Dry spots

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Active Member
Oct 22, 2008
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I have lost alot of leaves because they get brown and dry up, but only on spots and only a few leave at a time :S

I have no idea to what it is, as this is only my second homegrown plant.

I would appreciate any useful information :D

Ps. The hair in the "soil picture" is dog hair. it is the white stuff that i find interesting.







CowboyBudsky said:
Looks like Mold to me. Some type of Fungi.
Do you think that it is the problem to the leaves getting damaged?
imnotadog said:
Do you think that it is the problem to the leaves getting damaged?

Its hard to say..Some looked burned,,others look moldy.
You need to give us some more info. What kinda soil,,nutes,,the light situation,,Are you PH your water and so and so forth;) .
Im going to go out on a limb and say all the above look to be problem
Stalks look like they have absolutly no fresh air moving them around,,which also can cause mold. Looks streched,,lack of enough Lumens.
Maybe to much nutes or not enough water.
lights: 36watt flourescent + 150watt hps (only on 10 out of 22 hours, as it breaks otherwise)

Air is not the problem. there is lots of ventilation.

Nutes: i stopped adding them, as i was afraid it was causing all the problemsa. I use clean, non-toxic water.

PH: i have no idea, but i suspect that it is okay as i use clean water?

Soil: just some standard gardening soil.

I water when it is almost dry. Every day

I apprichiate that you take the time to help me ;)
PH: i have no idea, but i suspect that it is okay as i use clean water

If your PH is not right it dont matter about the rest, because you will be locking out much needed nuts and such. PH is VERY VERY important Bro. You must fix that 1st.
CowboyBudsky said:
If your PH is not right it dont matter about the rest, because you will be locking out much needed nuts and such. PH is VERY VERY important Bro. You must fix that 1st.

Do you know an affordable way how to fix the PH? I have been searching around, and a PH meter for soil is quite expensive. I think it would be cheaper to buy my weed of the streets instead.
Are PH strips okay, and how do i regulate the soil?

If im asking dumb, just remember that your dealing with a noob, lol :p
I have a cheap hannah meter it was less than $30 if I remember correctly.
You need tp make sure the water going into your plants is PHed at 6.5, you can do that with the PH test strips. For a long time, I used a liquid ph test kit, cost about 6 buck, but yea, same thing as ph strips, which will work just fine. Nw to see what your soils ph is, saturate the soil with water PHed at 6.5, then wait 20 minutes. Come back and slowly add just a bit more water to the pot, then collect the water that comes out from the bottom of the pot and ph it. This number will be an average between your pots ph and the ph of the water you fed it. For example, if your runoff is 6, and you watered it with 6.5, then your soil is probably at about 5.7 ph. If something like thixs is the case, you can flush dolomite lime through the soil, repot, any number of things, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it...
I picked me up a PH tester at the Lowes by my house for like $20. Its not digital but it gets the job done and lets me check the PH after every watering to make sure I am still within acceptable levels.
blancolighter said:
You need tp make sure the water going into your plants is PHed at 6.5, you can do that with the PH test strips. For a long time, I used a liquid ph test kit, cost about 6 buck, but yea, same thing as ph strips, which will work just fine. Nw to see what your soils ph is, saturate the soil with water PHed at 6.5, then wait 20 minutes. Come back and slowly add just a bit more water to the pot, then collect the water that comes out from the bottom of the pot and ph it. This number will be an average between your pots ph and the ph of the water you fed it. For example, if your runoff is 6, and you watered it with 6.5, then your soil is probably at about 5.7 ph. If something like thixs is the case, you can flush dolomite lime through the soil, repot, any number of things, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it...

:yeahthat: and then just set back and :watchplant:
Do you know an affordable way how to fix the PH?
Mixing some dolomite limestone into your soil helps to stabilize the pH. I add a half cup per cubic foot of soil. Get that right, and the water pH won't matter as much.

So, did they pull through? :)

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