First outdoor grow, yikes.....

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2014
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Good evening to everyone, this is my first post joining this site.

My problem is this;
I have grown indoors on and off for several years and this year I want to try to grow outdoors. My primary reason for this is for better yield.

I live in New England and the outdoor season starts I believe around June 1st And is very short.

My indoor set up is a 4x4 tent with 12 t-5 bulbs for veg and a 5x5 tent with a 600 watt digital and a 1000 watt HPS.
I use pro mix bx and fox farms nutes.

The law states I need a 6 ft. Fence with a lock, i'm thinking a chain link dog run from petco or some like store.
My problem is I have no experience outdoors and no one to ask, neighbors aren't an issue and outdoor space isn't either as I'm only allowed 6 budding at once and have plenty of space out back.

I am thinking of doing the same thing I do indoors but just outside.
I was gonna buy 30 gallon contractor bags, pro mix n start from there, as a I dont want to dig into the ground and chance whatever is in the dirt effecting the plants.

I currently have 6 beautiful Nebula plants by Paradise seeds in veg. I want to use for outside.
They are clones and their mothers are near harvest in the tent, maybe 1/2 weeks left, can post pics. ( there's 1 that literally looks like it was snowed on ).

I'm open to advice and spending some money to achieve my goal isn't an issue either.
Thank you all in advance for your help.

Welcome. First thing is say would be to just read as much on here about outdoor grows and issues that can arise and solutions for those issues. You already grow indoors so you have a leg up. Different I see between the two is indoors you control the environment. Outdoors you don't.
I live in a place with a very short growing season. I can't put anything out until the end of May or the first of June (it was 30 here this morning) and we expect frost anytime after Sept. 1. The grows that I have seen done outdoors here did not do well because we just don't have a long enough growing season--i.e. you could very well harvest less than your indoor grow yields. Just because it is outdoors does not mean that it will produce more. Just like indoors, you have to have the time to let the plant finish.

Part of the issue is that the plant will not even start flowering until after the solstice. And then it is a slow process. The shortening days signals the plant to start flowering. However since it is not an abrupt light change like we have when we grow indoors, it takes the plant substantially longer just to start flowering. If you check out Paradise's info on Nebula, you will see that it shows a mid October harvest time if grown outdoors. Is your growing season that long? When do you usually get your first frost? That, IMO, should be your determining factor.
This years first frost will be 9/28 per what I just looked up.
LOL--I can't believe that they believe that they can predict the first frost 4 months and 3 weeks away. Weather people can't get next weeks forecast right.

I would grow indoors. I don't think they will have time to finish outdoors. How many hours of daylight and how many hours of dark do you have the end of Sept?
Hmmm, i dont know exactly about the hours of light in Sept.
But I can say I am having second thoughts now about growing outside.
People in Maine do grow outside, I know this for a fact.
Maybe I need to ask other Mainers?
How about using autos? I though that was what they were for.
I see you have never grown autos, lol.
There are pros and cons, basically if you have the space and time grow regular seeds.
But, you don't have the time. LOL

I also live in an area where an outdoor grow isn't possible.

I can't imagine (myself) having any desire for autos if I am indoors and have control. However, for an outdoor grow here, autos would be perfect. 12/12 starts in Sept and we have snow in Oct so it's almost impossible to get a mature plant finished before frost or snow. I could get an auto outdoors in June and harvest in Sept or before.

I don't do outdoors but if I did, an auto would be the only way to go.

No, I agree, Sherrwood, no autos. I know that this will offend some, but IMO, autos are for lazy people who don't want to take the time to set up a proper grow site and take care of their plants properly, who don't care about quality or quantity, and don't care if they are weakening the genetics of cannabis--all they care about is fast and easy. Hackman, if you are used to high quality bud (and from your grows it looks like you are) and have been a life-long smoker (like we have), I think you would be very very disappointed in autos.

In addition though, autos really don't do that well outside without 20/4 light or thereabouts. Some do okay, but when 1/2 of your genetics are ditch weed, the resulting bud is just not going to be like photoperiod plants.

How about some fast finishing indicas? You still have time to get them going vegging before the solstice. I smoked some Dynamite a week or so ago that a friend of a friend grew. It was great, a nice late afternoon or evening smoke, relaxing, but did not make me comatose. It shows a 6-7 week flowering period with harvest outdoors the beginning of Oct.
...but when 1/2 of your genetics are ditch weed


So true.

As an indoor grower, I have no desire for autos. If I get one as a freebie, I'll grow it but, I wouldn't order any.

Ditch weed.... LMAO