is impossible to fail with synthetic urine. ****, you could even get a wizzinator if they want to watch you pee.
for the military, i'm trying to enlist. it's a lab test i know that but i dont know anything else. i hope i'm clean by then.
Im an old timer and here is what I have to say. If you need your Job to feed a family(DON'T SMOKE) your child is not gonna wanna here your excuses why he or she cant eat!!!,,
If it will send you to jail because of Probation,, and you have a Family(DON"T SMOKE)
look i have to see my probation officer every 3 weeks. i take like 5 ..6 hits. then drink water. and i am always fine. I dont even use a cleaner. just drink water
i agree with cowboy on this one. be careful state jewelry and boarding ain't no joke.
I may not be an expert in the growing part but I am an expert on this part. I was on probation for 4 years. Smoked the whole time passed my DT almost everytime. The times I didnt it was because I pushed it to far.

It takes water 1 hour to travel through your system. Start drinking water 2 hours before your DT. I ussually drank a gallon of water in 1 to 1.5 hours. Before you drop use the public rest room, the goal is to get the "freshest" sample you can give them. I Would test clean with as little as 3 days down time.

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