First Grow in Promix, finally got journal up!

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You don't do soil drenches with the neem oil--it is not a systemic. Neem oil (which I really hate) is meant to be sprayed onto the plant. At least, I have never seen a neem oil product that is introduced into the soil and I personally would not use it that way.

While soilless may be close to hydro, it is not hydro. I would expect growth more like a soil plant than a hydro plant.

Something that I noticed on your veg/cloning/mother space plans--32 x 32 is 7.11 sq ft, not 5.33. So your lumens per sq ft is closer to 2250 than 3000.

I think that I would rethink keeping the closet door open all the time for ventilation. You are most likely going to find that that is a PITA and you waste any light that comes through the door and disburses elsewhere.

Be careful of feeding too much at first. They were a bit small to need transplanting. What size pot did you transplant them into?
I put them in 1 gallon smart pots. And the neem oil was 4 bucks, ah well. I was shopping at my local garden store for some stuff for winter and remember hearing it had some use. Live and ya learn! And the tent is 32x32, what I'll most likely do is just leave my 4x2 tent up with tj3 4ft 4 bulb ho t5 for veg and if I keep mothers like I plan I'll build something for them or figure something out. I just need to get these babies back and healthy. They're already bouncing back and growing fast after the transplant. Idk maybe I just had some bomb seeds? Lol. And the closet is actually 8 ft long, 30.5in deep, and the section I would've had for mothers would've been 31in long. But I think a lot is going the change here soon, been talkin with Pup and I might be makin the switch because this area has a low low supplyfor dirt so it sits for a long time, as I've been informed by a reputable source/grower/rep. And no he wasn't selling me stuff..just talking about the lack of good stores around. He's become a friend now as I'm getting free nutes from his company and we went and slung some discs around yesterday at one of our disc golf courses.
And was my math that wrong? 32in=2.66ft and 2.66x2=5.33333? If so I was really high haha. But thanks for the heads up. I'll keep everyone posted. Wheels are 'a turnin! ;)
So here is one idea for you. Lets see if it attaches ok.

hydro schematic10-13.jpg
:yeahthat: Will be in touch with you tomorrow! Been brainstorming and have some ideas to bounce off you. It has to do with the table/30gal setup. Drawing it now will PM you.:hubba: :woohoo: :icon_smile: :watchplant:
Hey everybody, just a little update on the struggle. Mods-rename haha. Found some fungus gnats as you all know, for the ones following this ongoing grow journal? Lol. But seriously, alright I'll quit being high and TRY and get serious.:p So I've had the fan cranked up sucking them out and trapping them in the passive intake screens that I check daily, and kill the 1-2 adults I find. SO, I've been letting the soil dry out to try and prevent egg laying, picked up some more Azamax viles and mixed up a gallon batch and gave each a pint soil drench per the instructions for fungus gnats. (If you read the instructions it says dilute 0.5% in 1 gallon and give 1 pint of mix per 1 gallon of soil) So these pics were right after a soil drench/feeding @ 1/4 strength again of Pure Blend Pro Grow, Cal/Mag, and Liquid Karma-- the Botanicare line. They were very dried out so that's why they're kinda droopy (I think) but we'll be a'findin out in the next few days and see what else is wrong :rolleyes: But I hope you enjoy watching the struggle, this is where the real learning takes place!!!;) Hey, gotta have some bad grows so the good ones feel earned right??? Sure would hate to bust in here and grow stellar plants once or twice then not know what a common deficiency is. The learning curve is REAL LIFE. For all of you that are non believer's look at me. I've read numerous books, studied for QUUUITE some time, and I'm having troubles I never would've guessed. Gotta get wet or dirty to see what Murphy throws a ya :D Enjoy! And as always, open to help. -Smitty





jsmits420 said:
And was my math that wrong? 32in=2.66ft and 2.66x2=5.33333? If so I was really high haha. But thanks for the heads up. I'll keep everyone posted. Wheels are 'a turnin! ;)

Yes, you did make math mistake. This is the way I generally figure sq ft.

33" x 32"=1024. Divide that by 144 (the number of sq inches in a sq ft) and you come up with 7.11.

Where you made the mistake was multiplying 2.66 x 2 rather than multiplying with 2.66. Area of a rectangle or square is found by multiplying the length of 2 adjacent sides.

I do not have a grow store anywhere near me either. I get great soil from Home Depot. However, I do far better at hydro than I do organics. If you go hydro, keep it simply, especially at first. As you have experienced, growing does have a large learning curve. I would go with a simply DWC and hydrotron. It is inexpensive to set up and they work very well.

Don't feed the plants stuff it doesn't need just because you have it. I wouldn't be giving them cal-mag right now--the chances that they are deficient in that is slim at their age. What does the liquid karma do?
Ah yes, that was my mistake. Good catch! And I'll attach pics from just 12 hours after feeding/soil drench. They were a bit thirsty from the last pictures ya think? The kids perked up a lil bit :) I see some hope!:icon_smile:




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