DWC Pre Mix Container.. What do you use?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2007
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Hey everyone.. I got a question for ya.....

I run a DWC system... normally 12 individual buckets with just an air stone running to each... Last couple grows I have been mixing nutes 12 times for water changes in every bucket.....

What I want to know.. is IF you run a system similar to this... Do you mix individual buckets, or do you have a larger container where you can mix your nute solution all at once and then pour or hose into the bucket after you rinse them out.... IF you have a larger container.. What do you use? and Where Can I get 1? 8)..... Mixing up Nutes 12 times kinda sux.. and then when you are adjusting PH and trying to get them all the same.... bleh.... PITA to say the least... Anyway.. just wondering what you all use.:hubba:
What you ask is completely possible and would probabaly be easy to do. Any large cantainer with more room then what you use in all buckets would work. in fact you can prepare a system that autmatically allows water from the reservoir, as it would be if you did this, to the individual buckets. making it even easier for you with not having to transfer the water. otherwise you can use a hose if it is evelated above the buckets you use or a water pump to transfer it easily. also if you wanted to spread the work out youi could even mix the nutes a day or so in advance.
yes its called a resivoir and im sure there are links here. i remember seeing someone use a really big rubbermaid container. probably around 30 gal & had 8 buckets attached to it. good luck.
seems you would need a 55 gal drum for that many buckets.dang that gives me ideas also.
drip system with 23 gal rubbermaid trash can, put blocks under the buckets
for the drain to go back the resov. but come think of it, you runs 3 gals per buckets, 3 time 12 is 36, jeez... find trash can or tank that hold like 40 gallons or little more, wow, that lots of rooms too.. I am thinkin of same thing of my dwc but your setup is different i have 6 in one tank, u know what I mean? that will save my room spaces too..

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